Chapter 331 Want to Eat Soft Rice!

If Chenfeng can successfully find the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix this time, and allow Zi Yan to absorb the energy in it smoothly to reach the level of Dou Sheng.

Then in the future, if he and Zi Yan practice Dragon and Phoenix Jue again, it won't be Zi Yan who gets his light, but Zi Yan who gets his light.

Moreover, once Zi Yan's cultivation reaches Dou Sheng, she can also use the precious elixir of Dou Sheng Sheng Xing Pill to improve her cultivation, and it is very possible to upgrade to five-star Dou Sheng in one fell swoop.

At that time, there will be a big gap between Chen Feng and Zi Yan's cultivation base. When they are dual cultivation, his cultivation base can be improved extremely quickly.

"Why didn't I think of this sooner!"

After clarifying his thoughts, Chenfeng decided to set off immediately.

"Brother Feng, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Chen Feng's distracted appearance, Zi Yan stretched out her small hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm thinking, maybe I'll have to eat soft food in the future!"

Chen Feng came back to his senses, looked at the playful and lovely Zi Yan in front of him, and grinned.

If he can succeed this time, he will be surrounded by a wife who is a Dou Sheng.

"Eat soft rice, what do you mean, Brother Feng, are your teeth bad, let me take a look?"

Hearing Chen Feng's abrupt words, Zi Yanmei's eyes showed doubts, she stretched out her hands, ready to help Chen Feng check his teeth.

"Zi Yan, that's not what I meant by eating soft rice!"

Seeing that Zi Yan was about to open her mouth, Chen Feng hurriedly hid.

Next, Chen Feng called Yun Yun, Ya Fei, Nalan Yanran, Cao Ying and others together, and explained that he was going to travel far away.

Cao Ying and Zi Yan originally wanted to go there together, but they were both rejected by Chenfeng. He only planned to go alone for the treasure hunt this time, in pursuit of high efficiency.

"Husband, have a good journey!"

"Brother Feng, come back soon!"

Seeing that Chenfeng insisted on going out alone, the girls no longer insisted.

"Don't worry, my husband won't be away for long this time, if you miss me, I will return at any time!"

Seeing the reluctance of the girls, Chenfeng kissed them on the face one by one.

Although it was a long journey this time, but he had a space teleportation flag and other strange objects in his hands, and it was only a matter of a moment to return.

And now almost all the girls are allocated a communication stone, so they can contact Chenfeng immediately if they have anything to do.


Beast Realm is located in the south of Zhongzhou.

Liuyun's first stop came directly to Zhongzhou Shengdan domain, where he once left a space teleportation flag.

From here as a springboard, it will be much faster to go to the beast realm.

Although the area of ​​the beast domain is not as large as that of Zhongzhou, it should not be underestimated.

Those overlapping mountains with no end in sight are enough to make people feel the alternative wildness of this beast realm.

Although Beast Realm is known as one hundred thousand mountains, this is only a rough number. If you really want to calculate it, it must be far more than this number.

These mountains spread to faraway places beyond the reach of human beings, and the passage of time also left countless treasures in these endless mountains.

Here, nearly 70.00% of the Warcraft families in the Douqi Continent are gathered.

Here is the world of monsters, including the Heavenly Monster and Phoenix Clan in the World of Warcraft, the Nine Nether Earth Python, and the two major monster families.

The subordination relationship within the Beast Realm is extremely strong, a powerful group can have many subgroups.

And these subordinate ethnic groups are all dominated by the main ethnic group, and there are many connections between them. Speaking of it, it is far more complicated than the main sect and branch sects of the sects in the human world.

At Chenfeng's current speed, it took four or five days to start from the Saint Pill Domain before finally arriving at this strange area dominated by the Warcraft family.

At this moment, at the end of his line of sight, there is an endless mountain range.

"It's really strange here. Transformation monsters are almost very common here!"

Not long after entering this vast mountain, even Chenfeng couldn't help but feel admiration.

According to his memory, the ruins of the Holy Creator are in the depths of the Skeleton Mountains.

The Skeleton Mountain Range is well-known in the Beast Realm, because this mountain range has a terrifying sea of ​​bones.

Countless animal bones were thrown there, and those animal bones, with the passage of time, will gradually volatilize some of the strange animal power contained in the bones. This kind of energy has no effect on humans, but it has no effect on monsters. However, it is a good tonic, which is why the Skeleton Mountain Range has become a favorite gathering place for many monsters.

The Skeletal Bone Mountain Range is located in the southwest of the Beast Realm, which is the territory of the Ming Python Clan in Jiuyou Land.

In the Beast Realm, the most affiliated groups are the Nine Nether Underworld Python Clan.

Their number is the largest among the three major Warcraft families. Of course, the consequence of the exchange for the number is that the blood of the current Nine Nether Land Python is becoming less and less pure.

"Jiuyou land's python clan, I hope you don't have any conflicts with me!"

After glancing at the map, a strange color flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. With his current strength, he wasn't very worried even if it was that kind of huge monster family.

If you really fight, even if the current patriarch of the Mingpyg Clan in Jiuyou land comes, Chenfeng is sure to win.


After Chenfeng had been driving for two days on the endless mountain range of the huge animal realm, a glaring whiteness suddenly appeared in that distant place.

"The Skeleton Mountain Range is finally here!"

This ray of white appeared in the lush green mountains, which seemed extremely incongruous, but when Chen Feng saw it, there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

In the next moment, his speed didn't slow down at all, and he rushed directly towards the central area of ​​the Skeleton Mountain Range.

According to his memory, the location of the ruins is in the central area of ​​the Skeleton Mountain Range, and it will be much easier to find it from there.

On the way, Chenfeng would occasionally meet some Nine Serenity Python clansmen with snake-tailed bodies, and also saw some eighth-order monsters who could transform into forms. However, after sensing the breath of Chenfeng, these monsters , They all retreated one after another, and did not come forward to make trouble.

Fighting Zun strongmen will receive enough respect in most regions.

"Let's start looking here!"

After arriving at the central area of ​​the Skeleton Mountain Range, Chenfeng mustered all his energy and began to search for the existence of the broken space seal.

With his control over the power of space and the perception ability of the soul, if the broken space seal appeared nearby, he would definitely feel it.

In the next three days, Chen Feng slowed down, looking like an ordinary fighter who was on his way.

And during these three days, the monsters in the nearby area also knew that a strong human had broken into the Skeleton Mountain Range. This matter also attracted the attention of some strong men in the Nine Nether Land Python.

(End of this chapter)

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