Chapter 328 Furukawa's Fortunately!
People in remote places don't have that much knowledge. Seeing the amount of medicinal materials that Xue Mei and Lin Fei refined at this moment, they all looked in disbelief.

If they knew that Cao Ying had entered the sixth-grade medicine refining at the age of 16, their jaws would drop in shock.

In many cases, talent is important, but resources are also essential.

Just like in the world of cultivating immortals, which respects the law of wealth and couples, whatever is missing will have a great impact.

In the center of the square, with the passage of time, some of the contestants have successfully refined the elixir.

Pill fragrances fluttered out from different pill tripods.

Because Chenfeng added to the rewards for the top ten in the competition this time, talented alchemists from the Black Corner Region and even further afield rushed here.

In the field, there were nearly [-] alchemists, and almost [-] of them refined the fourth-grade elixir.

"There are so many people refining the fourth-grade elixir!"

Noticing the movement of the contestants around, Yaoyue's face swelled slightly, and she couldn't help feeling a little impatient. She was only a fourth-rank alchemist for the first time. Come.

To use this level of pills to win this tournament, the hope is almost zero, even the top ten is still very close.


Under such a kind of psychological pressure, the flame in Yaoyue Danding suddenly went out of control, and the whole Danding exploded.

"The fryer is on!"

As Yaoyue's cauldron exploded, countless people looked nervously at the VIP seats.

Fa Ma and the others are very clear that Yaoyue is now Chenfeng's sister-in-law, and they are very concerned about Chenfeng's face this time.


Seeing Yaoyue's cheeks turning black and her hair turning into chicken nests, Yaoyemei's eyes were filled with worry, she was worried that the little girl would not be able to bear such a blow.

"It's okay, this kind of shock, experience more, can make her mature sooner!"

Chen Feng gently hugged Yao Ye's slender waist, and comforted her, he planned to train Yao Yue well in the future, so that she could get out of the shadow of this time.

On the stone platform, Yaoyue's cheeks seemed to be stained with a layer of pot ash because of the fryer.

At this point in time, if the medicinal materials were refined again, it would be impossible to refine the elixir within the time limit.

Thinking of this, the little girl's eyes couldn't help being clouded with mist, but she tried not to let the tears flow out, but silently put away the remaining things on the stone platform, and left the venue quietly.

"Hey, I heard that this person is the sister-in-law of the emperor of the Jia Ma Empire. She has a good talent for refining medicine. I didn't expect it to be at this level!"

"It's too much of a misnomer. It must have been a boast before. This time, the rewards for the Jia Ma Empire's raise are likely to fall into the hands of outsiders!"

As Yaoyue exited the stage, there were some subtle mocking sounds from the crowd.

"I'm going to see Yue'er!"

Yaoye cared about Yaoyue, and hurriedly ran down the auditorium to find her.

"Your Majesty Chenfeng, your raise this time has indeed attracted many young contestants to the conference. It's just a pity that those rewards..."

Fa Ma walked in front of Chen Feng, and said very ashamedly.

"Master Fa Ma, this competition is not over yet, don't worry!"

Chen Feng smiled and waved his hands, acting very confident.

Around the Jia Ma Empire, it was difficult to find a monster like Cao Ying. The current strength of Xue Mei and Lin Fei was enough to deal with them.


Hearing Chen Feng's confident words, Fa Ma was quite surprised.

Could it be that Xue Mei and Lin Fei below refined so many medicinal materials, not just for bluffing, but really want to use all of them to refine medicinal herbs?
Fa Ma quickly looked towards the square, and sure enough, he saw that Xue Mei and Lin Fei had already fused the previously refined medicinal materials to a great extent, and they would soon be able to practice the young pill.

"With such a fusion of medicinal materials, even if it is not a sixth-rank pill, it has at least reached the peak of the fifth rank. It seems that the first and second places in this competition are still from the Jia Ma Empire!"

Fa Ma guessed something, and he was very excited, because he couldn't imagine what method could improve Xue Mei and Lin Fei, who were second-rank pharmacists a month ago, to their current level.

Think of him, Fa Ma, who has specialized in refining medicine for decades, and now he is in his twilight years, but he is still only at the peak of the fifth rank.

The rapid growth of Xuemei and Linfei made him feel like a miracle had happened.

At this moment, in the center of the square, a strong purple elixir suddenly floated out, forming a purple mist cloud above the alchemist's head.

"Haha, the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill has finally been refined. This is a pill that is comparable to a fifth-grade pill!"

After refining this elixir, the foreign contestant burst out laughing.

However, after him, two more people refined the real fifth-grade elixir, which made his aura drop sharply.

However, these two people were not from the Jia Ma Empire, which immediately made people feel that the organizer of this conference was not worthy of its name.

With none of the top three choices, the reputation of the Jia Ma Empire's Alchemist Guild was about to drop to the bottom.

"No, those two seem to have not finished refining yet!"

At this time, someone finally noticed Xue Mei and Lin Fei in the field again.

The two of them didn't fry the furnace, and they didn't fail, but up to now, they haven't successfully refined the elixir.

"Xue Mei, let's see whose elixir is more effective!"


Lin Fei and Xue Mei didn't care about the situation of the people around them at all. After looking at each other, they opened the cauldron together.

With the burst of a beam of light in the cauldron, the energy of the world in the entire square vibrated violently.

"How can there be such a powerful energy of heaven and earth?"

"A fifth-grade elixir will never reach this level!"

"Could it be a sixth-grade pill, and two pills were refined at the same time!"

On the high platform, Fa Maxu squinted his eyes, but anyone could see an unconcealable smile from the usually indifferent pupils.

With these two sixth-grade pills, there is basically no suspense about the first and second rounds of the conference.

At this moment, the numerous contestants who had already refined the pills and were standing in front of the stone platform were a little dazed. They didn't expect that in the Jia Ma Empire, there would be someone who broke through to the sixth-grade alchemist at the age of 20, and even More than one person.

"These two are the wives of His Majesty Chenfeng, and they have made such great progress in just one month! What a miracle!"

In a corner of the VIP seat, Pill King Furuhe sighed heavily, regretting endlessly in his heart, thinking back then, he actually used the excuse of refining Amethyst Pill to take advantage of Chenfeng's strange fire, now think about it , What a stupid behavior, fortunately, Chen Feng didn't care too much about it, otherwise, the grass on his grave of Dan Wang Furuhe would have been full.

(End of this chapter)

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