Chapter 343 Sword Slash Rebellion!
"It's really a five-star fighting saint!"

Sensing the powerful aura emanating from Zi Yan, King Xilong felt fear in his heart.

Such a powerful aura made him somewhat unable to resist.

"The elder stationed in Xilong Island, Zhuxi, see the Dragon Emperor!"

The next moment, the West Dragon King directly paid respects to Zi Yan just like those dragon warriors. Moreover, because of what Zi Yan said just now, it seemed that he did not recognize the title of Dragon King, so he also changed his name to himself. For the elders on the island.

Although King Xilong had a lot of crooked thoughts, he was also the one who surrendered the fastest.

After King Xilong surrendered, Lie Shan and Xuanmo under him also directly chose to surrender.

"The elder stationed in Longdao, Zhunan, see the Dragon Emperor!"

Immediately afterwards, the South Dragon King also had no choice. If he did not surrender at this time, his life might be in danger.


At this moment, the originally ambitious Northern Dragon King also became stooped.

The current situation has completely exceeded his expectations.

Being oppressed by Zi Yan's powerful aura, he couldn't think of resisting at all.

"The elders stationed in the North Dragon Island, Zhubei, see the Dragon Emperor!"

At this moment, even the Northern Dragon King had no choice but to bow his head to Zi Yan.

"Very well, the four islands are now one. Your past crimes, the emperor will not blame the past!"

Zi Yan also did not expect that things would go so smoothly, almost without a single battle, the unification of Taixu ancient dragon clan was completed.

"If it weren't for those two pills from Brother Feng, which allowed me to raise my cultivation level by two stars, I'm afraid that even if I refined the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, it would be difficult for me to achieve this kind of deterrent power!"

Zi Yan secretly rejoiced in her heart.

"Thank you Dragon Emperor!"

"Thank you Dragon Emperor!"

Many Mishima dragon warriors said in unison.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the elite dragon troops who came this time will basically not listen to the orders of the three dragon kings anymore. In their eyes, there is only the dragon king now, and there is no so-called dragon king.

However, what is surprising is that this time, the West and South Dragon Kings brought elite troops here, while the North Dragon King did not bring many people, not even the other members of the Dou Sheng cultivation on the island.

"Brother Feng asked me to pay more attention to the Northern Dragon King. It seems that the Northern Dragon King really has other ideas!"

Zi Yan noticed this, but didn't say it directly.

"The three elders stationed on the island will follow the king to the ancient palace to discuss important matters. The rest of the people will go back now and pass on the order of the emperor to move all Dragon Island to East Dragon Island. The four islands will become one..."

Zi Yan issued an order again, which was also taught by Chenfeng before, to let the three dragon kings come over, and temporarily lose contact with all the dragon people on Long Island, so that they will have no chance to deal with any moths. up.

Sure enough, as Zi Yan's words fell, Beilong King's face changed drastically. He saved his hand this time just to make another plan after going back. It's a pity that Zi Yan wants to keep him here now.

"As ordered!"

"As ordered!"

The West Dragon King and the South Dragon King agreed at the same time, but the North Dragon King remained silent.

"Elder Zhubei, do you have any questions?"

Zi Yan's majestic gaze focused on the North Dragon King.

"Dragon Emperor, there are still many things that have not been arranged on the North Dragon Island. If I don't go, I'm afraid they won't cooperate with the reunification of the four islands. Why don't I go back and supervise it myself?"

Although the Northern Dragon King was very nervous, he quickly made up an excuse.

"Elder Zhubei doesn't need to bother with this matter. The Emperor will ask Elder Zhuli to bring someone to deal with the matter of Beilong Island. I believe that after Elder Zhuli conveys the order of the Emperor, no one will object..."

Zi Yan waved her hand, not giving the Northern Dragon King any chance to leave.

"Dragon Emperor, I think I'd better go there myself..."

The North Dragon King still insisted on his attitude, and turned around to leave.

"Elder Zhubei, it seems that you want to disobey orders!"

At this moment, a murderous intent surged from Zi Yan's body, and she saw the invisible energy wall blocking the North Dragon King's retreat.


At this moment, the arms of the North Dragon King turned into dragon claws, forcibly smashing the space barrier built by Zi Yan, his figure flickered a few times, and he was about to escape from everyone's sight.

"Hmph, dare to disobey the emperor, today the emperor will enforce the family rules..."

Zi Yan stepped on the void and walked slowly towards the North Dragon King. In his hand, a liquid-like golden long sword flowed slowly. A destructive power quietly permeated. At the same time, it contained a strange power. The cold sound of pressure also spread.

"Dragon-slaying sword, this is the dragon-slaying sword!"

Feeling the power of the sword in Zi Yan's hand, the faces of all the dragon people present changed drastically, and the Northern Dragon King, who was running wildly, also felt a huge threat.

The dragon-slaying sword is not a weapon, but a powerful fighting skill among the Taixu ancient dragon clan. This kind of fighting skill can only be performed by ancient dragons with the purest royal blood.

This is a powerful fighting skill that even the three dragon kings could not perform. However, they never expected that Ziyan could summon it. You must know that even the last dragon king was born after his strength reached the six-star Dou Sheng. , Only then was he able to barely summon the Dragon Slayer Sword, but now Ziyan is only a five-star fighting saint.

Dragon Slaying Sword, as the name suggests, is specially used for slaying dragons. This is a method exclusive to the Dragon Emperor. Unless the strength is far superior to the ancient dragon who used the Dragon Slaying Sword, any ancient dragon, under this sword, is like tofu. Fragile.

"Dragon Slaying Sword!"

At this moment, on Donglong Island, all the people also stopped their bodies at this moment, raised their heads, and looked at the beautiful figure stepping on the void with deep fear in their eyes.

Even the strong ancient dragon clan whose cultivation has reached Dou Sheng can't help but tremble.

That is the fear and fear that comes from the blood, the Dragon Slaying Sword is the thing that all Taixu ancient dragons fear the most.

"Disobedience to the Emperor, you should be executed!"

In the void, Zi Yan raised the dragon-slaying sword in her hand, waved it at the North Dragon King across the air, and swung the sword down, as if there was a strange wave, which diffused like lightning from the tip of the sword.

When that sword was swung down, the Northern Dragon King who was fleeing was also aware of it, and a low growl came out of his mouth, and suddenly, his head, body, arms, and most of his body were all full of dragons. Scales, these dragon scales glowed with a strange luster, as if they were indestructible.

However, this seemingly extremely powerful defense collapsed immediately after a breath, and the strange energy emitted from the dragon-slaying sword lightly passed through the void on his body.


The fluctuations passed by, and the body of the North Dragon King stopped in place immediately, and a bloodstain appeared from the top of his head.

Immediately afterwards, the bloodstains split open, and the hard dragon scales covering his body were split in half like tofu. In the end, his entire body was directly divided into two halves, and the blood burst out, which was extremely terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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