Chapter 361 Three thousand flames!
"Yes, everything is fate!"

Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and did not deny Xuan Kongzi's words.

"That old guy Yaochen was able to meet you, it's really a blessing he cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Xuan Kongzi sighed with emotion in his eyes.

"Senior Xuan Kongzi, I heard that the three thousand flames imprisoned in this Dan Pagoda have been waiting for someone to conquer them for so many years. Is it true?"

The next moment, Chenfeng changed the subject directly, and brought the topic to Three Thousand Yanyanhuo.

"Yes, although Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo has been imprisoned, it has been in need of blessing and sealing for a long time. If it is allowed to escape, I am afraid that the entire Holy Elixir Domain will be burned!"

Xuankongzi didn't hide this kind of thing either.

But then he asked curiously: "Morrowind, you suddenly ask about this matter, what are your plans?"

"Ying'er has now reached Dou Zun's cultivation base, and her soul realm has broken through to the spiritual realm. Perhaps Ying'er can try to subdue the three thousand flames!" Chen Feng said bluntly.

As Chen Feng's voice fell, Cao Ying had some surprise in her eyes.

"I, can I?"

Cao Ying spoke with a lack of confidence.

When Sanqianyanhuo was in Danta for a long time, there were countless people who wanted to subdue them, but in the end they all returned in vain. Even her teacher, the three giants of Danta, could not refine Sanqianyanhuo, so they could only choose to use it. captivity.

"Don't worry, I said you can do it!"

The corners of Chen Feng's mouth raised, and he put his hands on Cao Ying's snow-white and fragrant shoulders, speaking very confidently.

"According to the rules, if you want to try to subdue Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo, you must become the Elder of the Pill Tower, or get the top ten rankings in the Pill Club... But now Yinger's strength can make an exception for her! "

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Xuan Kongzi hesitated for a while, but finally agreed to let Cao Ying have a try.

After all, the rules are dead, but people are alive. As the head of the Danta Big Three, he still has this little authority.

Next, Xuan Kongzi sent a message in a certain direction.

Soon, two figures appeared in this hall.

One of them was an old man with rather dark skin, his face was tense, and he had a serious feeling of unsmiling, his eyes were like lightning.

The one on the right is a beautiful woman in a cheongsam. Although Chenfeng can be sure that she will never be younger than Xuan Kongzi and the other two, her appearance is similar to that of a woman in her 30s, her expression is indifferent, The face is clear and beautiful, and there is still a faint charm of time.

The beautiful woman's figure is also very good. The cheongsam doesn't hide her proud figure. Her slender waist and her perky buttocks are just like the teacher Ruolin back then. She has a familiar temptation feeling.

"I've met the two presidents!"

After the two people came in, Cao Ying immediately bowed and saluted them.

Chenfeng also knew the identities of the two for the first time. The male is Tianleizi and the female is Xuanyi. They are the other two giants of Danta.

"Girl Cao Ying left the Saint Pill Domain this time, the changes are really big!"

The beautiful woman looked at Cao Ying carefully, and after a while, she gave out a compliment.

The eyes of Tianleizi on the side were also full of shock.

The progress of Cao Ying's cultivation was really unexpected.

Next, Xuan Kongzi explained it to the two of them, but still didn't get to the point, it just made them more curious about Chenfeng.

"Alright, since Ying'er is going to give it a try, let's open the star realm for her now!"

Next, several people all came to the sky above Danta.

Following the lightning-like changes of Xuankongzi's three handprints, the vast soul wave spread out from the three people's bodies.

Immediately, the empty sky suddenly fluctuated violently, and then, a pale silver space gate appeared in front of everyone's gaze.

"Xuanyi, please take these two young men in. Tianleizi and I will stabilize the seal outside to prevent any unexpected events!"

Xuan Kongzi said with a smile.


Xuan Yi nodded lightly, and said to Chen Feng and Cao Ying in a very gentle voice, "Let's go in!"

The next moment, Xuan Yi stepped into the space gate first and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Chen Feng and Cao Ying also quickly followed.

Along with the spatial fluctuation, the figures of the three disappeared in the spatial fluctuation one after another.


Entering this pitch-black space, the temperature of the surrounding space changes suddenly.

However, the cultivation base of the three people who entered the star field at this moment is not low, and they are not afraid of such heat at all.

The so-called star field is a space that was forcibly torn out by the three giants of the alchemy tower. This kind of space is naturally not comparable to such strange places as the alchemy world and the ancient world.

Moreover, this place looks quite desolate, the surrounding area is filled with a faint hot mist, and there are some faint rays of light penetrating into this space, making the light here a little cold.

The biggest function of this space is to block the penetration of some starlight.

Three thousand flames is also known as the fire of the starry sky, it is born from the power of the stars, as long as the power of the stars is enough, then it will live forever.

In this world, the power of the stars rarely disappears completely sometimes.

Because, even in the daytime, there is also the power of the stars, but it is relatively weak.

"Follow me!"

Xuan Yi turned his head and smiled at Chen Feng and Cao Ying, his brows and eyes were very gentle, with that kind of mature charm.

Several people walked in this empty space, although the temperature was getting higher and higher, but it had no effect on them. After all, even Cao Ying, who had the lowest cultivation base, was now a three-star Dou Zun. for.

Soon, a ball of light appeared at the end of the three of them's vision.

Gradually approaching that group of dazzling strong light, the objects within that light appeared clearly in their sight just now.

Within the ray of light, there is a huge giant dragon that cannot be seen. The dragon's eyes are closed tightly, and its body is winding and entangled. On its huge body, there is a strange purple-black flame. As the flame rises, the surrounding space , there is a sense of distortion.

In the vast void, the giant dragon is entrenched, and the purple-black flame continuously seeps out of its body, burning tirelessly. This spectacular scene makes people feel a sense of shock that cannot be concealed.

Although the giant dragon's eyes are tightly closed now, the strong dragon's power... This body shape is too shocking.

"This is the Three Thousand Flames, but it's sealed now, Yinger, go try and see if you can subdue it!"

Xuan Yi turned his head and said to Cao Ying: Touch your palm to the forehead of Sanqian Yanyanhuo. There is a dragon scale there that has not been covered by the purple and black flames, and then invade your soul power into it. If you are lucky, , maybe it can be conquered. "

(End of this chapter)

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