Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 388 Pill thunder appears frequently!

Chapter 388 Pill thunder appears frequently!

The strange fire appears, and the ten thousand fires surrender.

At this moment, the flames of many alchemists in the sky were affected, and they seemed to be worshiping Cao Ying's emerald-colored fire.

Seeing this, Cao Ying's soul power reached out, restrained the power of the strange fire, and poured the strange fire into the medicine cauldron, and the temperature of the medicine cauldron rose rapidly.

When the temperature inside the medicine cauldron gradually increased, Cao Ying wiped her palm across the void, and medicinal herbs flew out from the Najie, and finally floated around the stone platform.

At a rough glance, it seems that there are at least a thousand kinds. What she wants to refine is an eighth-grade elixir. The tediousness of refining an elixir of this level is quite terrifying.

If the soul control is not good enough, I am afraid that I will feel dizzy just looking at so many medicinal materials, let alone refining them in a terrifyingly precise way.

The next step is to extract all these various medicinal materials.

After the others saw that the flames were not affected, they quickly started refining the medicine.

Above the sky, there are many stone platforms floating. In the stone platforms, all the contestants are controlling the heat with solemn faces at this moment, refining the elixirs in their respective medicine cauldrons.

The entire world and the square were quite quiet, and countless eyes were focused on the busy figures in the sky.

They were waiting, waiting for that last day to come.

Because that day will be the climax of Danhui!
Alchemy is an extremely time-consuming thing, especially for alchemy, it often takes ten days and a half a month to refine it. This kind of situation is not uncommon
As for this situation, the people here are also clear, so they did not appear impatient because of the long wait. Most of the people who can rush to the Holy Pill City to watch have some strength. This necessary patience, naturally is a must have.

And under the gaze of countless expectant eyes, time also passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, five days passed quietly.

In the past five days, the refining in the sky seemed quite calm, but occasionally there would be deep sounds.

This is something that went wrong in the refining process, which caused the sound of the fryer.

In five days, a small number of pharmacists successfully refined the elixir, but when the elixir was refined, they knew that their participation this time should come to an end.

Because, generally, the higher the level of elixirs, the longer it takes to refine elixirs, and people like them... basically can only be reduced to the bottom of the pile.

The eyes of the audience also did not stop on those few people just because they had refined the elixir. Most of the eyes were on Cao Ying and some alchemy masters with quite good reputations. They knew that the fight between these people was the most exciting part of this Dan meeting.

Time passed quickly. After Cao Ying refined the medicinal materials, she carried out the most critical step of fusion.

Integrating medicinal power, this step almost reaches a very demanding level for the alchemist's control.

During this period, as long as there is the slightest change, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Therefore, at this moment, Cao Ying's spirit was concentrated to the extreme. The vast soul power filled every corner of the medicine cauldron, and any extremely subtle changes in it would be fed back to her mind in an instant.

Soon, another seven days passed. During this period, more and more contestants refined the elixir.

Therefore, this world is almost filled with a strong and indissoluble smell of elixir. After taking a breath, some of the fatigue caused by the long wait also quietly dissipates.

However, although more and more contestants have successfully refined elixirs, none of these refined elixirs have successfully drawn out the elixir.

The strongest one among them just caused the dark clouds to condense in the sky, but even the thunder light never appeared, let alone the real Dan Lei.

Regarding this situation, no one is disappointed, because they know that the Danhui has begun to gradually advance towards the climax. The level of the elixirs that have been refined now has climbed to the sixth level. I am afraid that it will Before long, the real seventh-grade elixir will be refined. "boom!"

In the slightly blazing sky and earth, a low muffled thunder suddenly resounded in the sky, and immediately countless eyes hurriedly turned upward.

I saw that in the sky, another dark cloud appeared at some point.

But now, within the dark clouds, there is actually a deep thunderous sound, and that appearance is clearly the shape of Dan Lei taking shape.

"Dan Lei? A seventh-grade elixir has been born!"

Seeing the vision in the sky, there was an uproar in the square.

On a stone platform under the sky, a middle-aged man was looking at the thunder clouds in the sky with an ecstatic expression. He was the first person to draw out the Dan Lei.

In this regard, Cao Ying and other powerful alchemists did not care about this. The seventh-grade primary elixir could not make them feel threatened.

Just half a day after Dan Lei appeared for the first time, there were thunder clouds in the sky again.

Moreover, looking at the intensity of this thundercloud, it is even more powerful than the previous one. It is obvious that one of the contestants must have refined a better quality pill than the previous one.

In the next few days, it was completely lively, with Dan Lei appearing two or three times almost every day.

The intensity of these elixirs varies, and the highest-grade elixirs should only be at the seventh-grade intermediate level.

The square also became extremely violent because of Dan Lei's appearance from time to time.

The slight depression of the past few days was all gone at this moment.

Every time a seventh-grade elixir is released, it will attract a lot of coveted eyes.

This kind of elixir, except for some strong people who have been promoted to Dou Zun, has a strong attraction for other strong people.

Boom boom boom!
Dan Lei, which was extremely difficult to see in the past, has become a common occurrence in this sky, which makes many people feel a sense of eye-opening.

As time went on, there were fewer and fewer Danhuo stone platforms still rising in the square.

In the end, it was almost less than fifty.

But everyone knows that the remaining people can definitely be called the top beings in the medicine refining world of Dou Qi Continent.

And if there is no accident, the champion of Danhui will also be born among the remaining people.

Looking at the pill flames rising from dozens of stone platforms, the atmosphere in this piece of sky quietly became dignified and tense unconsciously.

Everyone here understands that the most intense confrontation in the Dan Society is about to come.

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(End of this chapter)

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