Chapter 351 Devil Rain, Prison!
However, just when the Nine Heavenly Venerable of the Soul Palace was about to approach ten feet in front of Venerable Feng, his expression suddenly changed.

Because, he found that at this moment, it seemed that the dou qi circulating in his body stagnated, and the raindrops and mist that filled his body quickly dissipated.

Such a scene naturally caused some shock in Jiu Tianzun's heart.

At this moment, he turned his eyes to the back of Venerable Feng, where an old figure stood in the air, and that familiar face directly made him cry out.

"Yaochen? You're not dead?"

Jiu Tianzun recognized Yao Chen at a glance, and what made his heart sink most rapidly was the terrifying aura overflowing from Yao Lao's body, the aura was so strong that even he felt a little trembling.

"It's him, the him back then, isn't his body already destroyed, how could he still be alive?"

At this moment, the old man Mu Gu also seemed to have lost his soul.

Back then, he and Yaochen worshiped the same person as their teacher, and they were regarded as Yaochen's younger brother, but the achievements of the latter two were very different.

Especially after participating in the alchemy meeting, Yao Chen became famous, which made old man Mu Gu extremely jealous. He was far inferior to his senior brother Yao Chen in terms of cultivation and refining medicine.

Later, Mu Gu was expelled from the school because of some incidents, and the friendship between the brothers and sisters was completely forgotten by Mu Gu.

At the beginning, people from Soul Palace threw olive branches to him and Yaochen at the same time. Yaochen thought that Soul Palace was too dark and refused to agree, but Mu Gu directly agreed and became the elder of Soul Palace.

Afterwards, when Mu Gu learned that Yaochen obtained the miraculous technique of "Fenjue" from the ancient ruins, the jealousy in his heart had twisted his whole body, so he pushed Yaochen's apprentice Han Feng, and the following happened. It happened that Han Feng deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors...

"Haha, my good senior brother, I didn't expect your life to be so big!"

At this moment, Mu Guqian laughed, concealing the surprise and fear in his heart.

"You bastard, you deserve to be called my senior brother? Today, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Yao Chen walked in front of Venerable Feng, looked coldly at the old man Mu Gu below, and a huge murderous intent swept across.

"Jiu Tianzun, save me!"

Mu Gu hurriedly hid behind Jiu Tianzun in the Soul Palace.

"Yaochen, do you think that you can compete with my Soul Palace after recovering your peak strength?"

Jiu Tianzun spoke loudly, but only he himself understood that when he said this, he had no confidence at all.

Because, even with his arrogance, he has to admit that with his current strength, he is not Yao Lao's opponent.

"Hehe, there are many opponents in the Soul Palace, and some people are too restrained to make a move at will, and as long as some people don't make a move, the old man still doesn't take you seriously!"

Yao Lao smiled faintly, but the smile was slightly cold.

"I really think I'm afraid of you!"

Jiu Tianzun's complexion is also gloomy and cold, with one mouth, the overwhelming blue fighting energy gushes out, and quickly condenses into a giant beast with claws and claws, with a strong energy pressure, sharp claws, and rushes directly at Yaochen. past.

Facing the attack of Jiu Tianzun, Yao Chen stretched out his palm and grabbed it fiercely, the space in front of him collapsed instantly, and the giant beast was cut off directly by the middle, turning into overwhelming water droplets, and scattered.


One palm breaks the attack of Jiu Tianzun, Yaochen bombards away with a palm from the air, this palm blasts out, turns into an invisible giant hand of space, directly melts through the space, and steals towards Jiu Tianzun silently.

Although the giant hand of space was silent, Jiu Tianzun still felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart.

At that moment, the Nine Heavens Venerable's handprints changed rapidly, and with a low shout, the endless cold energy between the heaven and the earth gathered together, forming a huge blue water cover of hundreds of feet.


The giant hand of space landed fiercely on the huge blue water cover, and the monstrous power of space diffused in an instant. The seemingly solid blue water cover only lasted for a blink of an eye, and then there was a bang. , suddenly exploded, and suddenly, the rain fell majesticly from the sky, and fell on the forest, bringing a crisp sound of rattling.

"This old guy, his strength has completely recovered!"

Seeing the power of Yaochen's simple move, Mu Gu was very surprised. He didn't expect that the injury back then would have no effect on Yaochen.


The blue water cover broke, and the body of Jiu Tianzun also staggered, and his figure was directly pushed back more than a hundred meters. He suffered a lot of injuries with just one move.

And all of this was just done by Yao Chen on purpose, if Yao Chen wanted to kill him, he would have left half his life with just one move.

"Yaochen, it doesn't matter if you are strong, the strength of my Soul Palace is something you cannot resist!"

Jiu Tianzun took a deep breath, and the palm of his hand suddenly produced dazzling handprints like lightning.

And following the changes in these seals, the space around him also slowly swayed, and immediately a crack in space slowly tore open.

When the crack in the space was torn open, a bone-chilling and powerful aura slowly came out from the crack.

"Has the Eight Heavenly Prisoners come too, just as I want..."

Seeing the aura in the cracks in the space behind Jiu Tianzun, Yao Chen murmured softly, as if all this was what he expected.

In the sky, space cracks slowly spread open, and the icy and bone-chilling monstrous aura also permeated.

Immediately, a white figure finally stepped out of the space slowly, and then appeared under the gaze of countless eyes.

"Old Jiu, I didn't expect you to activate the Space Jade Slip..."

The white figure slowly appeared, and an indifferent voice also sounded.

"Hmph, stop talking, see your opponent clearly!"

Jiu Tianzun frowned and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Jiu Tianzun's words, the white figure that appeared also raised his head slowly, it was still an old face, its hair and beard were all white, and even the eyes were dark white, giving people an extremely icy look. The feeling of cold looks like a block of ice.

"Medicine dust?"

The white figure's eyes paused on Yao Lao who was not far in front of him, and he was slightly taken aback, his white eyes showed surprise: "Is this guy still alive?"

"It's good that you've all come, the grievances and grievances of the past will be resolved at once!"

Yao Chen glanced at the Ba Tianzun who appeared, and said in a calm voice, but there was a killing intent hidden in this calm voice.

"No wonder...with your strength alone, you are indeed no match for him!"

Ba Tianzun's snow-white brows trembled slightly, and he said in a very apprehensive way that he was once defeated by Yao Chen back then, so many shadows were left in his heart.

"The two of us should join hands to block him, otherwise, this branch hall, and Mu Gu, will all be buried, and we will not be able to explain it at that time!"

Mo Yu invited Prison to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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