Chapter 342 Bloodline Suppression!
"Perhaps, this new Dragon Emperor doesn't have the strength of a five-star Dou Sheng at all, and he's just bluffing us!"

The Northern Dragon King analyzed with a very calm expression, as if he had a plan in mind.

"This is indeed suspicious. Even if the Dragon Emperor refines the legendary treasure of the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit, it shouldn't jump directly to the terrifying level of the Five-Star Fighting Saint!"

Hearing what the North Dragon King said, the West Dragon King also nodded and agreed. If Zi Yan was only a three-star star, he would not question the four-star Dou Sheng, but now, it is really unheard of.

"Yes, the Dragon King must have deliberately exaggerated this matter, wanting to take back all of the Three Dragon Islands without bloodshed... Once we declare surrender, then the people on the island will directly listen to the Dragon King's orders!"

The Southern Dragon King didn't speak at this time, but Zhu Mu, the Great Elder with the strength of the two-star Dou Sheng under him, interjected.

"The Dragon Emperor is so calculating!"

"Without bloodshed, we will all be cleaned up!"

After the sound of his words fell, many strong people around nodded in agreement, and the North Dragon King also added fuel and vinegar to it.

"Zhu Mu, you step back!"

At this moment, the Southern Dragon King, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. Obviously, he was a little displeased with Zhu Mu's practice of overstepping his authority.

"The West Dragon King, the North Dragon King, these are just some guesses at present. The Dragon King is not only the blood of the Dacheng royal family, but also awakened the terrifying physique of the ancient dragon and phoenix. When it really comes to the Five Star Fighting Saint, I'm afraid it won't take much effort to defeat the three of us!"

The Southern Dragon King said in a very solemn voice.

The three of them have been Dragon Kings for so many years, and they are very obsessed with power.

But Nanlong King and Xilong King are relatively less courageous and ambitious. If Zi Yan really has the five-star Dou Sheng cultivation level, they will probably choose to submit.

"The Southern Dragon King's words are reasonable, this kind of thing is still not risky!"

King Xilong belonged to that kind of grass, and immediately agreed with King Nanlong.

"Since this is the case, let's go see the Dragon Emperor's demeanor and verify it for ourselves. In this way, everyone can rest assured!"

The Northern Dragon King directly suggested that he was also very disturbed. For him, the five-star Dou Sheng was really powerless to fight against.

Even if the strength of the ancient dragon tribe of the entire North Dragon Island is gathered to launch an attack together, even a five-star fighting saint can deal with it.

However, dealing with the Dragon Emperor is not like dealing with foreign enemies. Ordinary clansmen may take action against other ancient dragon tribe members of Donglong Island, but they absolutely do not have the guts to let them deal with the Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, in the end, if a war really started, it could only be done by the three of them.

"Okay, go and verify it yourself!"

"Look at the strength of the Dragon Emperor!"

Almost everyone agreed with Beilongwang's words without any doubts.

"However, there is a sentence that must be explained first. If the Dragon Emperor does not have that strength, you should know how to do it?"

The Northern Dragon King suddenly spoke.

The meaning of his words, the other few people understand very well that the blood of Dragon and Phoenix will eventually become a top powerhouse. If they don't kill them while they are weak, they will definitely surpass them in a few years.

"If the Dragon Emperor doesn't have a five-star Dou Sheng, the three of us will attack her together and kill her in the cradle!"

King Xilong expressed his position directly.

"Just do it!"

Nan Longwang was stunned for a moment, then nodded helplessly.

"Since that's the case, count the team, and we will visit the Dragon Emperor someday!"


"Brother Feng, do you think the three dragon kings will take the initiative to surrender?"

On Donglong Island, Zi Yan's confidence soared after breaking through the five-star Dou Sheng, but she didn't think that the three ambitious dragon kings would take the initiative to surrender.

"Yes, if the news spreads, they will definitely come over. At that time, as long as they come over, if they dare not submit, you will directly suppress and kill them to make an example to others!"

Chenfeng replied confidently.

The reason why he did this was because he didn't want the clansmen of the Four Great Dragon Islands to consume their strength.

Because, if Zi Yan didn't say those words of pardon, some of the Mishima people would fear their crimes and resist and set off a battle.

"They have come!"

Although Chenfeng's cultivation base is only a junior half-sage, his perception ability is similar to that of Zi Yan, a five-star fighting saint, and he is even competitive.

"Brother Feng, wait for me here!"

This time, it was a family matter of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, so Chen Feng did not come forward, but only explained to Zi Yan some ways to deal with it.

In a blink of an eye, Zi Yan appeared in the sky of Donglong Island, and around her were other strong men from Donglong Island.

Soon, a huge space crack appeared outside the silver mask of Donglong Island, and a large number of figures walked out of it.

It was the three dragon kings who were the leaders. Afterwards, Xuan Mo, Zhu Mu, Lie Shan and other strong men were also present.

Behind these strong men, there were several ancient dragon armies, some of them were all wearing dark golden armor. On the armor, there were dragon-shaped patterns. The vast and powerful Longwei.

In addition to these people in dark golden armor, there are also some figures with bare upper bodies, but these people's bodies should appear extraordinarily strong, giving people a strong sense of visual power impact.

These two troops are the Dragon Armor Army of Xilong Island and the Barbarian Dragon Army of Nanlong Island. The cultivation base of each dragon warrior is above the Douzong, and most of them are above the middle-level Douzong. .

Some of the small captains even have the strength of the peak Dou Zong, or low-level Dou Zun.

Such a lineup, at first glance, doesn't look like they came here to surrender.

"West, South, North, the three elders stationed on the island, it is very good that you can lead the people to promote the unification of our clan!"

When these figures continuously poured out of the cracks in space, the Zijin wings spread out behind Ziyan, and she appeared directly outside the silver energy shield, and came in front of the large group of people.

Although her voice was not loud, it made the souls of many Three Island Dragon Warriors tremble violently, because there was a coercion that they could not resist, this coercion Pressure, from the soul, from the blood.

The next moment, countless dragon warriors knelt down in Zi Yan's direction.

"It's really the blood of the Dacheng royal family!"

Under the gaze of Zi Yan's purple-golden eyes, even strong men like Xuan Mo, Zhu Mu, and Lie Shan had the urge to kneel down.

At this moment, the blood in their bodies was completely suppressed, and this sense of coercion was far stronger than the coercion on the bodies of the three dragon kings.

(End of this chapter)

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