Chapter 327 Stunning the audience!

Of course, the improvement of cultivation base can only make the two of them rise to the level of first-time fourth-rank pharmacists at most.

The improvement of the alchemist's level depends most on the soul power.

The reason why Xuemei and Linfei have such confidence is because their soul realms have already entered the spiritual realm.

When a pharmacist's soul realm enters the spiritual realm, it means that he can refine eighth-grade elixir.

Due to the rush of time, the two of them did not study the more profound seventh-rank and eighth-rank pills, but chose the relatively simple sixth-rank and fifth-rank pills.

The enhancement of soul power has greatly enhanced the control ability of alchemists, and they can control more medicinal materials for fusion at the same time. This is the source of their self-confidence.

"Frank, Xuemei and Linfei are both on stage!"

In the VIP seat, Otto paid attention to the two people on the field, and whispered to Frank sitting beside him.

"This pharmacist conference is the most grand one ever. The appearance of girls Xuemei and Linfei is probably just a formality!"

Frank shook his head and said, as Xue Mei's teacher, he knew the strength of Xue Mei and Lin Fei, so he was not optimistic about them at the moment.

"That's right, they just followed His Majesty Chenfeng some time ago, and they are still neglecting the matter of refining medicine, and their strength may not make any progress!"

Otto also nodded, and then set his sights on the other outstanding young alchemists in the field.

The first two rounds of this alchemist conference were knockout rounds. After all, there were too many contestants. In order to eliminate some people who pretended to be fake, the alchemist guild set up two checkpoints.

In the end, there were less than 300 people who successfully passed the first two checkpoints.

And Xue Mei and Lin Fei were among the 300 people.

"Not bad, these two girls actually passed the first and second rounds of screening, and successfully entered the third round!"

Seeing such a result, Otto was quite surprised, because most of them who passed the first two rounds of screening had reached the level of third-rank pharmacists, and only a few second-rank pharmacists passed by by chance.

"It seems that we misunderstood these two girls and became the concubines of His Majesty Chenfeng. Their refining skills have not dropped!"

Frank also nodded with a smile.

In the previous two rounds, they just completed fixed tasks. Both Xue Mei and Lin Fei completed them step by step, and did not show their extraordinary strength.

Therefore, Otto and Frank were only slightly surprised, and did not feel too surprised.

In the arena, after the more than 200 pharmacists who passed the previous two rounds of screening had a rest, Fa Ma stood up again.

"In this third round of assessment, the guild will not give any help to any contestants. Everything, including prescriptions, medicinal materials, etc., must be successfully refined within the specified time. A kind of elixir that is within the scope of his ability, and the final winner will naturally depend on the level and practical value of the elixir he has refined!"

Fa Ma announced loudly to the crowd.

As Fa Ma's voice fell, most of the contestants in the square were stunned by the sudden assessment question.

After a long while, some contestants turned pale. Obviously, these people did not prepare suitable prescriptions or enough medicinal materials.

Under this kind of exam questions, without these two conditions, the result is obvious, and the probability of failure will become extremely high.

However, most people are still relatively calm, as if they have already foreseen this answer.

"Since everyone is familiar with the assessment rules, then..."

On the high platform, Fa Ma slowly raised his palm, and then quietly waved it down. A faint voice resounded throughout the square: "The third round of assessment, now, begins!"

Following Fa Ma's voice, the square, which was originally whispering, fell silent in an instant. On the auditorium, countless eyes stared closely at the more than 200 contestants on the huge square below, waiting Great performance from them today.

In an instant, many dandings fell on the stone platform, and there was a bang bang sound.

Every contestant is going all out to deal with it. Among them, the stronger ones are looking forward to winning the top ten and striving for the raise reward given by Chenfeng.

As time passed, some of the faster ones had already refined all the medicinal materials needed to refine the elixir, and started the fusion.

"Xue Mei, let's see who can win the first prize this time!"

On the field, Lin Fei turned her head to look at Xue Mei on the right, her tone was very relaxed.

Between the two of them, there was another person, the little girl Yaoyue.

Under the special arrangement of the Alchemists Guild, the stone platforms of the three of them are connected together, and the surrounding area is also very spacious, unlike other people's stone platforms that are densely piled up together.

"Feifei, I was better than you in the past, this time, of course I am number one!"

Xue Mei chuckled, her voice was very pleasant, like the ethereal sound of the ice rock hitting on the snow mountain.

"The past is the past, and it has long since become the past. Now you may not be better than me!"

Lin Fei curled her lips and said unconvinced.

At this moment, Yaoyue was sandwiched between Xuemei and Linfei, listening to the conversation between the two arguing over who is the number one, she felt very uncomfortable.

Although at this time, she had already started to fuse the medicinal materials, and Xue Mei and Lin Fei had just refined the medicinal materials, but Yaoyue didn't feel any complacency in her heart.

Because the amount of medicinal materials that Xuemei and Linfei refined was almost five or six times as much as hers.

"These two guys... even a fifth-grade elixir doesn't need so many ingredients! Could it be that the two of them are refining a sixth-grade elixir..."

Guessing a possibility, Yaoyue's mind became very complicated. She couldn't understand what was the reason that made Xue Mei, who was originally a second-rank pharmacist, reach her current level.

"It's not right, it's not right, girl Xuemei has refined too many medicinal ingredients, can she fuse so many medicinal ingredients?"

"Ling Fei is crazy. What does she want to do with so many medicinal materials?"

At the VIP table, Frank and Otto also noticed the abnormality of Xue Mei and Lin Fei, and they were very surprised.

Of course, Frank and Otto were not the only ones who noticed the situation there, the president of the Alchemist Association, Fa Ma, and the vice president, and many elders also noticed the abnormality there.

That amount of medicinal materials is completely a sign of refining a sixth-grade elixir, but Fa Ma couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to think about it.

In a place like the Jia Ma Empire, how could there be a 20-year-old sixth-grade pharmacist?
(End of this chapter)

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