Chapter 350 Catching Big Fish!


Several shrill screams resounded in the valley.


As soon as the shrill cry fell, a fierce sword energy suddenly swept down from the sky, and then shot through the bodies of the two soul hall guardians as fast as lightning.

When there was a shrill scream, the sword energy also split some stone pillars outside the giant hall.


As the fierce sword energy descended, five figures slowly emerged from the horrified eyes of the many Soul Palace powerhouses.

Then, the vast aura erupted unreservedly at this moment.


The five Dou Zun powerhouses erupted at the same time, and that momentum directly caused sand and rocks to fly in the valley, and the powerful coercion pervaded from the sky, causing the faces of the people in the Hall of Souls to change drastically.

"Haha, you bastards of the Soul Palace, it's your turn to pay the debt today!"

A hearty laughter sounded from the sky, and immediately a majestic strong wind swept down from the sky, and then directly smashed more than a dozen soul palace experts into the soil, the terrifying force, in an instant , is to destroy them into thin air.

"Haha, kill!"

In the sky, five figures rushed down, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Even the guardian of the Soul Palace, who used to show off his might, could only back away in horror in the face of this group of strong men like wolves and tigers. They never thought that someone would be bold enough to take the initiative to attack their branch of the Soul Palace.

"Feng Xian, you Xingyun Pavilion are so brave! How dare you come to my Soul Palace!"

After seeing Venerable Feng's face clearly in the crowd, the two Heavenly Venerables, black and white, were furious and rushed to Venerable Feng in an instant.


Stopped by the two Heavenly Venerates, Black and White, Venerable Feng waved his sleeves, and a cyan swirl of wind swept away immediately. The huge energy made the face of the Venerable Black and White change drastically.

"Seven Star Dou Zun, how is this possible!"

Sensing the strength of Venerable Wind's attack, the two Heavenly Venerates, black and white, hurriedly shot out a black and white two-color energy column, barely blocking the wind whirlpool's strangulation.

"Feng Xian, why is it him?"

At this moment, another black-robed man with Dou Zun's strength came out from the hall. When he saw Venerable Feng, he also showed the same surprise on his face.

"Mu Gu, the situation is not right today, they have five Dou Zuns here, and Feng Xian has actually broken through to the Seven Star Dou Zun, and invited another Seven Star Dou Zun!"

Black and White Tianzun and Mu Gu gathered together, their expressions were very fearful.

"Mugu, you are indeed here!"

Venerable Feng also noticed Mu Gu, and immediately surrounded him with another seven-star Dou Zun named Kudao. As for the other three Dou Zun, they were killing the Dharma Guardians in the palace This time, the purpose of their group is to bloodbath the Soul Palace and prevent anyone from escaping.

"It seems that you are here for me today!"

Mu Gu looked directly at Venerable Feng, his gaze was very cold.

"That's right, the grudge against that old guy back then will be settled with you today!"

Venerable Feng also said coldly.

"How did Feng Xian know what happened back then?"

Hearing these words, the old man Mu Gu had doubts in his heart. He did not disclose the murder of Mu Gu back then, otherwise, he would not have been able to live so peacefully these years.

"Stop talking nonsense with them, kill them all!" Venerable Dry Knife shouted.

After finishing speaking, Venerable Dry Knife raised the big knife glowing with khaki-yellow light in his hand and slashed towards Old Man Mugu.

A khaki-colored knife light several tens of feet in size struck swiftly.

"Stop him!"

The attack of the Seven Star Dou Zun, the old man Mu Gu, whose cultivation level was only three stars Dou Zun, naturally did not dare to resist, and quickly called the two people around him to resist.

The two Heavenly Venerables, Black and White, also knew Mu Gu's position in the Soul Palace, and immediately joined forces, slapped out their palms, and the vast energy surged, and they made several energy palm prints to intercept the blade glow of Venerable Dry Knife.

But at this time, Mu Gu actually planned to tear open the space crack and escape while the two were helping him resist the dry knife.

"call out!"

It's just that he just made a move when a cyan whirlwind hit him, forcing him to dodge.

"No, Feng Xian obviously wants to put me to death today. With my current strength, I am no match for him at all. Even escaping is very difficult!"

"It seems that I can only ask Lord Jiu Tianzun to save me!"

A jade tube suddenly appeared in Mu Gu's hand, his eyes flashed with pain, and then he crushed it ruthlessly.

As the jade tube was crushed, a strong force of space immediately diffused, and immediately after, a crack opened in the space behind Old Man Mugu, and a blue figure slowly stepped out.

With the appearance of this figure, the air in this piece of heaven and earth immediately became moist, and faintly, there were tiny raindrops pouring down from the sky around the huge black hall.

The incoming person is able to induce changes in the energy of the world by virtue of the vast fighting energy in his body, so his strength must be extremely strong.

"Mu Gu, why did you force you to use the space jade tube I gave you... Huh..."

The blue figure glanced at the old man Mugu, and spoke in surprise, but before he finished speaking, he stopped, because the breath of the seven-star Dou Zun of Venerable Feng and Venerable Dry Knife had already attracted him. attention.

"Master Jiu Tianzun, this guy Feng Xian actually brought people from the Xingyun Pavilion to kill me!"

On Mu Gu's side, while avoiding the whirlwind shot by Venerable Feng, he spoke quickly.

The blue figure frowned slightly with light blue eyebrows, and with a wave of his sleeves, the raindrops scattered between the sky and the earth gathered at an astonishing speed, and in an instant, they condensed into a high-speed back and forth in front of the old man Mu Gu. The rotating rain curtain blocked all the attacks of Venerable Wind.

The old man was dressed in a blue robe, and even his hair and eyebrows were light blue. In his eyes, it was as if the energy of the endless vast water system was stirring.

"Feng Xian, although you have now broken through to the Seven Star Dou Zun, but you are an enemy of my Soul Palace, you are probably looking for your own death!"

The old man in blue robe looked directly at Venerable Feng, and said calmly.

"Hehe, I knew that Mu Gu would be valued by the Soul Palace. After all, with such a dark force in your Soul Palace, it is not easy to recruit a powerful alchemist... Bring it out, this trip is worthwhile!"

After the blue-robed old man appeared, Venerable Feng's expression was very calm.

This time, the reason why Yaochen didn't show up was to use Mu Guduo to catch a few big fish from the Soul Palace.

"Hey, you're making a fool of yourself!"

Seeing Venerable Wind's reaction, the old man in blue snorted coldly, his figure flashed quickly, his right palm fluttered out, and the water vapor all over the sky condensed at this moment, and finally brought an extremely strong cold breath, Like lightning, it swept towards Venerable Wind.

(End of this chapter)

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