Chapter 378 Human and Sword Unity!

"call out!"

Following the swing of the strange bone knife, a strange wave suddenly spread out and flew towards the morning wind as fast as lightning.

"Oh, at this level, you dare to use soul attacks in front of me?"

Feeling the strange fluctuations, Chen Feng smiled.

Although the Great Heavenly Lord knew how to attack souls, it was a pity that Chenfeng was far better than him in terms of soul power and mastery of soul skills.


With a thought in Chenfeng's mind, the soul power surged out from between his brows, and a soul fist mark without any fancy was formed.


The invisible soul fist wind rushed out violently, and in mid-air, it collided with the waves of the bone knife, and finally both of them were annihilated.

Seeing the soul wave that was easily shattered by the morning wind, the Great Heavenly Lord flashed and appeared in the sky under the bone knife that was as big as a hundred feet.

Black mist surged from his palm, turning into a giant hand. He directly grabbed the handle of the knife, and with a cold shout, the bone knife tore through the space, and instantly reached the top of Chenfeng's head, carrying extremely terrifying sharp fluctuations, and slashed angrily. And down!

"That bone knife is a bit weird, it seems to be able to cut the soul!"

The huge bone knife quickly enlarged in Chenfeng's eyes.

"This old man's bone knife is forged from the bones of thousands of people. There are countless soul sacrificial knives in it. As long as the wind of the knife invades the body, it will definitely suffer from the pain of thousands of souls!"

The bone knife in the Great Heavenly Lord's hand was slightly horizontal, and he said grimly: "Today, I will use it to take your life, which can be regarded as a sign of respect for you!"

"Then see if you have the ability!"

Chenfeng sneered, his soul power has reached the heavenly realm, this kind of sword energy also wants to hurt his soul?

The next moment, lightning flashed across Chenfeng's body, and his entire body was covered by the lightning.

"Since you have so much confidence in this bone-breaking knife, let me break it!"

Morrowind chuckled.

"Humph, boy, you are too arrogant!"

The Great Heavenly Lord smiled solemnly, and the black energy in his body surged, turning into souls with hideous faces. They screamed and rushed into the bone knife, and with the influx of many souls.

After a while, traces of bright red gradually appeared on the bone knife's white surface, like dark blood stains.

"Soul Destruction!"

As the strange blood stains appeared on the bone knife, a look of solemnity appeared on the face of the Great Heavenly Lord.

With a sudden wave of his hand, the huge bone knife slashed hard at the area of ​​lightning.

"Break it for me!"

A flush appeared on the Great Heavenly Lord's face.

Wherever the bone knife passed, the space collapsed.

The ground below the thousand feet was cut into a deep ravine that was hundreds of feet in size.


When the Great Heavenly Lord's sword came over, Chen Feng's body was filled with thunder, and instantly turned into a thick silver thunder gun, and finally collided with the huge bone knife without giving in.


At the moment of the impact, a sky-shattering loud noise erupted in this blocked space.

The monstrous energy storm swept away crazily, and the huge black hall was shaken down at this moment.


Terrifying energy fluctuations swept across the sky crazily.

Even the space barrier covering this area was shaken to the point of violent ripples.

However, even if these space barriers are broken, Chenfeng doesn't care at all, because behind these space barriers, there is a space blockade constructed by the space blockade talisman. That thing can only be broken by at least the Seven Star Fighting Saint. open.

"Bang!" In the sky, at the intersection of energy storms, the storm shook violently.

A huge bone knife shot out from the storm and landed heavily on a mountain peak.

"This bone knife is really weird!"

Morrowind looked at the dense white bone knife with some surprise.

At the moment of contact, he could feel a strange fluctuation quietly coming from the bone knife. This kind of fluctuation was extremely harmful to the soul.

If it weren't for his tyrannical strength, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

The Great Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace has enough soul power, but what is really powerful is the bone knife.

"Looking at your strength, you may be the same as me, reaching the level of two-star Dou Sheng. Such a young two-star Dou Sheng has such speed that even I have to admire it. If such a talent can join me in the Soul Palace, Your status and status will definitely not be lower than mine."

The Great Heavenly Lord looked at Chenfeng with an even more solemn look, and then he actually said words of solicitation.

Hearing what the Great Heavenly Lord said, Chenfeng suddenly smiled strangely.

For a race like the Soul Clan to want to win over him, it was simply overestimating their capabilities.

The strange look on Chen Feng's eyes made him feel a little angry.

The next moment, the Great Heavenly Lord sneered: "I don't know how to praise you. You will understand in the future how powerful our soul clan is on this continent. People like you are just like ants. I It would be easy for the Soul Clan to kill you!"

"Is it?"

Chen Feng was noncommittal, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, and said: "But before that, let's get rid of you first!"

"Just you?"

The Great Heavenly Lord let out a strange smile like a night owl. He held his hand towards the ruins below, and the huge bone knife flew out and floated in front of him.

And with a movement of his body, he stood directly on the bone knife.

Immediately, waves of waves appeared on the bone knife, and the body of the Great Heavenly Lord was slowly integrated into the bone knife.

"The fusion of humans and swords is interesting!"

Seeing this scene, a strange color flashed through Chenfeng's eyes again.

"I have been practicing hard for hundreds of years, and I have just managed to fuse my body with the Bone Emperor Sword. Today I will use you to sacrifice the sword!"

The huge Bone Emperor Sword hung in the void, and the face of the Great Heavenly Lord appeared on the blade.

He looked at Chenfeng with a strange smile. Countless fine blood marks slowly spread on the Senbai sword, just like human blood vessels, densely packed.

"call out!"

As soon as Da Tianzun's voice fell, the Bone Emperor Saber shook and disappeared instantly.

"Speed ​​is okay!"

When the Bone Emperor Sword disappeared, Chenfeng was slightly surprised.

"King Kong is undefeated!"

Moronfeng used his physical fighting skills in an instant and became invincible.

"Ding ding ding!"

Countless sharp knife shadows poured onto his body like a torrential rain, and bursts of sparks suddenly erupted.

Every time the sword slashed, it was like cutting on a metal body, sparks flying, but it could never break through Morrowind's defense.

"Chi chi chi!"

Seeing that Chen Feng's body was actually so strong, the Great Heavenly Lord was shocked. The frequency of the Bone Emperor Sword's attacks skyrocketed again, and the attack speed was very fast.

Just relying on this hand, the Great Heavenly Lord is enough to fight against a strong person who has reached the late stage of the Two-Star Dou Sage.

The so-called fusion of man and knife is indeed quite strange.

(End of this chapter)

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