Chapter 382 Five-Star Fighting Saint!

"Haha, I didn't expect that after that old guy Yaochen, someone would attack the Soul Palace again. This time, it really severely damaged the prestige of the Soul Palace..."

In the Holy Pill City and the Pill Tower, the three giants were very excited when they learned about this.

Their Dan Pagoda had been fighting against the Soul Palace for so many years, and this was the first time they heard that the people from the Soul Palace had suffered such a big loss.

"Yeah, I just don't know who did it. Could it be those ancient races that have such energy?"

Xuan Kongzi nodded and said, his eyes full of doubts.

"If those ancient races take action, I am afraid that Zhongzhou will not be too peaceful in the next period of time!"

Tianleizi said thoughtfully.

The Hall of Soul suffered such a big loss this time, and it will definitely not let it go.

"Be on guard, the Alchemy Conference is about to start, and there will definitely be a mixture of good and bad in Shengdan City." The beautiful woman Xuanyi, who had never spoken until now, suddenly said.

"Well! Now that the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo has been subdued by Ying'er, the three of us can have our hands free. If there is any troublemaker, just destroy it with the power of thunder!"

Xuan Kongzi groaned.


Danhui, as one of the largest events in Zhongzhou, really attracted a large number of people.

The ultimate goal of countless alchemists' lifelong practice is to stand out in the alchemy competition, and for this, they have put in countless efforts and sweat.

Participating in the Pill Club means gaining the qualification to compete with the heroes of the mainland!

"Brother Feng, the Dan Club is about to start, I want to give it a try!"

In the wind world, Cao Ying found Chenfeng and planned to attend a pill meeting.

"Okay, let the world see how superb the witch's medicine refining skills are!"

After hearing Cao Ying's words, Chenfeng nodded without thinking.

Now, four or five months have passed since he destroyed the Hall of Soul and Human Hall last time. During this period, Yun Yun, Ya Fei, and Little Doctor Immortal had all given birth to their second child, and he had another extremely rich one. wave rewards.

Nowadays, he has taken the Dou Sheng Star Ascension Pill once, and successfully broke through to the five-star Dou Sheng level. Such strength is already rare in Zhongzhou without the strong men of the ancient races. The opponent, therefore, Morrowind's state of mind also became different from before.

"Thank you, Brother Feng!"

Cao Ying said with a smile on her face, now that her cultivation base has climbed to the eight-star Dou Zun, and her soul realm has even entered the late stage of the spiritual realm, such a strength is already close to the current several alchemy giants.

With such strength, it is not difficult to stand out in the Danhui.

Among the women in Morrowind, Cao Ying's talent for refining medicine is definitely ranked first.

Although Lin Fei and Xuemei are both alchemists, their soul realm is still at the early stage of the spiritual realm.

However, even at the early stage of the spiritual realm, the strength of the two of them can still be ranked among the top ten in the alchemy meeting. After all, in the previous alchemy meetings, seventh-grade alchemists could be ranked in the top ten.

"Brother Feng, we will not participate in this Dan meeting!"

After Xuemei and Linfei learned about this, they both shook their heads.

"Well, let's take Ying'er there this time!"

After receiving the answers from Linfei and Xuemei, Chenfeng smiled, and then used the space conversion flag to take Cao Ying to a restaurant in the inner territory of Shengdan City.Three days later, when the first ray of morning light poured down from the sky and pierced the night covering the earth, the entire Shengdan City boiled in an instant.

Today, Shengdan City will be the real focus of attention, and the eyes of the entire Central Province will be gathered here, waiting for the person who can stand at the last moment to appear.

And the person who can stand out from the alchemy geniuses from all over Dou Qi Continent will undoubtedly be the true sweetheart of heaven.

Every generation of Danhui champions has left a great reputation in the history of Douqi Continent without exception, and it is precisely because of this that the gold content of Danhui will be infinitely magnified. Who can become the last Champion, then the future history of Dou Qi Continent will definitely add a prominent touch to it.

This honor is enough to make anyone crazy, after all, no one wants to be that mediocre being in one lifetime.


The door of a room in the Dan Pagoda suddenly opened slowly, and two tall figures walked out of the room.

"come on!"

Looking at Cao Ying who had put on the attire of an alchemist, Chen Feng raised the corners of her mouth. At this moment, Cao Ying had a different kind of charm.

"Well, I'll do my best!"

"Let's go!"

After the words fell, Chen Feng took the lead to move towards the outside of the hall.
The Danhui, the most noble meeting in the hearts of countless pharmacists, finally opened its curtain today, which made many pharmacists admire and go crazy.

The place where the Danhui will be held is located in the northern part of the inner domain, and that place was occupied by a terrifying crowd of people a few days ago.

Therefore, when Chen Feng and Cao Ying arrived here, they could only see the endless sea of ​​human heads.

The loud noise rose into the sky, and finally turned into a terrifying sound wave that could be heard clearly within a hundred miles.

Chen Feng and Cao Ying stood on top of a building and looked around. Only then did they realize that this area was a huge square of nearly a thousand feet. In the mid-air of the square, there were actually many floating objects out of thin air. Stone platform.

These stone platforms have a faint light that permeates the air, and they look quite magical.

"Brother Feng, those stone platforms are the last seats for the contestants!"

Cao Ying pointed to those stone platforms suspended in mid-air that attracted the attention of everyone, and said with a smile.

"I know all this!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"The Danhui is extremely grand. It is impossible for those who have participated in the meeting to be eligible to be on stage. Before entering the arena, strictly speaking, there are two more selection hurdles."

Cao Ying introduced: "The most basic qualification for the Danhui competition is to reach the fifth-grade alchemist level, and the dark gray space is the first level, which is also called the fantasy level. The dark gray gas is a A kind of magical beast called the Phantom Soul Beast grows out of the body, which can not only cover people's sight, but also cause certain obstacles to the detection of souls. In addition, there are mysteries in that space, and the spaces overlap, like a maze. Once you enter it, you will lose your sense of direction and get lost in it, and if you do not get out within a certain period of time, you will lose your qualification to compete!”

"These are simply too simple for you!"

Chenfeng agreed, with Cao Ying's current strength, such a small level can be passed easily.


While Cao Ying and Chen Feng were talking, a clear chime of a bell suddenly resounded throughout the world.

The roar of the bell spread out in a mighty manner, and even the loud noises that shook the sky were suppressed by it.

(End of this chapter)

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