Chapter 370 Great victory!


The attack was exacerbated by Xing Tian led the crowd to disperse, the old devil's eyes flickered slightly, and he snorted coldly: "Everyone in the Demon Flame Valley, take action!"

"As ordered!"

All of a sudden, all the elders of the Douhuang cultivation level in the Demon Flame Valley attacked one after another, and then began to collide with the strong Jia Ma Empire, forming a scuffle.

Although the number of Douhuang powerhouses in the Jia Ma Empire's army is much higher than that of Demon Flame Valley, but within a short period of time, the people of Demon Flame Valley can still hold on.

And what the old devil and the old ghost need is this kind of short time, so that other Douhuang powerhouses cannot help Jia Xingtian.

He could see that Jia Xingtian's cultivation base was in the five-star Douzong. With his seven-star Douzong cultivation base, if he made a full attack, he should be able to defeat Jia Xingtian. No matter how many cases there are, he can solve them slowly.

The old devil's strength is unfathomable. Perhaps even Jia Xingtian's advanced fighting skills would not be able to compete with him.

After all, among the ranks of Dou Zong, there is a huge gap between each star, and it is quite difficult to challenge by leapfrogging.

Moreover, the background of the old devil and the old ghost can also make the fighting skills of the earth level.

"Extra Xingtian, right? I will let you come and go today!"

The old devil's words were rampant and arrogant. Of course, with his strength, he also has the qualifications to be so proud.

In today's Black Horn Domain, it is really difficult to find someone who can match his strength.

Those strong men of the same generation either fell unfortunately or left the Black Horn Region. Among the slightly younger generation, the top ones are Mo Tianxing, but with their strength, it is still difficult to compete with Old Demon. Comparable to old ghosts.

Soon, Old Demon Patriarch came straight to Jiaxingtian, and the two began to fight hand to hand.

Jia Xingtian took out a sharp arrow and stabbed Old Demon Old Ghost. However, when he first came into contact with the black cold air permeating Old Demon Old Ghost's body, the latter froze suddenly.

In the blink of an eye, a half-foot-sized black ice crystal appeared in front of him, and when the sharp sword in Jia Xingtian's hand penetrated halfway, it was difficult to penetrate an inch.

Seeing this, Jia Xingtian was a little flustered, he hurriedly retreated, and drew eight Douhuang experts from there to help him out. In today's battle, he was fighting for the numerical advantage.

"Hehe, I think more people beat people less... These few Dou Huang are not qualified!"

The old devil's eyes still didn't fluctuate too much, he stared at Jia Xingtian and his party calmly, stepped lightly on the void, and then approached them step by step.

And as the soles of the old devil's feet stepped down step by step, the black cold air covering his body became thicker and thicker. Later, the temperature of this world dropped a lot, and many people with weak strength, They couldn't help but trembled.

Jia Xingtian narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw that Old Demon Old Ghost was able to influence the weather temperature in an area with his fighting spirit.

"Death to me!"

The Old Demon Old Ghost also sneered, black air lingered around his fingertips, and immediately flicked his fingers.

"Thousand Illusion Mysterious Ice Spikes!"

With the flicking of the ten fingers of the old devil and the old ghost, dense black ice picks emerged strangely from the fingertips, and immediately shot towards Jia Xingtian and his party overwhelmingly.

The sharp sound of breaking the wind caused by a group attack resounded in everyone's ears, making people's scalps slightly numb.The black ice pick may seem inconspicuous, but the strong wind contained on it is quite terrifying. Not to mention the overwhelming shape, a single one may be able to directly kill a strong Dou Huang warrior.

It can be seen from this that this little thing is actually not as cute as its size.

Looking solemnly at the overwhelming black ice cones, Jia Xingtian did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

Swinging the sleeve robe, streams of khaki-colored fighting spirit rushed out, and immediately entangled with each other, forming a thick wall of earth in front of him in an instant.

The icicle came with lightning, and in just a flash, it shot into the earth wall one after another like a swarm of bees.

Fortunately, the earth wall was not directly pierced by these ice cones, and it seemed to last for a while.

"Bing Ning Jianjue!"

More and more black ice cones became invisible, but Old Demon Old Ghost sneered, forming knots on his withered claws, and shouted sharply.

As the shouts fell, the many ice picks that rushed into the earth wall were quickly moved closer together. In the blink of an eye, they all merged into a dark ice sword about ten feet wide. The ice sword took shape, and a force was The cold air burst out, piercing through the earthen wall, and its sharp sword tip unceremoniously pierced Jia Xingtian's head behind the air wall.

"Hand of the Earth!"

Seeing the change of those ice picks, Jia Xingtian's cheeks also changed. With a low drink, the air wall squirmed rapidly, and immediately turned into a huge khaki hand, and then he reached down and directly killed the pitch-black ice sword. Grabbing tightly, there was a piercing chi chi sound when it came into contact with the cold air of the ice sword.

Looking at the persevering Jia Xingtian with a sneer in his eyes, the old devil's mouth turned cold, and he immediately shouted softly: "Explosive!"


As soon as the shout fell, the pitch-black ice sword trembled violently, and immediately burst open out of thin air without warning. The impact of the explosion directly blasted the big khaki-colored hand out of nothingness, and the ice sword exploded. It opened, but it didn't just shatter, but turned into countless palm-sized ice blades, breaking through the blockade of the gray-purple air wall like lightning, and shooting directly at Jia Xingtian!

Seeing this scene, Jia Xingtian's complexion changed greatly. If those ice blades stabbed over, the surrounding Douhuang experts might be in danger.

The lightning-like confrontation between the two Dou Zong powerhouses contained incomparable dangers.

Almost all recruited killers, and such a thrilling offensive that could be fatal at any time also made many strong men break out in cold sweat.

However, at this moment, those ice blades were all condensed and stagnated in the air.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this scene, it was Old Demon Old Ghost's turn to panic.

Soon, under the shocking eyes of the old devil and old ghost, several pitch-black chains suddenly appeared from somewhere in the sky.

"It seems that the strong man has shot again!"

On the Jia Ma Empire's powerhouse side, seeing this situation, all of them were happy.

They remembered the scene of Mo Tianxing's death, and they were so strong.

At the critical moment, the Old Demon Old Ghost didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest. He took a deep breath, and immediately his face became strangely red.

The redness lasted for an instant, only a hissing sound was heard, and countless black cold air was seen overwhelmingly spraying out from the pores on the former's body surface.

Moreover, the jets of black cold air are faintly mixed with bright red, and it is this faint bright red that makes the pitch-black cold air even colder.
(End of this chapter)

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