Chapter 369: Earth Demon Old Ghost!

Magic Flame Valley, it can be said that in the original Black Horn Region, apart from Canaan College, it is the largest and has a long history.

Xie Zhen, the Fourth Elder in the valley, is known as the Eagle Claw Old Man in the Black Horn Region. His strength is in the six-star Douhuang. He is very powerful in close combat, relying on special claw techniques.

These are only the four elders, and their strength is stronger than that of the famous blood sect lord Fan Lao before, which shows the strength of Demon Flame Valley.

His Guzhong Great Elder's dialect, his cultivation base has reached the peak of the Nine-Star Douhuang, and he is only one step away from the Douzong.

The Great Elder Dialect, paired with two high-level Dou Huangs, the Second Elder and the Third Elder, can perform the Flame Technique to create artificial strange fires, which are extremely powerful and can rival those ordinary one-star Dou Sect experts.

During the retreat of the owner of the Demon Flame Valley, several elders in the valley created a great reputation, and they were all-powerful in the Black Horn Region.

Jia Xingtian has heard about these things since he led his troops into the Black Horn Region. However, no matter how powerful the elders of Demon Flame Valley are, they are still not taken seriously by Jia Xingtian.

What Jia Xingtian really cares about is the owner of Demon Flame Valley who has been in retreat all the time, Old Demon Old Ghost.

It is said that he used to be a strong man in the same batch as the dean of Canaan College, but he was at the bottom level. The current dean of Canaan College does not know how much he surpassed him.

"Hui Jialao, the owner of the Demon Flame Valley, probably reached a high-level Douzong!"

A surrendered black alliance powerhouse thought and replied.

"High-ranking Douzong!"

Hearing this, Jia Xingtian was a little worried. He didn't know if the strong man who helped him kill Mo Tianxing was still there.

Otherwise, with his current strength, it would still be a bit of pressure to deal with high-level Dou Zong powerhouses. At that time, he could only be crushed by the superiority of numbers, and the Dou King level powerhouses would suffer heavy losses.

However, in front of everyone, he did not show that worry, but seemed dismissive.

"Jia Lao is so dismissive, it seems he is very confident!"

"The death of Mo Tianxing before was too outrageous. No one saw the person who shot it. Among so many people, the person who broke through and died suddenly, how strong the person who shot it must be!"

"His Majesty Chenfeng has something to do with Pill Tower and Fenyan Valley, maybe there is a Dou Zun expert secretly assisting..."

This kind of performance immediately reminded everyone of Mo Tianxing's sudden death at the beginning. In this way, everyone's confidence doubled.

Next, Jia Xingtian led people to control the Black Imperial City. After resting in place for two days, he led [-]% of the people out of the Black Imperial City and headed towards the Demon Flame Valley.


The Magic Flame Valley is located in a giant valley of a mountain range in the northern part of the Black Horn Region.

The area of ​​this valley is not much smaller than that of a city, and it has a large population, most of whom are outsiders of Demon Flame Valley.

Most of those who can become members of the inner valley are carefully selected elites. Generally speaking, they only account for one-tenth of the number.

But even so, the popularity of the Magic Flame Valley is quite strong. Although the Magic Flame Valley has existed for a long time, it is still prosperous in the Black Horn Domain.

Of course, the biggest reason for this is naturally the existence of the old devil and old ghost.

With a seven-star fighting sect expert, Demon Flame Valley has the capital to run rampant in the Black Horn Region.

The huge valley seemed to be excavated from a mountain peak.

Around the valley, there are deep black rocks, which seem to have a faint metallic luster.

This is black steel stone, which is extremely hard, and even a strong Douwang would find it difficult to break it.

Looking at the dense black rocks, it seems that this mountain range is a mineral vein.

The headquarters of Demon Flame Valley is located here.

The atmosphere in the Demonic Flame Valley today is very solemn, because the news that the Jiama Empire's army is heading towards the Demonic Flame Valley has spread, and the people in the Demonic Flame Valley have taken precautions early.

Suddenly, a large number of figures appeared in the sky, causing many Waigu disciples to panic.

These more than 300 figures are all in the air, and at a glance, it gives people a great sense of oppression.

The leader is Jia Xingtian, and behind him are more than [-] Douhuang powerhouses.

However, on the side of Demon Flame Valley, it seems that some casual cultivators nearby have been summoned. The number of Douhuang powerhouses has reached as many as 15 people. Although no alliance has been formed, the number of high-level powerhouses is already very high. Close to the previous black alliance.

"The Jia Ma Empire's ambitions are really big enough, they actually made their minds come to my Demon Flame Valley..."

Suddenly, a thunderous shout resounded mightily in the valley.

The lingering sound lingers, like the reverberation of Sanskrit sounds, which shakes the mind.

Not long after the old voice came out, a violent gust of wind suddenly sounded from the edge of the sky. In just a moment, a figure appeared above the Demon Flame Valley Square, standing in front of the large number of fighting emperors and fighting kings. .

This is a blood-haired old man wearing a skeleton yellow robe. The old man's face is also thin, almost of the skinny type.

At first glance, it looks like a skull, and the deep-set eyes have a faint luster, like will-o'-the-wisps, revealing a bit of weirdness and gloom.

This blood-haired old man just stood in the void, his deep-set eyes looking at Jiaxingtian and his group indifferently.

Whenever his sleeves flutter lightly with the wind, the surrounding space will emit a subtle fluctuation quietly.

Such a deep grudge is obviously stronger than Jia Xingtian, and it is very likely that this person is the devil old ghost who is the founder of Demon Flame Valley.

As soon as the old man appeared, a wave of oppression fell from the sky.

Among the Jia Ma army, the faces of some weak soldiers changed slightly, with a hint of panic in their eyes.

"Haha, His Majesty Morrowind has an order to wipe out the Black Horn Territory. Those who follow will live, and those who go against will die!"

On Jia Xingtian's side, he didn't become any timid because of the appearance of the old devil, he was still full of momentum, and his words were also very strong, and he didn't give the old devil any face.

"Hehe, do you think the old man was scared? Back then, the old man was from the same era as Mang Qianchi..."

The old devil snorted coldly.

"Hehe, just by you, you are worthy to be compared with the principal of Nacanan Academy!"

With disdain on Jia Xingtian's face, he continued to mock me. With so many subordinates, how could he be afraid.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

The old devil's eyes suddenly turned cold, and with a movement of his five fingers, five cold and fierce battle qi suddenly shot out from his fingertips, carrying a fierce wind, and shot straight at Jiaxingtian.

However, Jia Xingtian did not panic at all and shot out a slate-yellow Dou Qi, and at the same time, the three hundred Dou Wang powerhouses behind him, and more than [-] Dou Huang powerhouses also made their moves at this time.

Countless beams of fighting energy condensed into several energy beams in the air, easily destroying the five attacks of the old devil and old ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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