Chapter 326: Pharmacist Conference!
In these peaceful days, the Gamma Imperial Capital, the Alchemist Conference is coming as scheduled.

Early in the morning, on the streets of the imperial capital, figures in twos and threes wearing robes of alchemists began to appear.

These noble occupations are difficult for ordinary people to see, because of their power and incomparable importance, so pharmacists seem to be a little mysterious and awe-inspiring in the hearts of ordinary people.

But today, these noble pharmacists swarmed out from the resting places of the imperial capital like ants coming out of their holes.

Alchemists, who were rarely seen on weekdays, appeared overwhelmingly in an army today. This kind of spectacular scene, in the Jia Ma Empire, was only lucky enough to be seen at the Alchemist Conference every eight years.

On both sides of the spacious street, slim and graceful girls smiled lowly and cast their shy and admiring eyes on the alchemists walking on the street.

For these young girls who are at a fancy age and full of fantasies, the mysterious and profound alchemist is almost like a magnet, tightly attracting their attention.

In this era, pharmacists are even more likely to make girls happy than princes in fairy tales. From this, we can see what kind of noble status pharmacists have on this continent where fighting spirit is respected.

This time, the venue for the alchemist conference was chosen to be the Royal Plaza.

Because the capital of Emperor Jiama has expanded several times compared to before, and the imperial palace has also been refurbished and expanded, therefore, the area of ​​this royal square is also astonishingly large.

Even if 10,000+ people enter the square at the same time, it will not appear crowded.

Inside and outside this huge square, there are heavily armed troops stationed here to maintain order. This kind of grand event has gathered countless powerful people from all directions, especially this time, Chenfeng also added to the rewards of the competition. Alchemists from further afield came here without hesitation, and in order to prevent the huge crowd from rioting, it was essential to send troops to garrison here.

On both sides of the square, countless audience seats are set up, and in the central area, there are thousands of bluestone square platforms neatly distributed. The standing bluestone army is like an army.

In the square at this time, there are already many alchemists participating in the competition. They are quietly sitting cross-legged on the stone chairs behind the bluestone square platform, waiting for the competition time to come.

As time passed, more and more alchemists poured out from the passage, and then looked for their own positions according to the test cards they received.

"Yue'er, are you confident of winning the top three in this conference?"

On the VIP seats in the plaza, Yaoye touched Yaoyue's head and spoke softly.

Yaoye's figure is quite tall. On an occasion like today, she was wearing a luxurious brocade robe, giving off a faint majesty.

Compared with the petite and lovely Yaoyue, Yaoye's whole body exudes a cool and mature style, her beautiful eyes look forward and look forward, tempting Tiancheng.

"Sister, of course I have confidence! Some time ago, I have already stepped into the rank four pharmacist!"

After hearing Yaoye's question, Yaoyue nodded confidently.

Although she is only a fourth-rank pharmacist, this alchemist conference limits the age of participation. At her 17-year-old stage, a fourth-rank pharmacist is already quite good.

"Yue'er, almost all the young alchemists from the surrounding empires have been attracted to this conference. You still have such confidence, which is very good!"

At this moment, Chen Feng came over with Xue Mei and Lin Fei in his arms.

"Brother-in-law, are you praising me?"

Hearing Chenfeng's voice, Yaoyue turned her head to look with joy on her face.

Today's Yaoyue is wearing a specially made pale green pharmacist gown. The loose cuffs are wrapped with brocade silk into the shape of a lotus flower. It looks a little more elegant out of thin air. You know, this girl who looks quite quiet on the surface is actually a weird master.

"Hmph, a playful man..."

The next moment, when she saw Chen Feng hugging left and right, the expression on Yaoyue's face changed instantly, and her small face bulged slightly.

Chenfeng didn't care about Yaoyue's deliberate look of contempt, he smiled lightly and said, "Of course my brother-in-law is boasting... Confidence is a good thing, but sometimes blind confidence may suffer!"

"Yue'er, your brother-in-law is right. In this conference, it is said that even the people from the Black Corner Region are attracted by the rewards of the conference. Don't take it lightly!"

Yao Ye quickly nodded, echoing Chen Feng's words.

"Are the others strong?"

Under the rhetoric of Chenfeng and Yaoye, Yaoyue asked a little unconvinced.

"I took a quick look, and this time at least several senior pharmacists of the fourth rank came, and there were also two pharmacists of the fifth rank. None of them were older than thirty."

Chenfeng said bluntly.

"What, there are fifth-rank pharmacists! The top three places will not all be obtained by other people, so the Jia Ma Empire's guild of alchemists will lose all face..."

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Yaoyue's previous self-confidence instantly dissipated, and her cheeks drooped.

"No, sister Yaoyue, Xuemei and I will participate in this competition. We have already taken the first and second place in this competition..."

Lin Fei spoke confidently.

"You got the first and the second?"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Yaoyue's eyes suddenly became suspicious.

In her previous impression, Xue Mei was only a second-rank pharmacist, and Lin Fei barely stepped into the second rank. It's only been a month now, so dare to say that she is first and second?
"That's right, little sister Yaoyue, first and second, Xuemei and I will have a deal!"

Lin Fei straightened her waist slightly, her plump figure was immediately highlighted with a charming outline, she said casually.

"Hehe, sister Yue'er, you'll know later!"

Xue Mei smiled, and she stretched out her hand to touch Yaoyue's cheek, the cold tone made people feel very soft in their hearts.

"The old man announces that the eight-year alchemist conference is about to begin!"

On the other side, Fa Ma had already stood up to preside over the meeting.

Seeing this, Yaoyue walked down from the VIP seat with a rather complicated expression, and walked towards the contestant's square below.

"When the teacher sees our strength, he will definitely approve of us following Brother Feng!"

Xue Mei and Lin Fei looked at each other, and then slowly walked towards the stone platform that belonged to them.

Although not long ago, the medicine refining level of the two of them was still very low, but now the cultivation base of the two of them has climbed to Douzong, with such a strong strength support, the medicine refining level is also rising.

(End of this chapter)

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