Chapter 332 Entering the Ancient Ruins!

Strictly speaking, these snake people who pay attention to Chenfeng are not the real members of the Nine Nether Earth Python tribe, but their subordinate tribe.

For the real Nine Nether Earth Python Clan, their base camp is in the underground world.

Of course, on the ground, they also have many branches. The number of this race ranks first among the three major Warcraft races.

The large number naturally led to the impurity of their bloodlines.

According to the estimation of the elders of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan, if this situation continues, the ancient blood of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan will be exhausted after a hundred years.

And by that time, the Nine Nether Underworld Python clan will also be reduced to a situation similar to that of ordinary monsters.

"This human seems to be a strong fighter!"

"Looking at the situation, he entered the Skeleton Mountain Range with a purpose, what is he looking for?"

"How can a human take the treasure in the Skeleton Mountains? We will follow him quietly until he finds it..."

This time, I noticed that among the snake people in Chenfeng, the strongest was only the four-star Dou Zun.

When they found out that Chen Feng, a strong human fighter, was looking for something in the Skeleton Mountains, they made a plan for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole.

"Hehe, if you like following so much, you all follow!"

With Chenfeng's current strength, he had already discovered that these people were following secretly, but he ignored it.

The Skeleton Mountain Range is neither big nor small. The morning wind flies at a low speed, and the soul power senses the abnormalities of the surrounding world.

Finally, on the second day, Chenfeng finally sensed something strange.

At this moment, the place where Chenfeng is located is a huge basin with a distance of thousands of miles, almost half the size of the Jia Ma Empire.

Here, everything is filled with dense bones. Looking from a distance, there is a sea of ​​white bones, dazzling white flowers, which also makes people feel creepy.

"Finally found!"

The next moment, with a thought in his mind, Chen Feng shot a beam of space power directly towards the sky at the center of the sea of ​​bones.


Under the influence of Chenfeng's space power, a huge distorted space slowly appeared in the center of the sea of ​​bones.

"This, is it an ancient ruin!"

As the distorted space in the center of the sea of ​​bones unfolded, the eyes of those snake-man powerhouses who secretly followed the morning wind suddenly shone.

"Go, stop that human, this is the treasure of the beast domain, how can it be taken away by humans!"

"Humans, if you are sensible, get out!"

After being stunned for a while, the dozen or so snake men rushed towards the direction of Chen Feng.

"Oh, how brave!"

Looking at this group of greedy snake people, Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

Among these snake people, although there is a Dou Zun and more than a dozen Dou Zong powerhouses, if this is in Zhongzhou, it can be considered a second-rate force, perhaps even stronger than Fenglei Pavilion.

It's just that, with such strength, it's a bit overkill to grab what Chenfeng has.


At this moment, the "unearthed" space was violently twisted, and there was a rushing sound like water. With the spread of this sound, the fluctuation of that space became more and more intense.

Looking at the situation, it seems that it won't be long before this space seal will completely dissipate, and the ruins will be seen again by then.

"Come on, let me see how powerful the ancient space seal is now!"

But Chenfeng didn't want to wait at all, he shot again, and made an invisible fist mark towards the distorted space.


Under Chen Feng's punch, the distorted space suddenly condensed, and immediately there was only a crisp bang. The distorted space, like fragile glass, burst into countless tiny space fragments.

"Quick, the ancient ruins are open!"

The moment they saw the seal burst, the eyes of these snake-man powerhouses were red, and they rushed towards the center of the sea of ​​bones very greedily.

The fragments of the space seal that burst open suddenly stopped, and immediately there was only a loud bang, a violent force of space that made Dou Zun's heart jump, like a storm, swept away .

Those snakemen rushing over were swallowed by the storm almost in the blink of an eye, even the leader of the four-star Dou Zun's snakemen was no exception.

The shrill screams resounded over the sea of ​​bones one after another.

The violent space ripples, like cutting wheat, destroyed those snake people.

When they realized that something was wrong, it was too late to retreat.

And Chenfeng just stood in front of the storm, allowing those spatial storms to impact his body.

With a body of void itself and a Dou Zun's peak cultivation, even if the space seal left by this Dou Sheng powerhouse is broken, it still cannot damage Chen Feng's body.

Like the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, they were able to hone their bodies in space storms from birth, while Chenfeng's void body was far more compatible with the power of space than the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

This huge fluctuation spread to an extremely far place, and in an instant, almost all the monsters and human explorers within a radius of thousands of miles sensed the signs here.

Soon, countless people began to rush towards the Skeleton Mountain Range.

On the other hand, Chenfeng walked directly to the depths of the sea of ​​bones.

In the sea of ​​bones, a huge silhouette like a mountain peak appeared faintly. From a distance, it looked like an ancient beast crawling in the sea of ​​bones, which made people feel dizzy.

As it gradually approached, some of the white mist floating in the bone sea gradually became thinner, and the huge monster finally appeared in Chen Feng's field of vision.

This is a large hall, a gigantic hall nearly ten thousand feet in size, almost like a mountain peak.

Looking up at this huge monster standing between the sky and the earth, a sense of insignificance arises spontaneously.

The entire body of the giant hall is red, and from a distance, it looks like a kind of flame is rising, which is particularly dazzling in the dark white sea of ​​bones.

"It's worthy of being left by the Dou Sheng powerhouse. Such a handwriting is indeed majestic and majestic."

Seeing the appearance of this giant hall, the corner of Chenfeng's mouth curled up into a smile, this time he finally found the right thing.


After a while, there was a rumbling loud noise, and immediately, a crimson stone door weighing as much as ten thousand catties suddenly rose slowly, revealing the dark passage behind it.

As the crimson stone door opened, Chenfeng rushed into the passage without the slightest hesitation.

Moreover, before that, he deliberately used the space blocking talisman to build a huge space seal, and once again sealed off the entire hall.

He knew that the vision here would soon attract the strong people around him, so in order not to disturb others, he had no choice but to choose this way.

At that time, if he wants to go out by himself, he can use the space teleportation flag to teleport away directly.

(End of this chapter)

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