Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 339 My wife has been promoted to 3-star Dou Sheng, and she can finally have a soft meal!

Chapter 339 My wife has been promoted to a three-star battle saint, and she can finally have a soft meal!
Once the purple-gold liquid transformed from the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit is released, some terrifying energy impacts Zi Yan's body.

Zi Yan was running the exercises and absorbing them attentively.

This energy is really too domineering, Zi Yan just absorbed a little bit, and the aura on her body began to rise sharply.

Soon, she climbed to the realm of six-star Dou Zun.

"Hope something goes well!"

Chen Feng's attention has been on Zi Yan.

Half a day later, Zi Yan's cultivation has climbed to the level of Nine Star Dou Zun, which is similar to that of Chen Feng.

However, at this time, the liquid transformed from the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix had already filled Zi Yan's whole body, and the energy released made Chen Feng startled.

And if Zi Yan absorbs it a little slower, the energy filling her body will start to crystallize, as if it is a sign that her entire body will be frozen.

"Yaochen, use the strange fire to help Zi Yan refine it!"

Under Chenfeng's order, Yaochen separated the bone spirit cold fire in time, entered Ziyan's meridians, and calcined those crystal layers.

With the help of Yao Chen, those crystal layers are often just formed, and immediately melt away, and then automatically pour into Zi Yan's flesh and blood.

Time passed slowly, and on the second day, the aura emanating from Zi Yan's body had already made Chen Feng feel a little stressed.

"It seems that Zi Yan will soon enter the real realm of fighting saints!"

Sensing the aura of Zi Yan, Chen Feng was very happy. At this point, it basically means that Zi Yan can successfully absorb the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix.

At that time, an existence with the blood of a real king of Warcraft will be born again!

As long as the bloodline of the ancient dragon and phoenix does not fall, if you continue to practice, you will be able to cultivate to the Nine Star Fighting Saint one day.


"Brother Feng, I succeeded!"

Seven days later, Zi Yan finally succeeded in absorbing the original fruit of the dragon and phoenix.

Standing in front of Chenfeng, her slender figure was dressed in a purple-gold dress. On the dress, dragons and phoenixes danced like living creatures, exuding an undisguised noble aura.

Her delicate body is long, her long purple hair cascades down like a waterfall, spreading over her small waist, and then down to her upturned buttocks. The original purple eyes have now transformed into The purple-gold color is mysterious and enchanting. Under the gaze of this pair of purple-gold eyes, it seems that even the world is bowing down to it.

"very nice!"

Looking at Zi Yan today, Chen Feng was also very happy.

Now Zi Yan's cultivation is already a real three-star fighter, and that aura is the most powerful that Chenfeng has seen so far.

"Zi Yan, I will need you to protect me for a short time in the future!"

Chen Feng grinned, and lightly wrapped his palm around Zi Yan's small waist.

"Okay, whoever dares to bully my husband in the future, I want him to look good!"

Zi Yan nodded her snow-white chin excitedly, and then buried her pretty face into Chen Feng's chest.

Although Zi Yan was careless and slovenly before, she is actually the kind of person who keeps all her thoughts in her heart.

At the beginning, she was eager to grow up, and crazily ate those powerful medicinal materials and spiritual fruits. After she transformed into a form and understood the current situation of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, she was thinking again in her heart, how to revive the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. The Xugu Dragon Clan united the divided Dragon Island.

Now, she finally has that strength, so she is very happy in her heart.

"Zi Yan, there are still more than half a month until the half-year period, when the time comes... those old fellows from Zhuli, I'm afraid their jaws will drop from shock!"

Chen Feng was talking, and took Zi Yan away from the small world.

Now that his wife is stronger than him, Chenfeng naturally wants to eat soft food.

When they came to the harem, Chen Feng carried Zi Yan into the room without even saying hello to the others.

"Brother Feng, I finally know why I was able to improve so quickly when I practiced Dragon and Phoenix Art with you before!"

"In the future, let me help you..."

During the double cultivation, Zi Yan seemed to understand something, her eyes were full of emotion.

Before, Chenfeng practiced with them, but he was actually making wedding dresses for them all the time, which basically didn't improve him much, which was a waste of time.

The huge gap between the peaks of the three-star Dou Sheng and the nine-star Dou Zun made Chen Feng feel as if he was taking drugs every minute and every second when he was practicing Dragon and Phoenix Art, making rapid progress.

In just over a day, he had compressed his battle qi once, and then filled it up again, completing the first turn of the nine-turn sanctification.

During the peaceful cultivation, time passed by in a flash, and soon, half a month passed, and within half a month, Chenfeng extracted the bone marrow of the Dou Sheng from the Dou Sheng's skeleton.

The Dou Sheng bone marrow extracted a total of seven colloidal particles, and after taking three of them, Chenfeng lost the effect of improving.

With the help of the three pieces of bone marrow of the fighting saint, coupled with the double cultivation with Zi Yan, Chen Feng passed the ninth rank of the fighting master smoothly, and was really only one step away from the half-sage.

"Zi Yan, you have worked hard for the past half month!"

Feeling his own cultivation, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and gently stroked Zi Yan's cheek.

The next moment, a golden elixir appeared in Chen Feng's hands.

"Zi Yan, this elixir can increase your cultivation by one star, and you will be more confident when you go to Dragon Island in a few days!"

Chenfeng explained.

"I've reached the three-star Dou Sheng now, can this elixir allow me to break through another star?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Zi Yan's small mouth opened wide, surprise was written all over her face.

"When did my husband lie to you?"

Chen Feng pinched Zi Yan's face and said confidently.

This golden elixir is exactly the Dou Sheng Sheng Xing Pill that was rewarded by the system before. If you take it at the three-star Dou Sheng stage, you can break through 100 star 80.00% of the time. [-]%, continue to go up, the lower the probability.

"Okay, I'm going to digest this elixir now!"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, Zi Yan nodded obediently. In her heart, even now that she is in the three-star Dousheng, Chenfeng is still full of mystery.

Now, with such a strong cultivation base, she chooses a place of retreat a hundred miles away from the harem, so as not to affect other people by those fluctuations.

And after Zi Yan chose to retreat, Chenfeng also found a place to retreat, and then took out a bodhi pill rewarded by the system.

"I hope this time I can step into the Half Saint!"

Although the Bodhi Pill rewarded by the system has a higher rate of improvement than the ordinary Bodhi Pill, it is not [-]%. Therefore, Chenfeng is more cautious.

After taking the Bodhi Pill, he swallowed the Pill Beast he obtained in the ancient ruins. The Pill Beast is an eighth-grade pill that has experienced the Nine-color Pill Thunder. It contains a huge amount of energy. Dou Zun peak consumption, the effect will be very obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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