Chapter 389 Eighth Grade Pill!


Within the thick dark clouds, a thunderbolt like a silver python suddenly tore through the sky and swept down.

Then he was caught by a figure on a stone platform, and immediately, the fragrance of elixir, which was like a substance, suddenly filled the air.

"Haha, I succeeded!"

Under the gaze of all the people, the man with slightly white hair and beard looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

In this person's hand, a pill the size of a dragon's eye is exuding a charming luster.

No one present could blame the man for his inappropriate laughter.

A master alchemist who can refine seventh-grade intermediate elixirs is treated as an absolute guest no matter where he goes.

Today's Alchemy Society has entered the second half of its stage. At this time, there are only two types of people who are still continuing to make alchemy.

One is the real powerful person, and the other is the fake person.

Of course, this situation is naturally dominated by the former. After all, not many people are shameless enough to be embarrassed in such an occasion.

On the stone platform, so far, there are only the last 36 contestants, who are carefully preparing their specialty elixirs.

In the room where Cao Ying was refining the elixir with all her strength, on other stone platforms, everyone's faces were solemn, and some people's faces were gradually turning pale.

This kind of high-load consumption is really not easy for them to bear.


At this critical moment, someone's alchemy exploded.

"how is this possible……"

On a stone platform, a middle-aged man stared blankly at the medicine cauldron, his eyes instantly turning blood red.

After working hard for nearly 20 days, now he has completely failed. This kind of blow is really too much for him to bear.

Looking at the sluggish expression of the middle-aged man, everyone sighed secretly, feeling a little sorry for this man.

Failure is not uncommon for alchemy, but at this time, a small failure may determine that you have lost the qualification to compete with the heroes.

Some people are happy, some are sad, some are successful, and some are naturally unsuccessful. Dan will, it has never been a stage for comedy.

Amidst the waiting of countless expectant eyes, another five days passed quietly.During these five days, nine people successfully refined the elixir, and the highest quality among them was a seventh-grade high-grade elixir.

As soon as this elixir was born, it immediately aroused the elixir, and the undulating sound of thunder made many people tremble with fear.

And the person who successfully refined this elixir is an old man with a rather old complexion. This person must have some reputation on the mainland, so for him to be the first to refine the seventh-grade high-grade elixir, It didn't seem too surprised.

Some people succeed, and others will naturally fail. Within five days, nine people succeeded, and seven people failed. In the end, under the eyes of many regretful people, they chose to quit with great reluctance.

The screening of time is the most precise. Some of the people left behind today are definitely not ordinary people just from the look of their breath.

Among them, the one with the lowest chest badge level is also a seventh-level intermediate alchemist, and the one with the highest level is a true eighth-level alchemy master!

This unfamiliar eighth-level alchemy master is a gray-haired old man with an old face like orange peel.

Obviously, this person should also be a strong man from the older generation, but although his appearance is not good, his face is always filled with a gentle smile. "I didn't expect it would be old man Qinghua..."

On the high platform, Xuan Kongzi and the others stared at the gray-haired old man who finally emerged from the sea of ​​people. They were also slightly taken aback, and immediately looked at each other, feeling a little helpless.

"This old guy is really shameful... Judging from the fluctuations in his medicine cauldron, I'm afraid it's an eighth-grade elixir."

Xuan Yi nodded slightly and said.

"This old guy's long-cherished wish in his life is to collect a kind of strange fire. He and Yao Chen stayed in that ghost place for several years, but in the end, Yao Chen still got the Bone Spirit Cold Fire... Unfortunately, this Once, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo has been subdued by Ying'er, and he won't have that chance!" Tianleizi shook his head and sighed.

"Perhaps, the battle for second place this time will be between old man Qinghua and Danchen!"

Xuan Kongzi also sighed softly, and then turned his eyes.

On a stone platform, a girl sat cross-legged. The girl seemed to be not very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old. She had a delicate body and a beautiful face that looked particularly pale. She looked vaguely sick. .

This woman was Dan Chen of the Dan family. Her body was already weak. Without the support of her soul power, she would not have been able to survive now. But fortunately, she survived.

"It's almost a success!"

At this moment, Dan Chen's eyes were almost frozen in the medicine cauldron, and his handprints were constantly changing at this moment.

The majestic and vast soul power poured into the medicine cauldron continuously, and faintly, there was a faint aura permeating the soul power.


While the handprints were changing, Dan Chen's cheeks turned red suddenly, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and then shot all of it into the medicine cauldron, and finally merged with a elixir rolling in the flames.


The blood was stained with the elixir, and a bright and strong light, like a round of sun, suddenly appeared in the medicine cauldron.

A horrifying wave of energy surged out with a loud bang. The medicine cauldron, which could withstand the burning of strange fire for a long time, actually exploded into countless fragments under this terrifying wave.


The medicine cauldron exploded, and a huge pillar of green light, ten feet in length, burst out from the medicine cauldron, shooting straight into the sky!
Under this green light beam, the dense silver lightning in the sky retreated quickly as if encountering something terrible.

As the light beam passed over this place, clouds and mist suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye, they condensed into a thundercloud of nearly a hundred meters.

Moreover, the most shocking thing is that the thundercloud formed this time has two colors of blue and silver!
"Two-color thundercloud?"

Looking at the two-colored thunderclouds in the sky, the whole square boiled at this moment!

Dan Lei with two colors is the first time many people present have seen it in their lives!
On the high platform, Xuankongzi and the others also looked at the two-colored thunderclouds with a slightly dignified expression. After a while, they looked at each other and nodded: "This girl from the Dan family is really extraordinary. The eighth-grade elixir was refined, and it also aroused two-color thunderclouds."

"I wonder if that old man Qinghua can surpass Dan Chen!" Xuan Yi said softly.

In the eyes of the three of them, Cao Ying was already the number one candidate.

In the world of elixirs, the eighth-grade elixir can already be regarded as the top level of the pyramid.

Although there is only one rank between the eighth rank and the seventh rank, it is a real difference between heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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