Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 329 Yan Ran, if you work harder, there will be a third child!

Chapter 329 Yan Ran, work harder, there will be a third child!

"Hehe, everyone, the winner of this conference is about to come out, right between Mrs. Xuemei and Mrs. Linfei!"

On the high platform, Fa Ma announced loudly, and then he invited Gu He and several alchemists from other empires to test the elixir of Xue Mei and Lin Fei.

"Everyone, the test results have come out. Madam Xuemei's and Madam Linfei's pills are very similar in effect and value, and it's hard to tell which is better!"

A while later, after discussing with Fa Ma, Gu He, and several other alchemists, it was decided to rank Xue Mei and Lin Fei as No. 1.

"Hehe, since there are two No.1s, then this reward..."

Fa Ma continued to speak, looking at Chen Feng, as if waiting for Chen Feng to make arrangements.

"Another No.1 reward will be added, and the rewards of the next nine people will remain the same!"

Chenfeng directly announced that these things, to him, are just a number, without much meaning.

"Mrs. Xuemei, Mrs. Linfei!"

After Chenfeng's announcement, there was a deafening roar of excitement from the auditorium. Countless people stood up from their chairs flushed with excitement, waving the things in their hands. For a moment, the entire square was plunged into a sea of ​​noise and excitement. .

No wonder these audiences became so excited and wild. This time the competition was different from the previous conferences. In the previous conferences, all the alchemists in their own country were competing for the championship, so the audience did not have too strong animosity mood.

However, this time, the champion was almost taken away by someone from another country, which fully aroused the emotions of these Jiama people who did not want someone from another country to win the championship in their own country.

After all, no one wants to see the tournament held by their own country end up with the honor of players from other countries, especially hostile countries, because the honor they received was based on the humiliation of the Jia Ma Empire.

Xue Mei and Lin Fei turned the tide at the last moment and won the championship crushingly. For the surrounding audience, this move was undoubtedly a sudden hope at a moment of despair. Therefore, the Jiama people in the square , would be so ecstasy excited, but it is common sense.

"The two of them were obviously far inferior to mine a month ago~"

On the edge of the square, Yaoyue didn't take a direct stand. She stood there, listening to what Fa Ma and Chenfeng announced, with very complicated thoughts in her heart.

"Is it because they became brother-in-law's women? When I grow up..."

In the next moment, Yaoyue's eyes were focused on the tall figure on the high platform that everyone was looking at, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.


The pharmacist conference was successfully concluded, and those who came to Jia Ma Empire from afar to participate in the pharmacist conference were not without gain.

In addition to the No.1 rewards, the No.2 to No.10 rewards are also quite generous for them.

Of course, compared to the two 20-year-old sixth-grade alchemists who appeared in the Jia Ma Empire, the rewards of this conference are not worth mentioning.

Sixth-rank pharmacists around 20 years old, this is almost predictable, and in more than ten years, the two of them are very likely to become seventh-rank pharmacists, or even eighth-rank pharmacists.

As soon as such things spread, the Jia Ma Empire's reputation became even louder than before.

The reputation of the Jia Ma Empire was rising day by day, and Chenfeng didn't pay much attention to it. Sooner or later, it would be announced.

Although simply exposing Xue Mei and Lin Fei's medicine refining strength will arouse many people's curiosity, those who are really strong, those who are above the fighting saints, will not care about such things.

And as long as those strong people don't come to meddle, Chenfeng will naturally not care about other people's thoughts.


On this day, another piece of good news came to the Wind Realm.

Nalan Yanran, who is pregnant with her second child, is about to give birth.

"Feng'er, guess whether Yanran gave birth to a boy or a girl this time!"

"I like boys and girls!"

Outside Nalan Yanran's palace, Yun Yun, Chen Feng and others were already waiting here, chatting happily.

"Everyone has a second child, my child, when will you be able to give birth!"

Listening to the movement from the room, Queen Medusa caressed her swollen belly with her slender hands, and a look of expectation flashed in her eyes. Compared with other people, her belly was surprisingly big, and it was Xiao who gave birth to twins. Xun'er can't even compare, but it's been almost two years, and there is no sign of giving birth.

In this regard, she herself is very helpless. Judging from the pregnancy situation of the successive queens of the snake people, she may not give birth for more than half a year.

Of course, there are also Lingyou and Zi Yan who have the same distress as her. The belly of these two people is also obviously a little big, but there is no sign of giving birth at all.


The next moment, the cry of a baby from inside the room interrupted Queen Medusa's thoughts.

Following the sound of crying, everyone slowly entered Nalan Yanran's room.

"Husband, it's still a boy!"

Chen Feng and others walked into the room, Nalan Yanran had already gotten off the bed, holding the child in her arms.

"Boy, it's good!"

Looking at Nalan Yanran's resentful eyes, Chen Feng took the child and happily teased it.

"Husband, I originally thought that I would have a daughter in the second child!"

Nalan Yanran continued to speak.

"Haha, Yanran, this is easy to handle. Since the second child is gone but the wish is gone, then the third child will continue to work hard!"

After understanding the meaning of Nalan Yanran's words, Chenfeng laughed and encouraged her.

"Ah~ Husband, you are so annoying, can't you let my stomach empty?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Nalan Yanran's pretty face flushed slightly, and said coquettishly.

With the two consecutive babies, she has no chance to make love with Chen Feng, and can only covet her other sisters.

This time, Nalan Yanran planned to take a good rest.

"Hehe, I'm kidding, after this time, I promise to keep your stomach empty for half a year!"

Seeing Nalan Yanran's dissatisfaction, Chen Feng quickly smiled and comforted her.

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Nalan Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "That's good, husband, have you decided on a name for the child yet?"

"Call him, Haoran, how about it?"

Chenfeng thought for a while, and replied seriously.

"Mittel—Haoran, what a nice name!"

The names of the two sons are related to her own name, Nalan Yanran is naturally happy in her heart.

Of course, Chenfeng is also himself, and he will have many heirs in the future. In order to distinguish his so many heirs, he deliberately named him this way.

After the birth of the little guy Mittel, Haoran, Chenfeng basically planned to leave the Wind Realm for a short time.

He planned to spend a month to improve the cultivation base of many women, and then mention it above, so that they can all break through to the realm of Dou Zun.

(End of this chapter)

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