Chapter 352 Desperate Strength!
"This old guy's strength, the two of us, I'm afraid..."

Ba Tianzun frowned slightly, hesitating a little.

"Back then you were defeated by him, and this has always been a problem in your heart. If you don't try now, maybe you won't have such a chance in the future!"

Seeing Ba Tianzun's hesitation, Jiu Tianzun hurriedly persuaded him.

Back then, the two of them were no opponents of Yaochen at all, but after so many years, their strength has improved a lot, and their confidence has become stronger.

Hearing this, the palm of Ba Tianzun stroking the snow-white beard froze, and there were slight fluctuations in the white eyes. After a while, he finally nodded slowly and said: "In this case... let's try it, I will give it a try. I also really want to know if the current Yaochen still has the prestige of the past!"

"Don't worry, you and I join forces, even the Nine Star Dou Zun can fight!"

Jiu Tianzun smiled, and immediately his eyes became sharp, and he clenched his palm suddenly, and vast fluctuations spread from the palm.

With the spread of this wave, the world quickly became moist.

Drops of raindrops condense out of thin air in the sky. From a distance, they are densely packed, and the end is almost invisible.

These raindrops contain extremely rich water system energy. Although this energy is slightly warm and peaceful, it is extremely corrosive.

Such a drop, if shot at high speed, is enough to easily penetrate the battle qi defense of a Dou Huang powerhouse.

And just one drop has such destructive power. If the dense and endless raindrops gather together today, the destructive power will be very strong.

Even Venerable Feng, who had just broken through to Seven Star Dou Zun, could no longer participate in this kind of battle, so he could only retreat and deal with other members of the Soul Palace.

Above the sky, Yaochen stood suspended, looking at the strange raindrops that filled the surrounding world calmly, all the raindrops that appeared within a hundred feet of his body would burst open the moment they appeared.


Jiu Tianzun's complexion was also extremely solemn at this moment, and when the handprints changed, a sharp shout sounded from his mouth.

And as the Nine Heavens Venerable yelled down, the strange raindrops that permeated the heavens and the earth suddenly trembled and quickly condensed. In the blink of an eye, a huge blue rainball about a hundred feet slowly emerged.

The area of ​​the rainball is huge, and the whole body is blue in color. As it rotates slowly, if the monstrous energy diffuses and explodes, the valley may be destroyed into a flat land in an instant.

When the rainball took shape, the Batian Venerable Prisoner on the other side also took a deep breath, raised his palm, and faced the rainball from a distance, the dark white air of extreme cold suddenly gushed out from his palm, and finally all of them adhered above the rainball.

"Crack, click!"

When the dark white solid ice touched the rainball, it spread rapidly. In just a short moment, the blue rainball turned into a huge ice ball.

Moreover, the energy contained in it is becoming more and more terrifying.

The power of the fighting skills jointly displayed by the two top experts in the Hall of Souls is already enough to shock the hearts of ordinary Dou Zun.

"Yao Chen, I was defeated by you back then, I don't know if you have the ability to resist the combined attack of the two of us today!"

Turning the rainball into a hockey ball, the face of the Eight Heavenly Prisoners was also slightly paler. Obviously, this kind of attack consumed a lot of his strength.

"These two guys are beyond their capabilities!"

On Venerable Feng's side, he looked at the two of them as if they were fools.

At this time, Venerable Dry Knife and the other three Dou Zun have also gathered. At this moment, apart from the five people of Black and White Tianzun, Mu Gu, Ba Tianzun, and Jiu Tianzun, there are no other living souls in this Soul Palace branch. .

And when these people looked at the situation over there, they also showed joking expressions.

In the sky, Yaochen heard Ba Tianzun's loud shout, but only shook his eyebrows, but his face still didn't have much emotional fluctuation.

This feeling is as if the huge ice ball that could destroy the valley does not exist.

"Hmph, I want to see how long you can be brave!"

Facing Yaochen's calmness, Jiu Tianzun couldn't help but sneer.

"Rain erodes the sky!"

The sound of violent drinking full of incomparable domineering resounded through the sky, Mo Yu, and the prisoner two pushed forward fiercely with both hands.

The huge ice ball suddenly spun at a high speed while trembling, and finally, amidst the deafening humming and breaking the wind, it swept away towards the medicine dust like lightning.

As the ice puck slammed, the surrounding space cracked inch by inch, and a huge crack in the pitch-black space that was hundreds of meters long emerged from the void space like a black belt.

"Today, let you, Venerable Medicine, die under the cooperation of the two of us!"

Looking at the terrifying ice hockey that was getting closer and closer to Yao Lao, Jiu Tianzun and the two also had a look of fanaticism in their eyes.

When the ice puck entered Yaolao's Baizhang range, he finally raised his palm slowly under the gaze of countless eyes.

Seeing that Yao Lao actually wanted to catch the ice puck, Jiu Tianzun couldn't help showing a cold smile on their faces.


However, just as the smiles on the faces of the two of them appeared, they suddenly froze under the next faint voice.

A soft shout came from Yaochen's mouth, and the ice ball that was spinning at high speed froze in an instant.

The Jiu Tianzun and the two of them looked dull at the moment, and the two of them joined forces to strike with all their strength, even if they were really strong at the peak of Dou Zun, it was impossible to really stop it just by saying it.

"The me now is not the peak Dou Zun, but a half-sage!"

At this time, Yaochen's face suddenly had a hint of banter like a cat playing with a mouse, and the powerful aura of the high-ranking semi-saint all emitted from his body.

Half holy!

The simple two words were undoubtedly like a thunderbolt, which suddenly exploded in the ears of Jiu Tianzun and the other two.

At this moment, it seemed that even the battle energy in their bodies had stopped functioning, and their eyes were dull.

Semi-holy, this level is also known as the abyss of despair for all Dou Zun peak powerhouses.

In the world, most of the powerhouses who have reached the peak level of Dou Zun stop at the edge of this semi-sage.

But no matter how hard they practiced, they still couldn't really set foot on this so-called semi-holy level in the end.

When Emperor Dou gradually became a legendary memory existing in history, a simple holy word represented the pinnacle of this world.

Mo Yu and the prisoner also understood in their hearts how difficult it is to reach this level.

Perhaps it is impossible to truly achieve it after exhausting all the efforts of a lifetime.

They never imagined that Yaochen would be able to set foot on this level.

However, although I have never thought about it, the reality is extremely cruel.

The most unexpected situation finally appeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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