Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 349 Mu Qingluan's Surprise, Attacking the Soul Palace Sub-Hall!

Chapter 349 Mu Qingluan's Surprise, Attacking the Soul Palace Sub-Hall!
That night, Chen Feng and Mu Qingluan continued to sleep in the same room.

Because Mu Qingluan was injured last night and hadn't fully recovered yet, she couldn't keep serving Chenfeng all the time. In the second half of the night, Chenfeng taught her the magical skill of Dragon and Phoenix Jue.

The two took off their clothes on the soft couch, sat cross-legged facing each other, and practiced Dragon and Phoenix Art earnestly.

"My God, this exercise is too amazing!"

Ten minutes later, Mu Qingluan's watery eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

In just ten minutes, she actually broke through the one-star cultivation level at the Douhuang stage.

"This is just the beginning..."

Chen Feng shook it lightly, shook his head with a smile, as if there was a mysterious veil on his body.

Now that his cultivation has reached the level of a semi-sage, Mu Qingluan is just a Douhuang. The two of them cultivated together. Mu Qingluan thinks it is equivalent to every minute and every second, with the speed of a Dou Zun's peak powerhouse absorbing Dou Qi.

It is a very simple matter for a Dou Zun peak powerhouse to absorb the total amount of Dou Qi for more than ten minutes, and let a person at the Dou Huang stage break through to one-star cultivation base.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was dawn. At this time, Mu Qingluan's cultivation base had reached the eight-star Douhuang. This was the effect of Chenfeng's deliberate suppression. To break through the bottleneck of Dou Zong's realm.


At the same time, a large number of experts had already gathered in the hall of the Falling Star Pavilion.

Yaochen sat on the head of the hall, with the majestic aura of a semi-saint powerhouse.

Below it, in addition to Venerable Feng, there are four Dou Zuns. Among these four, there are two low-level Dou Zuns, one middle-level Dou Zun, and one high-level Dou Zun. Like Venerable Feng, they are all in the stage of Seven Star Dou Zun.

"Pavilion Master, now the people in the pavilion have been counted. This time, we will set off in secret, and we will definitely be able to eradicate the branch of the Soul Palace that Mu Gu is staying at now..."

Venerable Wind stood up and cupped his hands.

"You don't need to bring your disciples there, this time, just the six of us will do!"

Hearing this, Yao Chen shook his head and said: "If there are too many people, it will be too ostentatious, and Mu Gu will get the news in advance. When he hides, it will be very troublesome if he wants to find again... Besides, that kind of battle, you don't want to fight." It won’t be of much use if the disciples follow me!”

"Okay, just do as the Pavilion Master said!"

Regarding Yaochen's words, Venerable Feng didn't have any opinion.

The other four also nodded in unison.

"Okay, after we set off, the Xingyun Pavilion will temporarily announce the closed door to thank guests, and we will talk about everything after we come back!"

Yao Chen issued another order.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly left the Xingyun Pavilion with five Dou Zun powerhouses.

"They're off!"

In the room, Chenfeng sensed the movement of those people leaving, and said in a low voice.

"I hope the teacher and the Pavilion Master will have a smooth trip!"

Mu Qingluan prayed in her heart.

"Don't worry, with Yaochen's strength, there are no more than three people who can beat him in the Hall of Souls. If you just eradicate one Earth Evil Hall, there won't be any trouble..."

Chen Feng comforted Mu Qingluan with a smile, and the confidence revealed in his words really reassured Mu Qingluan a lot.


The Wujie Mountains are located in the southwestern region of Zhongzhou. This place is shrouded in dense fog and poisonous miasma all year round. It can also be regarded as a relatively famous fierce place in Zhongzhou.

Even monsters are too lazy to inhabit this kind of place, and ordinary people will never set foot here. The dense fog inside will disorient the intruders.

But in the extreme depths of the mountain range, the fog became much thinner.

Here, there is an extremely steep slope, and at the end of that slope, there is a giant valley surrounded by mountains. Inside the giant valley, there is a huge black hall that is hundreds of feet long, like a creeping prehistoric beast. In that darkness, there was a chilling and terrifying aura.



Suddenly, at the bottom of the slope, six figures flashed over quickly.

"Ahead is the branch hall of the Soul Palace where Mu Gu stayed this time."

Glancing at the huge black hall in front of him, the elder with the strength of the seven-star Dou Zun said excitedly.

With his strength, he is not afraid of ordinary people from the Soul Palace. Moreover, he is a casual cultivator with no worries and cares. Now that he has joined the Starfall Pavilion, he is not afraid of the Soul Palace's revenge at all.

"There is a space seal there, the old man will break the seal later, when the time comes, you will surround this soul hall branch, don't let anyone go..."

Yao Chen nodded, he was also a little excited about meeting his enemy for many years.


As soon as the words fell, Yao Chen punched fiercely at the sky above the hall, smashing the invisible seal covering the sky of the hall to pieces.


In the depths of the huge black hall, there is a huge square. On the square, black stone pillars as high as hundreds of feet stand upright. On the stone pillars, there are countless strange runes.

A series of pitch-black chains extended from the stone pillars, criss-crossing and outlining the mid-air of the square, and at the end of these chains, there were faint light clusters floating, inside of which were painful expressions and illusory bodies. body of the soul.

"Hehe, Tianzun, Heitianzun, there are quite a lot of souls in this branch hall that the two of you are stationed in. I'm afraid that this year you will be able to get the reward of the Great Tianzun, which makes people very enviable..."

In the square, a figure wrapped in black mist walked slowly for a few steps, then turned to look at the two behind him with some envy.

"Hehe, Mu Gu, you are a celebrity at the Palace Master's place. The rewards we two get are nothing to you!"

The two Heavenly Venerates, black and white, spoke in unison.

The cultivation of the two of them has reached the level of the six-star Dou Zun, and they are the Heavenly Venerables of the Soul Palace, while the old man Mugu is only a respected old man with a three-star Dou Zun, but they did not put on airs and spoke quite politely .

The reason, of course, is related to Muguna's identity as an eighth-rank pharmacist.

In Dou Qi Continent, pharmacists are very popular no matter where they are, even organizations like Soul Palace are no exception.


"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the outside world, as well as the shouts of countless Soul Palace powerhouses, causing the expressions of the three people in the square to change slightly.

"The space seal has been shattered!"

There was deep surprise in the eyes of the black and white Tianzun. The space seal was broken, and they didn't notice it at all, which means that it was broken instantly by someone.

"Go out and see!"

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, the two Heavenly Venerates, black and white, left the square in unison, and then came outside the huge black hall.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

As soon as he came out of the main hall, Heihei Tianzun saw a Dharma protector not far in front of him, who was killed by a burst of grudge energy and turned into a mess of flesh and blood.

On the side, the remaining soul palace guardians immediately showed horror on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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