Chapter 371 Treasure house!

"Blood-cold sky!"

A gloomy drinking sound came out hoarsely from the mouth of the old devil, and as the drinking sound fell, the pitch-black cold air also rapidly expanded.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge black cloud with a size of more than ten feet, and the figure of the old devil and old ghost was completely covered up.

As soon as the cold cloud emerged, the temperature in the space where the Old Demon Old Ghost was located suddenly became icy cold, and tiny ice crystals suddenly fell from the sky strangely.

Those with sensitive senses would be able to discover that these ice crystals are actually the moisture contained in the air. Unexpectedly, the temperature of the black cold cloud of the Old Demon Old Ghost is so low that it is terrifying.
The world around here is covered with a thin layer of frost, and many disciples from outside the Demonic Flame Valley below are shivering from the ice.

Moreover, some careful people were horrified to find that under this strange cold air, even the fighting energy in their bodies tended to freeze.

The frightening cold air of the old devil and the old ghost can actually solidify the fighting energy in the human body. Such a method is really powerful.

Even some Dou Huang powerhouses in the vicinity were a little blue at the moment, with ice crystals flickering on their hair.

They all gritted their teeth and stimulated the fighting spirit in their bodies to resist the terrifying cold.

However, this seemingly powerful black cold cloud could not stop the progress of the black chain at all.

The black chains rushed into the depths of the black cold cloud like a broken bamboo.


Soon, in the depths of the cold cloud, there was the shrill scream of the old demon and old ghost.

"what's going on?"

"It's the voice of the ancestor!"

"That mysterious lord is really powerful, as long as he makes a move, everything will be settled!"

After the terrifying cry came out, it immediately shocked countless people.

They didn't expect that such a powerful old ghost, the old devil, would not be able to last a round in the hands of that mysterious strong man.

In the cold cloud, the miserable cry only lasted for two or three seconds, and then disappeared as the black chain disappeared out of thin air.

"Old Ancestor, are you dead?"

"It's over, the ancestor is dead, and our Demon Flame Valley is over!"

A group of Demon Flame Valley powerhouses looked at the cold cloud that filled the sky in disbelief, with panic and despair still appearing in their eyes.

At this moment, the black cold cloud began to tremble violently, as if it was about to dissipate.


Seeing this scene, Jia Xingtian gathered his fighting spirit and a strong wind blew towards the black cold cloud, causing the black cold cloud to blow towards the Demon Flame Valley.


The speed was so fast that no one in the Demon Flame Valley could react in time.

Soon, the black cold cloud with the size of thousands of feet floated to Demon Flame Valley, covering countless Demon Flame Valley disciples.


Some Demon Flame Valley disciples with low strength were instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

Even the Dou Wang powerhouse was covered by the cold cloud, and the surface of his body was frozen and stiff. If no one rescued him, he would only die.

As the cold cloud fell, a quarter of the ordinary disciples of Demon Flame Valley were directly lost, which was simply terrifying.

Moreover, in the center of the cold cloud, everyone saw an old corpse in a yellow robe with long blood-colored hair.

"The ancestor is really dead!"

Looking at the corpse, everyone in Demon Flame Valley lost all fighting spirit for an instant.

"The old devil is dead. Those who resist will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, Jia Xingtian announced in time that surrender would save one's death.

"I would like to surrender!"

Seeing that the situation was over, the four old men with eagle claws in Demon Flame Valley were the first to surrender.

Seeing this, the great elder of Demon Flame Valley, Fang Yan, was very angry. However, just as he was about to scold the old man Eagle Claw for being a traitor, he stopped again.

"Hey... Today, I, Demon Flame Valley, will be defeated. If I continue to resist, I'm afraid it will be a disaster. Let's surrender, otherwise blood will flow like a river!"

Fang Yan let out a long sigh, and finally cupped his hands in the direction of Jia Xingtian and said, "I, Demon Flame Valley, wish to surrender!"

Once the old devil and old ghost died, Fang Yan became the person with the highest status in Demon Flame Valley. At this moment, even he chose to surrender, and all the disciples and elders of Demon Flame Valley expressed their opinions one after another.

"I am willing to surrender!"

"I am willing to surrender!"

The sound of surrender resounded one after another.

On the other hand, the Jia Ma Empire army let out a victory cry.

Soon, Jia Xingtian led the army to clean up the battlefield, and then took over the Demon Flame Valley.


"Jia Lao, this is where the sect's treasure house is, but I have never been in it!"

Soon after, Fang Yan, the great elder who had surrendered in Demon Flame Valley, led Jiaxingtian and the Douhuang warriors behind Jiaxingtian to a stone wall covered with weeds.


"Open it!"

Jia Xingtian nodded lightly. He was very excited about searching for the treasure house.

Hearing this, Fang Yan responded respectfully, then stretched out his palm and lightly pressed it on the stone wall, striking out with a dark force.


As rubble flew everywhere, a gap opened in the stone wall, and a tunnel ten meters deep appeared in front of it.

Then, everyone saw a deep dark hole hidden in the depths of the stone wall.


Seeing this scene, Jia Xingtian waved, then took the lead and walked forward.

After passing through the short tunnel, they stopped outside the cave entrance after a while. Standing here, they could faintly see some lights emanating from the cave.

On the stone walls around the cave, there are some patterns of monsters painted on them, which look quite menacing. However, this useless deterrent will naturally have no effect on this group of people.

In the cave, there is a long stone ladder, which extends into the faint darkness below, and it is difficult to see the end.

And on the surrounding mountain walls, there are some moonstones that exude a faint light, slowly expelling the darkness in the cave.

Jia Xingtian led the people under his hands down the stone ladder slowly, and after about ten minutes, he just walked to the end, and at the end of the ladder, a tightly closed heavy stone door appeared in front of everyone.

The whole body of the Shimen is black, covered with some moss, and there is a faint heavy breath.

Because Fang Yan and other elders of Demon Flame Valley had never been here before, Jia Xingtian planned to do it himself this time.

The next moment, Jia Xingtian stretched out his withered palm and slowly stamped on the stone gate.

Then his eyes sharpened sharply, and the majestic battle energy that could catapult mountains and rocks surged out along his arms like lightning.

Finally, with a loud bang, it slammed on the stone door fiercely.


As the gravel flew, the stone door was covered with cracks in an instant, and then collapsed with a bang, and a dazzling glare burst out from it.

The moment the strong light hit, everyone's eyes narrowed slightly as if habitually.

"Jia Lao, be careful!"

"Jia Lao, be careful!"

Several Dou Huang experts from the Jia Ma Empire standing behind suddenly reminded them loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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