Chapter 377 Competing for soul attacks?

"Haha, even a mere Dou Zun has the courage to show off his strength. Gu You, you'd better go out and die in person!"

Yao Chen laughed, and his laughter was like thunder, which rumbled directly into the huge hall.

At this moment, his body was surrounded by countless black threads. Even though he was enveloped by the cold fire of the Bone Spirit, his whole person was full of evil aura and looked very evil.

While laughing, he stepped forward and directly crossed a distance of hundreds of feet. He shook his palms at the group of Soul Palace Heavenly Lords. The space instantly solidified, and then he squeezed his palms hard.


With the grasp of Yaochen's palm, the bodies of the dozen Soul Palace Heavenly Lords exploded in an instant, turning into balls of plasma and flying away.

As for their souls, if they didn't deliberately hold back, they would be crushed by the power of these spaces.


After killing these dozens of Dou Zun powerhouses in the Soul Palace, Yaochen opened his mouth again without changing his face, and a huge suction burst out, swallowing these dozen good soul nourishment into his mouth.

"Yao Chen, I'm afraid you are crazy, you actually dare to swallow a living soul like this!"

Gu You rushed out of the hall, looking at Yao Chen suspiciously.

"Good nourishment. I don't know what it feels like to have a semi-saint soul like your Gu You!"

Yao Chen didn't pay attention to Gu You's words at all. He licked his tongue, looking like he was still unfinished.

After devouring the souls of more than a dozen Dou Zun powerhouses, his soul power has improved a bit, and his cultivation base has also increased.

"This is impossible! You actually digested their souls directly, Yaochen, you are not far from death!"

Seeing Yao Chen's evil look, Gu You didn't even have the confidence to speak.

"Gu You, I will kill all of you in this human palace today and devour your souls!"

Yao Chen laughed loudly.

"Haha, just because of you, do you think you can be invincible in the world with just one Star Fighting Saint?"

Hearing Yao Chen's words, although Gu You found that Yao Chen was very different from his previous image, he still laughed at this moment.

Because, there is a very powerful being sitting in this main hall.

"Haha, that so-called Great Heavenly Lord, stop hiding. My master and I are going to be bloodbathed here today!"

Yao Chen directly ignored the clown Gu You and stared at the black hall behind him.

"Hmph, what a big tone, don't really think that you can do whatever you want when you reach the level of Dou Sheng. My soul clan wants to kill you, it's just a matter of gestures!"

As soon as Yao Chen's voice fell, a cold snort came from the depths of the huge palace.

Immediately, thick black mist surged out from it. In the black mist, an old figure with a body as thin as a skeleton walked slowly out with a sinister aura.

The black mist surged, and a rickety figure as dry as a skeleton slowly appeared in the field of vision of Yao Chen and Chen Feng.

He was dressed in a black robe, his old face looked extremely withered, his eyes were sunken, and there were two balls of will-o'-the-wisp dancing in his eye sockets, which seemed a little strange.

"Da Tianzun of Soul Palace, you are finally willing to show your face!"

Yao Chen looked at the old figure, smiled slightly, and said softly.

"Yao Chen, last time you destroyed a branch of my Soul Palace, the clan has long wanted your life. Now that you are here, I have no choice but to accept you!"

The old figure slowly raised his head, his withered face looked slightly terrifying under the light. The will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes danced slightly, and a hoarse voice sounded quietly.

"We still don't know who will accept whom!" Yao Chen looked at the withered old man with unusually cold eyes.

With the strength of the great Tianzun, it might be a little troublesome for him to deal with it in the middle stage of the two-star battle, but now that Chenfeng is here, he is not worried at all that he will not be able to defeat him.

"Brother, why bother talking nonsense with him? Kill him and extract his soul. Jie Jie, a strong fighting saint and an eighth-grade alchemist's soul, is enough to compare with the soul of one of our branch temples that has been collected for nearly a hundred years. soul!"

A fierce light flashed in Gu You's eyes. He had been upset by Shu Chen before when he was defeated.

Now that Yao Chen actually dared to break into the Soul Palace, he would have to pay a huge price for whatever he said.

"Haha, Guyou, you talk too much nonsense, you'd better let me collect your soul!"

As soon as Gu You finished speaking, the space in front of him was distorted, and Yao Chen's figure rushed towards him.

"Hmph, don't think that the old man will be afraid of you when you come to Dou Sheng. I'm only a hair away from that Dou Sheng!"

Gu You snorted coldly, but he didn't show much fear.

The last time he was injured, it didn't seem to have any impact. On the contrary, he became stronger. Moreover, this is their home court, so his combat effectiveness can be greatly increased.

At that moment, Gu You pressed his palms, and monstrous black energy surged out from his body.

The many huge chains around the huge palace also trembled violently at this moment, and black energy surged out, and finally merged into his body.

"Yao Chen, I want to see today why you come to my Soul Palace to collect debts!"

Black energy surged, and Bone You, like the demon god who came to the world, roared to the sky, and only a clanging sound could be heard. In the black mist, countless pitch-black chains, brought out shrill screams, and overwhelming voices. The medicine dust flew away violently, and the momentum seemed extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Yao Lao smiled lightly and never backed down.

The fighting spirit surged and turned into a flash of lightning, which directly collided with the bone ghost.

During this whole process, Chenfeng seemed to have been ignored by Gu You and many powerful soul palace men, but the Great Heavenly Lord of the soul palace vaguely felt that something was wrong.

He couldn't see Morro Breeze's aura, but he sensed a dangerous aura from Morro Breeze.

"Yao Chen, you bring a junior with you. Today, I will send this junior to the West first!"

The Great Heavenly Lord's face turned slightly cold, and a seal formed on the palm of his sleeve.


As soon as the seal was completed, the space around Chen Feng suddenly rippled, and many white shadows soon came into his eyes.

He could only see that the surrounding void space suddenly transformed into countless sharp white bones, stabbing at his body as fast as lightning.

"You dare to take action against the master, you don't want to live long!"

Hearing the words of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace, Yao Chen didn't even look back and concentrated on dealing with Gu You. The current Gu You was much stronger than before. It would probably take more than ten rounds to defeat him.

"little tricks!"

Morrowind looked at the lightning-fast bone spurs surrounding them, and smiled softly. An invisible wave melted away those bone spurs in an instant.

"There is indeed something wrong with this young man!"

"Bone Emperor Splits the Sky!"

The bone spurs were broken so easily by the morning wind, Datian's face showed surprise, and the unusually cold low voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the space above Morro Feng's head rippled rapidly, and a huge bone knife, filled with a strange aura, broke through the void and struck at him from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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