Chapter 333 Ancient Forest!

Not long after Chen Feng rushed into the passage, the pitch-black passage suddenly turned red.

The hard floor below slowly cracked, and immediately after, red hot magma gushed out from it, and at the same time, coquettish blue pillars of fire burst out from the four walls of the spacious passage.


Seeing this sudden anomaly, Chen Feng not only didn't feel the slightest panic, but showed joy instead.

When the formidable purple flame attacked, Chen Feng quickly dived into the hot magma.

Diving into the magma, Chen Feng's body quickly dived down. Although the magma was hot, there was no obstacle for a strong man like him.

Ten seconds later, there was a slight muffled sound, and Chen Feng slid down a certain distance under his feet, and finally, his feet stood on the cold floor again.

At this moment, tens of feet above his head, crimson magma hangs twisted and twisted like a complete giant python in a ring shape.

Obviously, this magma is the previous fire path. If such a long fire path is really followed, it is unknown when it will turn to the next year. Fortunately, when the morning wind descends on the Douqi Continent, everything is a prophet.

"Tsk tsk, if you don't know this mystery, how many wrong roads will you have to go!"

Chen Feng smacked his lips and looked around. He is now in a rather spacious boulder passage. The passage extends far away, and a square can be seen faintly.

The passage wasn't too long, and at the speed of Chenfeng, it appeared on the square after a few seconds.

At the end of the square, there is an extremely thick stone gate. In front of the stone gate, ten straight bodies like guns stand here unchanged for thousands of years. The skin of these bodies is bright silver, with empty eyes and expressionless faces. ancient corpse.


Looking at these mummy-like existences, the corners of Chenfeng's mouth were filled with amusement.

As for puppets, no matter how good a puppet is, it cannot achieve the effect of his puppet pill.

The puppet pill can keep the puppets sane, but these puppets only retain a fighting instinct.

These puppets are bright silver in color, and their strength is at the peak level of Dou Zong.


Coming here, Chenfeng didn't stop at all, and went directly towards the stone gate.

Just when Chen Feng stepped into the Shimen at a distance of ten feet, the ten figures standing still like sculptures heard a low bone rubbing sound from all over.

Immediately afterwards, ten cold and empty eyes stared directly at Chen Feng, and when they held their palms, silver light surged, and ten bright silver spears emerged in their hands.


The bright silver light flashed, and the ten figures were like lightning, and in an instant, they brought a fierce wind and attacked Chenfeng.


Seeing this puppet blocking the way, Chenfeng waved his sleeve robe lightly, and a gust of wind directly slapped all ten puppets away.


The ten puppets who were retreating stood up again, their eyes flashed with silver lights, and there was a deep roar from their throats.

Their footsteps moved together, forming a strange formation, with silver light shining, and strands of energy like silver snakes burst out from their bodies, and then connected them together to form a circular cycle.

The moment the cycle was formed, the leading puppet roared again, and immediately, a little bit of golden light gradually emerged, and after a while, the golden light completely replaced the silver light.

"Two-star Dou Zun, it's still too weak!"

Chen Feng waved his hand again, and slapped the puppet leader whose strength had grown so much.

Although these puppets' formations are a bit strange, Chenfeng has no interest at all. His clan protection formation can extract the cultivation of all people, and the effect is many times better than this formation.

After the puppet fell to the ground, the originally closed stone door suddenly heard a creaking sound, and slowly opened a crack.

As the stone gate gradually opened, a desolate and ancient aura slowly drifted out.

Seeing this, Chenfeng still didn't hesitate at all, he directly swept into the stone gate.

A moment later, a gigantic palace appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Standing in the hall, the person looked extraordinarily insignificant. Chen Feng glanced around, and found that there were many very deep corridors around the hall, and he didn't know where they extended.

"Bring Zi Yan to have a look, she has a good nose!"

Coming here, Chen Feng murmured in his heart, the road here is complicated, if Zi Yan comes here, it will be much easier to find, and, apart from the space where the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix needs to be opened by Zi Yan, Chen Feng remembers that there seems to be a soul tree here. Baby demon tree.

In the human soul, there is the original soul energy. Even if a soul body like Yaochen gets a physical body, there will be no progress in strength, which is the lack of original soul energy.

That source of soul energy is actually equivalent to the source of soul that Chen Feng had absorbed before.

Now, Yao Chen has become a soul slave in the morning wind soul streamer, he can directly devour the original soul energy in other people's souls without being affected, but he has not completely recovered.

And if he has the Soul Infant Demon Fruit, then Yaochen can directly restore to his original peak strength, and when he fuses his body, he can return to the strength of Venerable Yao again.

Thinking of this, Chenfeng directly took out a space teleportation flag, and after an instant, he disappeared from the ancient ruins and returned to the Wind Realm.

"Zi Yan, follow me!"

When they came to the Wind Realm, Chen Feng didn't explain anything at all, and directly pulled Zi Yan to use the space teleportation flag again to return to the previous place.

"where is this?"

Looking at the complicated corridors around, Zi Yan's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Zi Yan, this is an ancient ruin, can you feel the smell of medicinal materials?"

Chenfeng smiled and said.

"Ancient ruins? Medicinal ingredients... Yes, come with me!"

Hearing this, Zi Yan sniffed lightly, then took Chen Feng's hand and walked towards a certain corridor.

Not long after, the two stopped in front of an extremely old stone gate.

On the stone gate, there are many moss climbing up, and the faint green color makes people feel the fleeting years!

"The smell of the medicinal materials is the strongest here, it must be the place where the medicinal materials are stored!"

Ziyan pointed at the stone door and muttered.

"it is good!"

Hearing Ziyan's words, Chenfeng directly pushed the Shimen open.


Amidst a low sound, the heavy stone door covered with moss was slowly pushed open, and a dense mist and medicinal fragrance that had been hidden for countless years suddenly burst out, making people feel overwhelmed. vibration.

After the stone gate, it is not a stone room, but a forest... an ancient forest completely constructed from various rare medicinal materials!
(End of this chapter)

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