Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 337: Great Heaven's Creation palms up!

Chapter 337: Great Heaven's Creation palms up!
"Are these the so-called ancient puppets?"

Seeing these stone-like and lifeless figures, Chen Feng murmured in his heart.

The ancient puppet used a special method to extract the soul of the strong from the human body, and then sealed it in the puppet body. The puppet produced in this way not only possessed wisdom, but also could display fighting skills.

This kind of puppet is the closest to the effect of his own puppet pill that Chenfeng has seen. Unfortunately, the method of making human puppets has been lost.

"Although you are ancient things, if you want to stop me from taking the treasure, you have to destroy it!"

Chenfeng walked straight towards the bones of the fighting saint, and at the same time, the stone puppets around the stone seat suddenly opened their eyes that had been closed for countless years, and a strong killing wave permeated the sky at this moment. open!

These puppets, after waking up, immediately attacked Chenfeng.

However, they are only ordinary Dou Zun's strength, in the eyes of Chen Feng, the peak Dou Zun, they are simply not enough.

"Boom! Boom!"

Chen Feng basically didn't use his fighting spirit, just punched and kicked, and he was able to beat them all back with his physical strength.

Because of this fight, the ten light clusters trembled violently, and immediately erupted with a dazzling burst of light.

And in this strong light, the scrolls inside also turned into streams of light at this moment, rushing out from the light group!

The light cluster disappeared, and ten streamers of different colors rushed out from it. Through the light, one could faintly see the scroll inside, and an ancient breath permeated from these scrolls.

Although these scrolls were not sky-level fighting skills, they were all powerful ground-level fighting skills or exercises. Chenfeng naturally didn't waste them, and took them all down quickly.

At this moment, the fingers of the skeleton sitting cross-legged on the stone seat trembled slightly.

"Holy Creation, maybe you were very strong at the beginning, but now, there is only a residual mark of your soul left!"

Noticing the abnormality of the Fighting Saint's skeleton, Chen Feng did not panic. With his current strength, he would not be afraid even if the skeleton could display the strength of a one-star Fighting Saint, but obviously, this skeleton does not have such strength.

Perhaps because of the provocative meaning in Chen Feng's words, there was a slight sound of bones twisting gradually from the skeleton's body, and immediately, the whole skeleton stood up slowly.

"Who breaks through the ruins, die!"

The jade-white skull slowly raised its head, a ball of flame rose from its empty eyes, and an ancient, hoarse and indifferent voice resounded softly in the hall.

"This is?"

Outside the main hall, Zi Yan was very surprised when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that a skeleton that had been dead for many years actually stood up.

In her sight, the skeleton that stood up was biting its upper and lower jaws slightly, and then took a step, the palm of the skeleton directly grabbed at Chenfeng.

"Brother Feng, be careful!"

Seeing this, Zi Yan yelled quickly, and then rushed into the hall.

"Good come!"

In the main hall, facing the attack of the skeleton, Chenfeng was not afraid at all, he clenched his palms into fists and went straight to meet them.


He punched fiercely on the palm of the skeleton, but the seemingly fragile bones were harder than fine steel at this moment.

However, Chen Feng's palm was harder than the skeleton, and with one punch, he directly knocked the skeleton back more than ten steps, and he himself was completely fine.


Zi Yan, who had just rushed to the entrance of the main hall, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing Chen Feng repelling the strange jade-white skeleton with a single blow.


After being repulsed by the morning wind, Dou Sheng's skeleton paused for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, a low and hoarse voice sounded like it came from the ancient times.

"Big... Heaven... Made... Transformed... Palm!"

"Zi Yan, get out!"

Hearing this hoarse and ancient intermittent voice, Chen Feng hurriedly said to Zi Yan who was following behind.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic battle energy surged from his palm.

The speed at which the energy gathers is greater and faster than the energy gathered on the palm of the Dou Sheng's skeleton and skeleton.


At this moment, a black dot about the size of a soybean suddenly appeared on the palm of Dou Sheng's skeleton. This black dot is so pure that if one takes a look at it, it seems that even the soul will be swallowed, which is very strange.

A small black dot appeared, and the right palm of Dou Sheng's skeleton was raised violently, and then it slammed heavily on the extremely hard ground of the hall.

Where the bones and palms fell, the stone slab did not make any sound. At the moment of contact, the extremely hard stone slab seemed to disappear in an instant, exposing the dark brown rock beneath it.


The floor disappeared, and a black halo suddenly emerged from the stone slab, and then... spread suddenly!
Chi Chi Chi!
The black circle of light spreads, and wherever the black circle touches, whether it's a stone slab, a stone pillar or something else, it disappears in an instant.

That kind of disappearance is a real disappearance without any residue.

This feeling is like a black hole, mysterious and terrifying.


This terrifying scene made Zi Yan a little dazed, she forgot what Chen Feng said, and wanted to run away with Chen Feng.


At this moment, Chen Feng's palm also fell, and immediately after that, a black circle that was bigger than the black circle from the Dou Sheng's skeleton spread out.

In this case, it is as if two black holes attract each other.


After the two huge black holes came into contact, the imagined collision energy storm did not appear.

The two black holes actually gradually became smaller. In the end, the one from the Dou Sheng's skeleton was completely wiped out, and the black circle of light from Chenfeng also consumed two-thirds.

"It seems that the force is too strong!"

Watching the black circle of light continue to sweep towards the Dou Sheng's skeleton, Chen Feng appeared in front of the Dou Sheng's skeleton in a flash, and grabbed it.

At this moment, after using the Great Heaven Good Fortune Palm, the soul remnants in Dou Sheng's bones have completely disappeared, without any threat.

Looking closely, Chen Feng could see that on these bones, there was a strange pattern that seemed to be formed naturally, and there were faint fluorescent lights emitting from it, which looked extremely magical.

Moreover, within that bone arm, there is still something like a liquid flowing quietly.

"Haha, it was a worthwhile trip!"

Seeing these liquid-like substances, a look of joy surged across Chenfeng's face.

"Zi Yan, let's go!"

After putting away the bones of the fighting saint, Chen Feng planned to return to the Wind Realm. After obtaining the treasure, digesting it in time is the best choice.

Of course, when returning, Chenfeng also brought the medicine dust that was found in the alchemy hall. Later, Zi Yan may need his help to absorb the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix.

(End of this chapter)

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