Chapter 383 The Dan meeting is on!
The bell rang, and the world became much quieter.

Countless glances swished at the tower-like stone platform to the east of the square, where the upper echelons of the Dan Pagoda would appear.

And shortly after the bell rang, bursts of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the space above the stone platform was slightly distorted, and more than a dozen figures slowly emerged.

The leaders were none other than the three giants of Danta, Xuan Kongzi, Tianleizi, and Xuanyi.

As soon as these three people appeared, the world became much quieter.

In the endless sea of ​​people, countless eyes filled with various emotions were focused on the bodies of these three people.

The three giants of Danta, this name, not to mention Zhongzhou, even if you look at the Douqi Continent, it can be regarded as a real reputation.

For ordinary people, these three people generally exist in legends.

Now his sudden appearance has made countless people feel unbelievable.

"Hehe, old man Xuankongzi, here at the Daidan Pagoda, we welcome all alchemists who come here. In the days to come, this will be the stage for you to showcase your skills!"

The white-haired Xuan Kongzi walked out slowly, and his gentle voice rang clearly in the ears of everyone present.

The audience was silent, no matter how rebellious and fierce the generation was, at this moment, they could only restrain their fierceness.

"Everyone came all the way for Danhui, so I won't waste time here. Hehe, Danhui is still the same as before, divided into three steps. First..."

Xuan Kongzi's introduction to the Danhui selection was very detailed.

After the environmental level, you need to enter the alchemy world.

The Dan Realm is a land of space, and it is said to have been created by a strong fighting saint from the Dan Pagoda a long time ago.

But later, due to some reasons, the alchemy world gradually fell into ruin. However, the alchemy world is definitely a treasure land that countless alchemists dream of. It contains countless heavenly and earthly treasures and many rare medicinal materials that are difficult to find in the outside world.

And the pharmacists who are qualified to enter it will be assigned a list, which records some rare medicinal materials.

The contestants need to rely on their own abilities to get all these medicinal materials in the alchemy world, and then they can exchange for space stones at the exit, come out of the alchemy world, and participate in the final competition.

"Haha, this year's champion will not only get a spot as a candidate for the Danta giant, but also get a volume of ancient soul cultivation methods. In the future, he can reach the eighth or even ninth level, which is just around the corner!"

Xuan Kongzi looked at the sea of ​​people who were a little rippled by the word "champion" and couldn't help but smile lightly.

As soon as Xuan Kongzi said these words, there was an uproar in the densely packed crowd.

The eyes of countless alchemists turned blood red at this moment.

Bapin?Nine products?
This almost legendary level is like a world apart from them.

But if one obtains that ancient soul cultivation method, the distance will be infinitely shortened.

This, for all alchemists, will have a fatal attraction.

However, this kind of thing is not attractive to Cao Ying.

Nowadays, Cao Ying has refined three thousand Yan Yan Fire, Qinglian Earth Core Fire, and Sea Heart Flame, and merged these three flames into a new type of strange fire.

The Soul Cultivation Technique is also based on the Soul Condensation Technique taught by Chenfeng. That Soul Cultivation Technique is hundreds or thousands of times better than the ancient method rewarded by the Dan Pagoda.

The reason why she came to attend the alchemy meeting was because of her obsession when she was young.

I have worked hard for so long just to win in the Danhui one day, and now, I have finally waited for this opportunity.

On the high platform, Xuan Kongzi looked at those eyes that suddenly turned red, smiled slightly, raised his head and glanced at the sky, then waved his sleeves lightly, and an invisible wave spread out, and immediately hit the void, but it was again A long bell roar erupted. "The time has come. All contestants who are fifth-grade alchemists and above, please enter the first level, Soul Illusion!"

Xuankongzi's fingers suddenly turned to the huge square, where the dark gray space twisted rapidly, forming strange worlds of their own, displaying many mysteries.


As soon as Xuankongzi finished speaking, from the endless sea of ​​people, suddenly one after another figure flashed out, and immediately, like locusts, swept across the sky, and then threw all of them into the distorted space.

"Ying'er, go compete!"

On the top of a building, Chen Feng smiled at Cao Ying and said.


The corners of Cao Ying's mouth raised, revealing a seductive smile, and then she flew into the twisted space.

"Xuan Kongzi, with Ying'er attending the meeting this time, I'm afraid the others won't have any chance!"

On the high platform, Tianleizi said to Xuan Kongzi with great envy.

The reason why he said this is because the three of them already know the strength of Cao Ying, an eighth-level high-level alchemist. Even the younger generation, Dan Chen, who is very powerful in the Dan family, will be much inferior.

"With Ying'er here, all the geniuses among this generation will be overshadowed!"

Xuanyi also agreed with Tianleizi's statement.

Hearing the envious words of the two people around him, Xuan Kongzi's face was filled with pride.

"I just don't know if the people from the Soul Palace will come to cause trouble this time?"

Xuan Kongzi glanced at the huge square filled with people, as if he was trying to find something.

"The Soul Palace has just suffered such a big loss. It is very likely that the target will be our Dan Pagoda, so we have to guard against it!"

Hearing this, Tianleizi and Xuanyi nodded again.

"I have ordered people to set up defenses. If the people in the Soul Palace are exposed... someone will deal with it immediately. Moreover, if those old monsters come, the seniors of the Little Danta will naturally take action!"

Xuan Kongzi added.

"In that case, let's just concentrate on watching the competition for the time being. Let's see who can win No. 2 in this conference!"

Tianleizi laughed out loud. In the eyes of the three of them, Cao Ying was already a proper candidate for the championship.


The fact is just as Tianleizi and Xuanyi said, Cao Ying, on her side, walked on flat ground in the illusion space with almost no delay and became the first person to successfully break through.

This fantasy level is actually a space distorted by human power. Even if Cao Ying does not need soul perception, she can successfully pass the level by simply changing the creases of the space.

Of course, most of the contestants are unable to use the power of space and can only rely on soul perception to slowly find the correct route.

It is difficult for outsiders to see the performance here, but Chen Feng is very clear. He did not leave, but waited quietly outside.

After several hours, the time for the first level finally passed. Anyone who did not pass within the specified time was considered a failure.

Next, we entered the Alchemy Realm. At the entrance of the Alchemy Realm, an old man riding a big turtle handed out a task, a teleportation stone, and a prescription to each participant.

Cao Ying took these three items and took the lead in entering the entrance of the Dan Realm while others were still hesitating.

(End of this chapter)

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