Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 321 Identity Leaked, Fenyan Valley Comes to the Rescue!

Chapter 321 Identity Leaked, Fenyan Valley Comes to the Rescue!

"What my husband said is very reasonable, Yu'er, Meier, in order to continue the blood of the Xiao clan, you two must work hard..."

As Chen Feng's voice fell, Nalan Yanran also encouraged Xiao Yu and the two of them.

"Continuing the bloodline?"

"Ah... Brother Feng, how are you!"

Xiao Yu also quickly understood the meaning of Chen Feng's words. Under the weird eyes of everyone, she covered her red lips with her bare hands, and let out a coquettish smile.

"Yu'er, let's work hard together!"

Next, Chen Feng didn't say any more nonsense, he directly picked up Xiao Yu's whole body, and then threw him onto the soft couch.

Those provocative snow-white thighs were slender and straight, as thin as willows, and as white as snow. At this moment, they put on an extremely seductive posture, which immediately made Chenfeng's mouth dry.

"one left……"

At this moment, Chen Feng was not in a hurry to taste it, but turned to look at Xiao Mei.

Before Chen Feng could make a move, Xue Ni, Liu Fei and the others stretched out their helping hands and lifted Xiao Yu up.


Soon, Xiao Mei, a delicate person, was stripped into a big white sheep by Xue Ni and others and placed in front of Chenfeng.

Her long hair was floating, and she was kneeling on the soft couch in a special posture.

Between the smooth jade back and the buttocks, there is a thrilling curve.

This kind of scenery, combined with the pair of dazzling white long legs, who can bear it, immediately, Chen Feng took off his robe...

"Brother Feng is very excited today!"

The surrounding Cao Ying, Yun Yun and the others originally wanted to leave the room, but after seeing Chen Feng start exercising, there was a hint of longing in their eyes.


Zhongzhou Northern Territory.

Fenglei Mountain Range, above Thunder Mountain.

The figure of Tianleizi, the master of the North Pavilion, suddenly appeared on the top of the Thunder Mountain, and then quickly flashed to the top of the extremely high silver tower.

"Pavilion Master, Qing'er seems to have followed little friend Chenfeng to the Northwest Continent!"

In the not-so-capable space, Tianleizi reported to Venerable Lei very respectfully.

"It's been almost two months, is Qing'er still planning to come back?"

Hearing this, Venerable Lei didn't have a particularly big reaction, he just asked about Feng Qing'er's return date.

"I don't know about this either. Qing'er hasn't had any contact with us since she stayed in the Han family!"

Tian Leizi shook his head and said.

"It's okay, Qing'er has a special status, even if someone troubles little friend Chenfeng, nothing will happen to her!"

Venerable Lei waved his hands and said, even he should treat the huge race behind Feng Qing'er very respectfully.

"Pavilion Master, this time, I also heard something about little friend Chenfeng!"

Tianleizi spoke slightly hesitantly.

"What's the matter?"

Hearing Tianleizi's tone, Venerable Lei also became interested.

"I heard that some time ago, there was a young man who killed a genius of the Song family in Danyu, Shengdan City... That person is very similar to Xiaoyou Chenfeng. Now, many people have suspected them It's the same person!"

Tianleizi said slowly.

"Oh... Now that there are such rumors, it seems that little friend Chenfeng will be in trouble soon. I wonder if he can handle it!"

Hearing what Tianleizi said, Venerable Lei murmured softly.

If the Danyu Song family knew about this, they would definitely send someone to the Northwest Continent for revenge.

"My lord, what do you think about this matter?"

"The Song family is backed by the Pill Tower, even if we want to take care of it, there is nothing we can do... Since Xiaoyou Chenfeng dared to provoke such a thing, there may be a way to deal with it, let's wait and see what happens..."

Venerable Lei sighed and said, for Chen Feng, a genius with thunder attribute, he also cherishes his talents very much, and he doesn't want such a genius to die young.

It was not only Fenglei Pavilion that got such news, but many forces in Zhongzhou knew about it.

Chenfeng's in-laws, Fenyangu's side is no exception.

After Tang Zhen attended Chenfeng's wedding, he had just arrived in Central Region, and he received such news.

"Master Gu, Young Master Chenfeng has offended the Song family. Now that his identity has been leaked, the Song family will go to seek revenge in the near future!"

In Fenyan Valley, an elder said to Tang Zhen worriedly.

"This guy actually dared to kill Song Family Tianjiao in Danyu, he is really brave..."

Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly. Chenfeng has now become his son-in-law. No matter how much trouble he caused, as long as he can manage it, he will be obliged to help.

Otherwise, her daughter would be a widow just after she got married, which was something he didn't want to see.

Therefore, even if it was a huge family like the Song family in Danyu, he did not hesitate.

"Follow me to the Northwest Continent!"

After a while, Tang Zhen directly made a decision. He planned to bring people to stay in Jiajia Empire for a period of time to find a way to solve the trouble of Chenfeng.

On Fen Yangu's side, Tang Zhen wasn't worried. Even if he was away for a long time, no one would dare to think about Fen Yangu.

Moreover, even if that kind of thing really happened, Tang Zhen still has the strongest hole card. With that hole card, except for those ancient races and a few superpowers, Tang Zhen has no fear.


At the same time, in the wind world.

After Chen Feng favored the sisters Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, he switched to Tang Huo'er's side.

Tang Huo'er's skin can be said to be the fairest and tenderest among the women Chen Feng has ever seen, even suet and white jade are not enough to describe it.

This conflicted somewhat with Tang Huo'er's heroic appearance.

However, the sense of difference caused by this kind of conflict is the most wonderful and more fun.

"Brother Feng, why are you so energetic!"

Four or five hours later, Tang Huo'er said out of breath, dripping with sweat.

"Are you tired? If you are tired, let's start practicing!"

Listening to Tang Huo'er's weak voice, Chen Feng ended the battle and assumed a posture of practicing Dragon and Phoenix.

"it is good……"

Being held there, Tang Huo'er responded immediately, stretching out her pure white hands and laying them on Chen Feng's body.

Now, although Tang Huo'er, Cao Ying, Zi Yan and others have all reached the four or five star Douzong's cultivation base, Chen Feng's cultivation base has also improved a lot compared to before.

Therefore, practicing Dragon and Phoenix Art, the speed of their cultivation has not slowed down due to the improvement of their realm.

Even if they all reached Dou Zun's cultivation level later, they would still progress very quickly under the double cultivation with Chen Feng, the Dou Zun's peak powerhouse.

With such a speed of cultivation, Chenfeng is not worried about the bet with Elder Donglongdao Zhuli at all.

The bet was that within half a year, Zi Yan's cultivation would be raised to the level of a high-level Dou Zong, but now, in less than two months, Zi Yan has already reached a five-star Dou Zong.

I'm afraid that when the half-year period comes, Zi Yan has already entered the realm of Dou Zun.

(End of this chapter)

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