Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 379 The power of the underworld’s wrath!

Chapter 379 The power of the underworld’s wrath!
"Bang bang bang bang!"

Countless sword lights slashed at Chen Feng, as if they were slashing at a hard wall, which made the Great Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace feel horrified.

"Who is this guy? Not only is his lightning skills superb, but his body defense is also amazing!"

Looking at this scene, the Great Heavenly Lord had endless speculations in his heart, and he already had the intention of retreating.

Morrowind acted like a combination of ThunderClan and the strongest monster in the world.

Even the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, which has the strongest defense, would not dare to allow others to attack like this.

"After fighting for so long, it's time for me to take action!"

Chenfeng looked at the sparks that kept coming out of his body, his eyes turned cold, and he immediately raised his golden fist and punched the bone knife.

Under this punch, the fast-moving Bone Emperor Sword was hit directly.

"What a hard body."

The body of the Great Heavenly Lord appeared again on the Bone Emperor Sword that was smashed away.

At this moment, the Great Heavenly Lord looked extremely horrified. Just now, he could clearly feel that Chenfeng's blow was purely physical power and did not use any Dou Qi fluctuations.

"Okay, after I've fought with you for a few times, it's time to end it!"

Chen Feng spoke very casually. Originally, with his four-star fighting saint cultivation, it would have been effortless to defeat the Great Heavenly Lord. However, for so long, the Great Heavenly Lord was considered the strongest enemy he had encountered. He could use it to practice his skills. So he suppressed his cultivation to the early stage of the Two-Star Fighting Saint to fight with the Great Heavenly Lord, but even so, he still defeated with a crushing attitude.


Chenfeng folded his hands together, and then quickly changed into complicated and complicated handprints, and with the change of his handprints, the soul power in the center of Chenfeng's eyebrows also burst out of his body suddenly, turning into a huge phantom , shrouded outside its body.


Sensing the soul power of the huge soul phantom behind Chen Feng, Da Tianzun was stunned.

"who are you?"

"Huangquan is angry!"


In the roar of the Great Heavenly Lord, the huge shadow slowly opened its huge mouth.

A terrifying soul impact suddenly swept out like a storm!


As soon as this terrifying sonic soul impact spread, the bodies of almost all the remaining Soul Palace experts in this space instantly stiffened, and then with a bang, their bodies turned into nothingness.

Fortunately, when Morrowind fought against the Great Heavenly Lord, those powerful souls in the Soul Palace had already been treated by the medicine dust and their souls were devoured, so the losses at this moment were not great.

The powerful soul impact was also noticed by the Great Heavenly Lord.

At the moment he noticed it, before he could put up any defense, the soul impact had already affected the blade.

The huge Bone Emperor Sword flew out at this moment. When it flew out, an old figure shot out from the blade in an awkward manner, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The Great Heavenly Lord was actually knocked out of the Bone Emperor Sword by Chen Feng!

"Thunder Tribulation Finger!"

Seeing the Great Heavenly Lord being forcibly shaken out of the Bone Emperor Sword, Chenfeng pointed his fingers fiercely, and a huge energy finger appeared directly.Immediately, he pressed hard on the body of the Great Heavenly Lord, and the terrifying power caused the latter's body to explode in an instant, and one of his arms turned into blood mist.

"Thunder Tribulation Palm!"

After roaring and pointing, Chen Feng didn't show mercy, and slapped out again, the huge energy palm print continued to form, and slapped on the body of the great Tianzun.

The latter's body instantly turned into a blood mist, floating in the air.

"Yao Chen, this soul is rewarded to you!"

Morrowind experimented with the power of fighting skills, but he always had some reservations, otherwise, the soul of the Great Heavenly Lord would not survive.

At this moment, seeing the soul of the Great Heavenly Lord escaping, Chen Feng directly called Yao Chen.

After devouring the soul of the Great Heavenly Lord, Yao Chen's soul power is enough to enter the middle stage of the Heaven Realm, and his cultivation level can directly enter the two-star Dou Sage, making me one of the top [-] Dou Sage warriors on the mainland.

Looking down at the huge palace below, Chenfeng turned his palm into a sword and slashed hard at the giant palace. A huge energy blast of several hundred feet was shot out.

It directly split the huge palace open, revealing countless black chains wrapped around it. At the ends of those chains, there were countless soul light groups hanging.

People from the Soul Clan completely use their souls as nourishment!
The next moment, Chenfeng waved his palm lightly, and the terrifying wind blew past like a strong wind. The chains burst open in an instant. The souls in the light groups also slowly opened their eyes at this moment, weak and Looking around blankly.

For many years, they have been locked here like prisoners. Sometimes, even death has become a luxury. Today, they are finally free.

"Come here, gather together!"

The majestic shout of the morning breeze came, shocking the thousands of souls.

"Yes, my lord!"

In the sky, countless souls were entrenched, and in the end they all knelt down to the morning wind, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

If all these souls were released, then the attack on the Human Palace today would be exposed immediately.

Although Morrowind was very kind to them, people's hearts were unpredictable. If people from the Soul Palace asked, someone would definitely tell them.

Therefore, Morrowind's plan is to gather these souls together and later use the space conversion flag to bring them back to the Wind Realm.

To the west of the Wind Realm, Morrowind has placed a space conversion flag in advance. When these souls enter there later, there will be a three hundred-mile territory for them to live in, and the huge soul residence place will be sealed by Morrowind with space. Encircle it and classify it as Fengdu, so that what happened today will not be leaked.

Soon, Morrowind began to search for the treasures in the ruins of the Human Palace.

Under his display, a huge pit was opened in the ruins in the blink of an eye.

And deep in the huge pit, there was a light group about half a foot in size suspended. The light group was transparent, and there were countless dark chains connected to the periphery of the light group.

The ends of these chains are connected to the souls that escaped just now.

Obviously, this light group should be something extracted from those souls.

Morrowind can be said to be very familiar with this kind of thing. So far, he doesn't know how much of this soul origin he has absorbed.

The soul is the root of life. Everything in the world has a soul, and in the depths of the soul, there is a trace of soul origin. This is the root of the birth of the soul, and it can also be said to be the purest strange energy in the world. .

"Master, the origin of so many souls here is at least the condensed form of millions of souls!"

On the side, after Yaochen absorbed the souls of all the powerful souls in the Soul Palace, he looked at this scene with a somewhat complicated expression. Generally speaking, only one soul among a dozen people can remain in the body, and among these millions of souls, I am afraid it will take More than 1000 million practitioners can gather together.

(End of this chapter)

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