Chapter 330 Searching for Ancient Ruins!

"System, open the gift package!"

After a while, after Chenfeng calmed down Nalan Yanran's emotions, he began to check the rewards this time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 100 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the genealogy of Wanshi, the cultivation speed has increased by [-]%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the advanced semi-saint experience card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a miniature soul source!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fighting spirit attribute card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten Dou Zun Shengxing Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining one hundred transformation pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

"Ding! The above rewards have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"

Following Chen Feng's low voice, many notification sounds immediately sounded in his mind.

"Ghost attribute card?"

Listening to the relatively unfamiliar thing in the system notification tone, Chenfeng immediately became interested.

Fighting Qi Attribute Card: Using this item, you can change one of your own fighting energy attributes. No matter what level you have cultivated to, you can directly convert your own fighting energy attribute. At this time, switching to other exercises will not have any impact on the cultivation level. Or directly add a fighting spirit attribute...

"Is it such a magical thing?"

Seeing the introduction of this Dou Qi attribute card, Chen Feng was very surprised.

In the Dou Qi Continent, such things as Dou Qi attributes are predestined by the heavens, and no one has ever been able to change their own Dou Qi attributes.

But this fighting spirit attribute card can have such a great power to change the natural fighting spirit attribute.

Moreover, it is not only capable of transforming attributes. In addition to transforming, its other function is to allow people to have an additional attribute.

Of course, except for the fire and wood attributes that alchemists need, most other people don't want to have multi-attribute grudges.

It is far more difficult to cultivate the two types of battle qi attributes than a single attribute. It is difficult for ordinary people to cultivate to this level at this age with Feng Qinger's wind and thunder attribute. This is why Feng Qinger stays away from such a large group as the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan The biggest reason for coming to Fenglei Pavilion to study art.

Because, if there is a way to neutralize dual-attribute grudges and let them complement each other, it may have unexpected effects.

Another surprising thing about this vindictive attribute card is that it is not restricted to only Chenfeng himself.

"I don't have any plans to change my Thunder attribute yet. I'd better keep this thing for now and see who needs to use it in the future..."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng murmured in his heart, not planning to use this thing for the time being.

In the following time, Chenfeng really focused on cultivating and improving the strength of the girls.

Zi Yan needs to inherit the position of Dragon Emperor in the future, so she must have enough strength to be convinced and recognized by the clansmen.

Chen Feng was the first to find Zi Yan for double cultivation.

Now that he is about to complete a rank of Dou Zun's peak cultivation level, he and Zi Yan practiced Dragon and Phoenix Fight. In just two days, Zi Yan successfully broke through to Dou Zun's cultivation base.

After that, within a week or so, Zi Yan was promoted to two-star Dou Zun.

After arriving at the two-star Dou Zun, Chenfeng didn't stop. It took him nearly 20 days to let Zi Yan hit the three-star Dou Zun.

However, as the distance between the two narrowed, the improvement effect of Dragon and Phoenix on Zi Yan was significantly reduced, and because of this, Chenfeng temporarily stopped.

"Brother Feng, it has only been more than four months now, and there are still nearly two months before the half-year deadline. I have already reached the Samsung Dou Zun. You are really amazing!"

Zi Yan felt that her cultivation had advanced, and she was extremely excited.

"Zi Yan, I can guarantee that when the half-year deadline is reached, your cultivation will be able to reach the high-level Dou Zun!"

Looking at the excited Zi Yan, Chenfeng promised very confidently.

"A high-level Dou Zun, that is, above the Seven Star Dou Zun!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Zi Yan was a little stunned.

Because, she is also aware of it now, and now that she is practicing Dragon and Phoenix Arts with Chen Feng, the speed of her cultivation is not as obvious as before.

Of course, this does not mean that her cultivation speed has slowed down.

It's because, at the stage of Dou Zun, the energy required for each realm improvement is much more than before.

"Don't worry, I said I can!"

Chen Feng smiled, and didn't explain too much. He possessed a large amount of Dou Zun Rising Star Pill, which could allow people in the Dou Zun stage to steadily improve their cultivation by one star.

Now the dragon and phoenix art and other resources can allow Zi Yan to quickly improve her cultivation, so Chenfeng didn't take it out. After the double cultivation effect is reduced, the Dou Zun Sheng Xing Dan will be able to exert its powerful effect.

"If you can really get to the Seven Star Dou Zun, those old men will probably drop their jaws in shock!"

Seeing Chen Feng acting so confidently, Zi Yan said very excitedly.

"If you can get something like the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix, everything won't be so troublesome!"

Hearing Zi Yan's words, Chenfeng suddenly thought of a very precious fruit in the original book.

Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, the energy contained in that fruit can only be described as terrifying.

In the original book, Zi Yan's cultivation level may be ordinary Douzong, but because she successfully digested and absorbed a dragon and phoenix original fruit, her cultivation level actually climbed directly to the three-star Dousheng.

From Dou Zong to Dou Sheng, the span is astonishingly large, even the treasure of bodhicitta seems to be much inferior.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng had the urge to go to the beast realm to hunt for treasures. He remembered that the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix was in the ruins of the good fortune saint.

And the place where the ancient ruins left by the good fortune sage appeared was in the beast domain.

Ancient relics, as the name suggests, are naturally those things that have been passed down from ancient times, and can still leave traces after years of changes, so the owner of the relics must not be an ordinary person.

The ancient times and the present are completely different eras, and in those countless years, many relics will naturally be left behind.

Some relics may be buried or disappeared over the years, but some, by accident, will be seen again.

As far as Chen Feng knew, the relics left by the Holy Creator were only sealed by a powerful space seal, and with the passage of time, the power of the space seal there has gradually faded, and maybe ten years later, it will disappear completely.

"Based on my current control over the power of space, if I can reach the approximate location of the relic, I should be able to break the seal of that space and let the ancient relic be born in advance!"

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Feng finally made the decision to find the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix.

With his fusion of the body of the void to control the power of space, even the space seal left by the Dou Sheng powerhouse can't trouble him, not to mention that the seal has been eroded by the years for many years, and it has long been dilapidated.

(End of this chapter)

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