Chapter 362 Surrender!

"Can I do it?"

Seeing the huge three thousand flames, Cao Ying was very shocked, and at the moment she was extremely unconfident.

"Ying'er, if the gentle method fails later, you will take this elixir and directly devour the origin of the Three Thousand Flames Fire!"

Chenfeng handed Cao Ying a red elixir. This elixir was the Fire-Bathing elixir. Chenfeng had obtained this elixir for a long time, and it was finally going to be put to use today.

"Swallow the source of the different fire, how can this be done?"

Cao Ying took the pill that Chen Feng handed over without hesitation, and she did not doubt Chen Feng's words at all.

However, the beautiful woman Xuanyi at the side reacted greatly and shook her head again and again.

"Cao Ying, how strong the source of the strange fire is, it is simply not something that humans can withstand. You will be burned to death instantly!" Xuan Yi spoke again, trying to get Cao Ying to give up the method that Chen Feng said.

"I believe in Brother Feng, if Brother Feng says it can be done, it will definitely work!"

There was a smile on Cao Ying's face. At this moment, she was not a witch, but a nymphomaniac girl who obeyed Chen Feng's words.

"Morrowind, please persuade this girl..."

Xuanyi wanted Chenfeng to speak, but suddenly realized that this proposal was made by Chenfeng, and suddenly took it back in the middle of the sentence.

"Miss Xuanyi, don't worry, nothing will happen to Yinger!"

The corners of Chenfeng's mouth curled up, and there was still a very confident smile on his face.

"All right!"

Maybe it was because Chenfeng's words about Miss Xuanyi made Xuanyi feel a little weird, or maybe it was because Chenfeng's confidence was contagious, and Xuanyi also believed it.

Next, Cao Ying stepped forward as instructed, and then found the dragon scale that was as tall as others. Sure enough, there was no flame lingering on it.

Glancing at the dragon scales, Cao Ying found that these dragon scales seemed to be covered with black threads like spider silk.

These black lines are entangled with each other, forming runes that look extremely strange.

And these runes are tightly adhered to the dragon scales.

Like a gigantic black net, it envelops all three thousand flames.

Cao Ying did not hesitate, took a step forward, and then her palm gently touched the dragon scale that was not surrounded by flames.

When the palm touched it, there was surprisingly no heat, but a faint chill.

But Cao Ying didn't have time to think about it at this time. As soon as she closed her eyes, the soul power at the center of her eyebrows was cautiously following her arm, and then along the dragon scales, intruding in. Strangely, that Yuhuo Pill actually It is also wrapped in this separated soul power.

After Cao Ying's soul power invaded the dragon scale, a small low voice suddenly sounded, and immediately Cao Ying's soul seemed to break through a layer of something, and appeared in a strange void.

This void is filled with purple-black flames, and in the center of the flames, there is a miniature version of the giant dragon, but at this moment, this little fire dragon is entrenched with its eyes closed, as if sleeping.

Seeing the little fire dragon with its eyes tightly closed, Cao Ying knew that this thing was the original fire of the Three Thousand Yanyan Fire.

According to the method Xuan Yi said, Cao Ying poked out a trace of her soul power to gain Sanqianyan Yanhuo's favor, but there was no reaction at all.

"Looks like that doesn't work!"

Cao Ying shook her head.

At this moment, the little fire dragon, which had been keeping its eyes closed, suddenly opened its eyes, its eyes filled with purple-black flames, glowing with cold color, staring at Cao Ying's soul.

"Brother Feng guessed right, the original fire of the three thousand flames is not asleep."

Cao Ying exclaimed in her heart.

"Stupid humans."

Huolong suddenly uttered a cold human language, and the voice was full of mockery.

The next moment, purple-black flames suddenly surged out of the fire dragon's body, and then swept towards Cao Ying overwhelmingly.

However, just when Cao Ying felt that the flame was about to burn this ray of soul power, a layer of red light shield protected her soul so that the flame could not invade at all.

"It seems that the pill Brother Feng gave me worked!"

After noticing the situation, Cao Ying understood immediately.

The next moment, she remembered what Chen Feng said before, and the soul incarnation walked towards the fire dragon without dodging or evading, completely ignoring the flames that filled her body.

"Who are you? Why can you ignore my flames!"

Seeing Cao Ying approaching step by step, but those flames could not burn her soul, the mini dragon suddenly panicked.

The next moment, Cao Ying came closer and swallowed it directly into her mouth.

Outside, the huge body of Sanqianyanyanhuo opened its huge dragon eyes immediately after the original source was swallowed, and immediately struggled crazily.


Three Thousand Yanhuo struggled desperately, the sound of roaring resounded through the void, and the purple-black flames crazily burned those black line runes, and in the nothingness, there was also a slightly cool power of the stars constantly seeping out, In the end, they continuously got into the huge body of Sanqianyan Yanhuo.

Facing the three thousand flames, which had been silent for many years, they fought back desperately again. Even those black line runes seemed a bit dwarfed at the moment. Under the crazy burning of the purple-black flames, some runes were all It has become much dimmer.

"Oops, the seal is about to break!"

"I still want to struggle!"

On Xuanyi's side, seeing this scene, she subconsciously wanted to strengthen the seal, but what happened next shocked her.

With just one sentence from Chen Feng, the flames on the dragon's body were extinguished, and it was immediately bound tightly by those black threads.

"Who the hell is he? He actually hides this kind of strength!"

Seeing this scene, Xuanyi no longer regarded Chenfeng as a junior, because even she herself could never be like Chenfeng.

"Miss Xuanyi, don't worry, Ying'er has already begun to erase the consciousness of the three thousand flames. Once the origin of the three thousand flames is refined, it will be completely subdued!"

Chen Feng spoke very calmly, he still had great confidence in the effect of the Yuhuo Pill.


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xuan Yi nodded in agreement almost subconsciously.

In a strange space, Cao Ying's soul was fighting with the soul of Sanqianyanyanhuo. Without the threat of flames, Sanqianyanyanhuo's soul was just a mortal soul. How could it be Cao Ying's spiritual realm? rival of the soul.

In the confrontation again and again, Sanqianyanyanhuo's soul was constantly wounded, and even his memory began to be lost.


Sanqianyan Yanhuo began to beg for mercy constantly, wanting Cao Ying to let her go.

For this, Cao Ying has no mercy at all. Now that the soul of Sanqianyanyanhuo is wiped out, a new soul will be derived after that. Although the soul born after that is still as fierce as this soul, but But will be very loyal to her.

(End of this chapter)

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