Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 338: Zi Yan absorbs the original fruit of dragon and phoenix!

Chapter 338: Zi Yan absorbs the original fruit of dragon and phoenix!
"Yaochen, do you know this thing?"

Soon after returning to the Wind Realm, Chenfeng entered the small world.

With a flick of his fingers, a wooden box appeared in his hand, and then the wooden box floated up into the air, and fell lightly in front of Yaochen. The box opened automatically, and golden light shone from the room, revealing the baby-like golden fruit inside.

"This is the baby soul fruit, and it is the best quality gold baby soul fruit."

Seeing this golden fruit, Yaochen couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.


Chenfeng nodded with a smile. There are two grades of Soul Infant Fruit, named Silver Infant Soul Fruit and Gold Infant Soul Fruit. The former is slightly inferior, while the latter has the strongest medicinal effect. , belongs to the latter.

"With this gold-grade baby soul fruit, the original soul energy that you have lost should be completely replenished!"

Chenfeng laughed.

"For me?"

"Thank you, Yaochen, Master!"

Hearing this, Yaochen was very grateful on his face, and bowed to Chenfeng again.

"In the past two years, you have done something to some extent. This is a small reward for you. When your soul recovers, I will prepare something to resurrect you!"

Chenfeng waved his hands.

"Thank you master, the master treats Yao Chen like a gift of regeneration!"

Knowing that he will be resurrected soon, Yao Chen became even more excited.

After getting the baby soul fruit, he immediately retreated to digest the baby soul fruit.

On the other hand, Chenfeng left the small world.

Speaking of which, there are two kinds of different fires in Chen Feng's body, but because of the attributes, he has not refined them.

By her side, Cao Ying, Tang Huo'er, Xue Mei, and Lin Fei are suitable for refining the strange fire, but now they are all pregnant, and refining the strange fire may cause harm to the child, so Chenfeng Temporarily dismissed this idea.

Next, Chen Feng took out the skeleton of the fighting saint.

The bones of the Fighting Saint are warm and cool to the touch, without the rough feeling of bones at all. Instead, they feel like the most perfect jade, smooth and cool, giving people an extremely wonderful touch.

On the ribs of this skeleton, there are some words hidden. This kind of words is extremely mysterious and gives people an obscure feeling.


Chenfeng knew that these words could not make people learn the palm of good fortune.

There is a seal on it, and the seal must be broken to reveal the golden saliva.

As the seal was broken by the morning wind, a pool of strange dark golden liquid surged out from the bones. This golden liquid flowed slowly, as if possessing its own intelligence, and occasionally condensed into various strange shapes .

"Zi Yan, do you want to learn sky-level fighting skills?"

Chen Feng called Zi Yan, Zi Yan's current strength is considered the strongest among her women, if she can have a heaven-level fighting skill by her side, her strength will increase greatly again.

"Okay... are you learning the palm technique of hitting a black hole in the hall last time?"

Zi Yan nodded happily, she had seen the power of Chen Feng's fighting skills before.

"It may hurt later, bear with it!"

"Don't worry, Zi Yan is not afraid of pain!"

After Zi Yan nodded, Chen Feng directly threw the golden liquid onto her finger.


The liquid suddenly writhed violently, enveloping Zi Yan's entire palm in an instant.


The dark golden liquid covered the entire right palm, and a sharp pain came from the palm.

Under the wrapping of the dark golden liquid, the palm of Zi Yan's hand squirmed strangely, and even faintly, there was the sound of bones squeezing.

The feeling of squeezing became stronger and stronger, and just when Zi Yan thought that her palm would be squeezed and shattered, the severe pain stopped abruptly, and the dark golden liquid, like a tide, poured into her hand and disappeared quickly not see.

Soon, the memory fragments left by the sage good fortune about the Great Heaven Good Fortune Palm were also opened.

"Great Heaven Good Fortune Palm, a low-level fighting skill of the heavenly rank, created by this seat who exhausted his entire life's efforts to integrate fighting skills from hundreds of schools... This palm technique pays attention to the meaning of good fortune, breaks the sky with the palm, and shatters everything with force."

"Great heaven good fortune palm, with the power of good fortune"

Accompanied by that plain voice, the figure in the memory fragments suddenly burst into a faint fluorescence.

And his body actually became transparent, revealing the extremely clear meridian routes inside, and within those meridians, a trace of dark golden energy shuttled rapidly, outlining a rather strange meridian route.

After the meridian route has been transported for a few cycles, it gradually fades away, but fortunately, Zi Yan has memorized all of that kind of operation route.

As the meridian line faded, the light on the figure's body dissipated again, and the dark golden light on the palm of his hand suddenly flourished, and then he swung his palm violently, falling heavily on the void.


With one palm falling, a terrifying energy swept out like a storm, and a huge black circle of light took shape again under the palm of that figure.

The aperture formed, and then spread like lightning, and the surrounding space, like glass that was forcibly shattered, collapsed in an instant...

"This fighting skill is amazing!"

Because of what is needed to practice the palm of good fortune, that saint good fortune has already paved the way for Zi Yan thoroughly.

Therefore, it must be said that the mastery speed of this elementary level fighting skill is far faster than other fighting skills. It has to be said that it is a real blessing.

And not long after, Yao Chen in the small world had already absorbed the Soul Baby Fruit and returned to its peak state.

"Zi Yan, next, let you truly refine the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix!"

After Yao Chen recovered to her peak, Chen Feng brought Zi Yan into the small world.

In the Dou Qi Continent, as far as the ancient dragons know, the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix has only appeared five times, and only successfully absorbed it twice.

Once it was obtained by the Tianhuang clan, so a super strong man appeared in the Tianhuang clan. During that period, even the Taixu ancient dragon clan was completely suppressed by them.

Hundreds of years later, the Gulong clan finally got a Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, and only then regained their disadvantage.

But in the last bloody battle between the two clans, the two strong men with super bloodlines died together.

Chenfeng is also aware of this failure rate, so even if Zi Yan has the royal blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, Chenfeng must try her best to improve her strength.

Now, Zi Yan is already a mid-level Dou Zun, who is many times stronger than the low-level Dou Zong when Zi Yan absorbed the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix in the original book, and her grasp is naturally greater.

"Brother Feng, then I'll start!"

Zi Yan smiled and said something to Chen Feng, she removed the seal of Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, and let the liquid swim in her body.

At this moment, Zi Yan's expression immediately became dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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