Chapter 334 Infant Soul Fruit!
"Wow, Brother Feng, this is such a good place!"

Looking at the piles of medicinal herbs growing in front of her, Ziyan's eyes had already seen countless little stars at this moment, she couldn't help but jumped into a piece of Ganoderma lucidum with strong energy, grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth.

After countless years of growth, the medicinal materials here are extremely rich in energy, which is a great tonic for Ziyan.

Although the taste was a bit off, the abundant energy allowed De Ziyan to cover up the taste.

The medicinal materials here can also be said to be the most that Chenfeng has seen so far.

Even if all the medicinal materials in the Jia Ma Empire add up, their value is less than one percent of what is here.

Even so, with Chen Feng's current knowledge, he didn't pay too much attention to it. The value of the pills on him was several times higher than the medicinal materials here.

"Zi Yan, let's eat again later, let's find the soul baby and demon fruit first..."

Chen Feng smiled and said to Zi Yan, who was eating a lot of medicinal herbs.

"All right!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Zi Yan quickly chewed twice, and then followed Chen Feng into this ancient forest.

In the vast ancient forest, there is a strange fragrance, and a faint mist shrouds the forest. Occasionally, there will be small animals flashing out of the grass. The peaceful atmosphere looks like a fairyland.

Chen Feng and Zi Yan were walking inside, and they sensed a lot of powerful auras, which were obviously monsters that had existed here for a long time.

Along the way, several times there were some huge and ferocious monsters running past the two of them.

However, because of Zi Yan's looming Longwei, these monsters did not take the initiative to harass them.

"Brother Feng, I sensed it!"

Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on Zi Yan's face, and then, the two of them accelerated and walked towards the direction Zi Yan sensed.

Soon after, in front of Chen Feng and Zi Yan, a lake about ten feet in size appeared.

The water in the lake is extremely clear, but at a glance, you can't see the bottom. In the center of the lake, there is a small piece of floating land, just like a small island in the center of the lake. On the small island, there is a tree A small tree with a very strange shape.

The whole body of the small tree is gray-silver in color, and the branches are intertwined like vines.

These branches formed a strange arc between the extension and outline, much like a pregnant woman with a big belly, and within the belly formed by the heavy branches, there was a faint golden light overflowing.

"It really is the Soul Infant Demon Tree!"

Seeing this strangely shaped plant, Chen Feng recognized it at a glance.

"Brother Feng, there are always alien beasts guarding all spiritual objects in the world. This baby soul fruit is a rare treasure for tempering the soul. It also has great effects on some monsters. There must be a guardian beast. Let me find it!"

Zi Yan said very seriously, she sensed the breath of a monster in the lake.


Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled and nodded. In fact, even if he didn't sense it, he still knew that there was a guardian beast here.

The next moment, on Zi Yan's side, she clenched her small fist and blasted out from the air. A terrifying gust of wind hit the lake fiercely, creating a huge hole.


As soon as this punch was thrown out, the calm lake violently set off monstrous waves, and immediately, a huge shadow quickly emerged from the lake, with huge eyes sweeping around fiercely.

"It turned out to be Tongtianjiao, which is extinct in the outside world!"

Zi Yan couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the giant monster coming out of the water.

The giant that broke out of the wind had the shape of a snake, and its slender body was covered with blue scales.

On the top of the object's head, there is also a long pitch-black horn with mysterious lines and faint blue light flashing on the horn.

Tongtianjiao, from ancient times, has some dragon blood flowing in its body.

If he can wash away all the lead and go through many thunder disasters, maybe he can really evolve into an existence like Taixu Ancient Dragon in the end.

"Brother Feng, I'll go and talk to it, let it give up the soul baby demon fruit!"

Zi Yan did not rob with violence, but planned to discuss with this Tongtian Jiao.

This Tongtian Jiao's strength is only at the peak of the seventh order, and Zi Yan is now a Dou Zun, so Chenfeng is not worried about Zi Yan's past danger.

Ziyan landed lightly on the lake, purple light lingered from his body, and then turned into a zhang Xu long purple light dragon on top of his head. When this purple dragon appeared, it roared up to the sky.

Although the Zilong is small in size, it is a real immemorial virtual dragon, the supreme existence in the World of Warcraft. In addition, Tongtianjiao also has a trace of the same blood in its body, and that kind of dragon power is even more intense.

Under the roar of the Zilong, the fierce light in the eyes of the Tongtian Jiao gradually subsided, the huge body slowly retracted into the water, and the huge head leaned towards Ziyan, like a pet, it was already extremely gentle.

"Big guy, we want that thing, can you give it to us?"

Ziyan touched Tongtianjiao's head, then pointed to the Infant Soul Tree in the center of the lake.

Seeing what Zi Yan pointed out, the Tongtian Jiao was stunned for a moment, and a rather humane reluctance appeared in the Jiao's eyes.

It has guarded the Soul Infant Fruit for so many years, so naturally it doesn't want to hand it over to others like this, but the pressure of the blood that permeates Ziyan's body makes it irresistible, for a while, it can only hang its head down, looking rather pitiful.

"Brother Feng, can we give it some compensation? It looks so pitiful."

Seeing Tongtianjiao's appearance, Ziyan's heart softened, he turned his head, and said to Chenfeng.


With Ziyan's appearance, how could Chenfeng not agree to it? Immediately, Chenfeng flashed to Ziyan's side, took out a elixir for the Tongtian Jiao, and said: "This is a shape-changing elixir, it is a treat for you. compensation!"

Hearing the word Huaxing Pill, Tongtian Jiao's huge eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded his head fiercely.

Seeing this, Chen Feng directly threw the Transformation Pill over, and Tongtian Jiao sucked in the Transformation Pill directly with his mouth.

With this kind of compensation, it was extremely satisfied, and when its huge body moved, it caused a wave of water, and it went back to the depths of the lake.

After sending this big guy away, Chen Feng and Zi Yan appeared on the small island in the middle of the lake.

In the Soul Infant Demon Tree, two fist-sized golden fruits hang from the heavy branches that look like the belly of a pregnant woman.

The fruit looks like a baby, and it looks like a real person.

Among them, a vague fragrance permeated the air, which made the soul in the center of Chenfeng's eyebrows feel a sense of comfort.

The next moment, Chenfeng chopped off a thick branch of the Infant Soul Demon Tree, and quickly made two rough wooden boxes. The Infant Soul Fruit is extremely strange and cannot be stored with any other utensils, otherwise It will gradually evaporate, and the only thing that can hold it is the branches of this demon tree.

(End of this chapter)

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