Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 393 Destroy the Shiming Sect and conquer the northwest continent!

Chapter 393 Destroy the Shiming Sect and conquer the northwest continent!

After Morrowind gave an order to Lord Eagle, Lord Eagle began to appear frequently on the battlefield between the Jiaji Empire army and other major forces in the northwest continent.

With the strength of his Nine-Star Dou Zun, the leader of the forces in the northwest continent, few people can withstand three attacks under him.

Under such circumstances, wherever the Jiama Empire's army passed, they encountered major forces in the northwest continent, and empires of all sizes bowed down.

Soon, nearly one-third of the northwest continent was occupied by the Jiama Empire.

At this time, the conflict between the Jiama Empire and another force, the Shiming Sect, which also occupied one-third of the northwest continent, reached a climax.

The conflicts between the two sides continued to intensify, and they finally began to declare war on each other.

On this day, the people of Shiming Sect issued a letter of challenge to Jiaxing Tian, ​​and they agreed to have a decisive battle at a place called Qihai Plain.

The outcome of this battle will determine who can become the master of the Northwest Continent.

A few days later, Jiaxingtian and his people rushed to Qihai Plain as scheduled.

Not long after, the other side of this huge grassland was suddenly filled with black mist.

Under the black mist, the deafening sound of fighting could be vaguely heard.

A soaring evil aura filled the air, making the faces of the soldiers of the Dejiama Empire look very solemn.

On the Jiama Empire side, the leader is none other than Jia Xingtian. Although he now only has the cultivation level of a low-level Dou Zun.

However, the experts he has mastered are not even as good as many veteran Dou Zun experts.

In the imperial army, there are many high-level Douzong warriors, but except for Jia Xingtian, there are no other Douzongs.

However, the figure of Lord Eagle suspended in mid-air gave the imperial army great confidence.

"There are many powerful Dou Zun in the Lion Underworld Sect. You will build a defensive array to resist the decisive battle later. Leave the rest to me!"

Lord Eagle said loudly in the sky.

In these few open battles, his speed of capturing souls has also slowed down a bit, and he can make up for it with this battle.

He could feel that there were many familiar atmospheres in the opposite camp. Those people were his immediate superiors a few years ago, but now, they were not even qualified to carry his shoes.


Just after Lord Jiu issued this order, a deafening drum sound suddenly sounded in the black mist in the distance.

Immediately, silhouettes emerged from the black mist, and finally floated above the sky. The powerful ones spread out and enveloped the world.

In the sky, a stalwart middle-aged man, carrying a golden sword, looked at Lord Jiu with fear.

"Your Excellency, the Jia Ma Empire is so weak. It is impossible for you to reverse the situation of the war with your own strength. Why don't you join our Lion Underworld Sect? I would like to treat you as an elder..."

The man in golden clothes said loudly, and in his words he was very polite to the Eagle Protector.

"The little Lion Underworld Sect is worthy of letting me join?"

Hearing this, Lord Jiu didn't give any face at all.

"Since your Excellency insists on this, then don't blame me, the lion, for bullying the minority!"

The blond man's face became serious, and behind him, four or five people flew out. All of these people actually had Dou Zun cultivation, and their powerful auras escaped...

"These...are actually all Dou Zun strong men!"

"With so many Dou Zun, the gap is too big!"

When these people appeared, the faces of everyone in the Jiama Empire army became extremely solemn.

Counting Shitian, the opponent already has six powerful Dou Zun warriors. Such a force is something that many major powers in Zhongzhou do not possess. How did the Shi Ming Sect gather so many powerful warriors?

"Just a bunch of jumping clowns!"

As these helpers with Dou Zun's cultivation appeared, Lord Jiu's face was still full of disdain. He said in a casual voice to Jia Xingtian below: "Jia Xingtian, organize a big formation..."

"Yes, Senior Eagle!"

Hearing this, Jia Xingtian nodded solemnly, and then shouted: "Start the formation..."

As Jia Xingtian's words fell, many generals and soldiers in the army shouted together, and energy burst out. Soon, a huge defensive shield was formed, covering the entire Jia Ma army, standing on both sides of the camp. between.

"Arrowers prepare!"

Jia Xingtian shouted coldly again, and the sound of crossbows suddenly creaked. A crossbow cart with a size of seven or eight feet was quickly pulled away with the combined efforts of several people.

On it, the sharp crossbow arrows, which are nearly two feet long, are shining with a cold luster. This crossbow arrows are made from special materials by the Jiama Empire and are used by several warriors who have reached the fighting spirit level.

Its power will pierce through the body of even a powerful Dou Huang warrior and pin it to the ground if it fails.

"Shitian, stop talking nonsense, let's do it!"

As the blond man frowned, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Hearing this voice, the expression of the middle-aged man named Shitian also changed slightly, and he turned his head and glanced behind him.

There, an old man in black clothes was standing in the air, with souls hovering around him, emitting shrill screams that made people's hearts tremble.

"Yes, Lord Liu Tianzun!"

Shitian nodded, his voice was respectful. The other party was a strong man at the peak of Dou Zun, and Shi Tian was just a six-star Dou Zun. Now Shiming Sect can have so many strong Dou Zun, and they are all these six-star Dou Zun. Because of the Goddess.

"Sixth Heaven Lord, let me see how much you weigh!"

In the sky, after the old man in black appeared, Lord Eagle licked his lips, and there was a trace of desire in his eyes.

"The aura of this guy seems quite familiar, very much like someone from the palace!"

The eyes of the Sixth Heavenly Lord were also focused on the Eagle Lord at this moment, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Jiejie...Sixth Heavenly Lord, today, your opponent is me!"

The next moment, Lord Jiu gave a weird laugh and rushed a hundred feet in front of the Sixth Heavenly Lord.

Hearing this extremely familiar laughter, Liu Tianzun's old face showed a trace of uneasiness.

And then, several jet-black chains came out from Lord Jiu's body, which made his eyelids twitch fiercely.

Because, the methods of the Lord Eagle and the aura exuding from his body are almost the same as those of his Soul Palace.

"Who are you!"

Liu Tianzun struck out angrily, and also shot out several dark chains.

In the battle between two peak Dou Zun warriors, those lower level Dou Zun no longer had the strength to participate, and even Shi Tian led his men to disperse.


In the sky, the Eagle Master and the Six Heavenly Masters of the Soul Palace tested their first move, and a roaring sound erupted as the energy exploded.


At this moment, Shitian took advantage of the fight between the two and gave the order to attack.

As Shitian shouted loudly, the massive army of Shiming Sect suddenly erupted into an earth-shattering killing cry.

Immediately, the entire plain began to tremble rapidly, and the endless army, like a tide, rushed towards the Jiama Empire army with a killing blow to the sky.

Feeling the killing that suddenly filled the world, everyone in the Jiama Empire army looked a little solemn. "Boohoo!"

Just as the troops came in like a tide, the sound of breaking wind suddenly erupted from the Gama Front.

The huge crossbow arrows shot out like a dark cloud, and finally shot into the Shiming Sect's army overwhelmingly. Suddenly, miserable screams suddenly sounded.

Looking at the Shiming Sect army that was nailed to death by countless huge crossbow arrows, Jia Xingtian's eyes did not waver at all.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the sky, where nearly a hundred people were standing in the air.

And behind these more than a hundred people standing in the air, there were densely packed Dou Wang and Dou Huang experts with their fighting wings vibrating.

These troops are the most feared!

"Do it! Break the energy shield!"

Shitian glanced at the military line below, which was blocked and could not even enter within a hundred feet of the Garma army. There was no trace of pain on his face.

The troops below who have not even reached the level of Dou Wang are nothing more than cannon fodder.

The elites who can truly shake the Garma Empire's army are these powerful men in the sky.

When Shitian's palm waved down, the powerful men in the sky finally began to form a semicircle and quickly approached the fortress.

At a certain moment, under the sound of a loud shout, powerful fighting spirit roared into the sky, and finally exploded against the energy shield overwhelmingly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless energy horses exploded on the energy shield, causing the energy shield to ripple in circles!
"Crossbowmen, shift the target, those who are stronger than the King of Fighters, launch a counterattack and stabilize the energy shield!"

Facing the tide-like offensive of Shiming Sect, Jiaxingtian issued orders one after another in an orderly manner. The battles in the past few years have made him extremely familiar with this kind of war.


As soon as Jia Xingtian's old voice fell, the specially made huge crossbow arrow suddenly moved, with a whining sound of breaking the wind, and shot fiercely at the strong men in the sky of Shiming Sect.


Under this almost covering offensive, bodies fell to the ground like kites with broken strings.

However, this kind of bloody fight also made the strong men on both sides jealous.

One after another, the powerful fighting spirit roared across the sky, and finally there was a fierce exchange of blows between you and me.


Above the energy shield, dense attacks continued to pour down, causing the ripples on it to become more and more intense.

However, due to the defense of the energy shield, the loss rate of the strong men of the Lion Underworld Sect was obviously much faster than that of the Gama Empire.

"It's almost exhausted!"

In the sky, Shitian looked at the constantly fluctuating energy shield, smiled lightly, and slowly made a strange gesture in his hand.

The reason why Shiming Sect was able to sweep one third of the Northwest Continent in such a short period of time was not relying on these powerful Douwang Douhuang warriors, but Dou Zong and even Dou Zun warriors.

When Shi Tian made this gesture, the black mist behind slowly tore open, and nearly a hundred figures slowly came out.

In front of these hundreds of figures, there are nearly eighteen auras, which are vast and terrifying.

As soon as these people appeared, even the whole world became a little trembling.

When these people appeared, Jia Xingtian's expression changed drastically.

There are actually eighteen Dou Zun experts here, and together with the previous five, the number of Dou Zun experts from Shi Ming Sect actually reaches 23-[-].


The hundreds of figures walked forward slowly in the void, and the huge crossbow arrows that flew towards them would automatically explode when they reached a distance of a hundred feet in front of them.


When they were only a few hundred feet away from the fortress, hundreds of figures finally stopped.

Immediately afterwards, they saw waves of vast fighting energy bursting out from their bodies, and finally gathered in the sky, directly condensing into a huge energy beast that was a thousand feet tall.

The giant beast took shape, sprayed out two lines of white mist that were tens of feet long, and then stepped directly into the void. Under the horrified eyes of countless people, it fiercely collided with the energy shield condensed by the Gama Empire army.

Although there were ferocious attacks on the fortress that bombarded the giant beast, they did not stop it in the slightest.


At this moment, a shout rang out between heaven and earth.

With just one word, the attack jointly launched by many Dou Zun and Dou Zong experts dissipated between heaven and earth without any warning.

"This, what happened?"

Seeing this strange scene, Shitian's face suddenly showed fear.

Under those words, he felt like he couldn't mobilize the fighting spirit in his body.

"This is?"

Listening to the resounding words, the heart of the Sixth Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace who was fighting against the Lord Jiu suddenly trembled. However, just when he was distracted, the attack of the Lord Jiu fiercely bombarded him.


The two of them were about the same strength. After receiving such a strong blow, the injury hurt their internal organs in an instant.

The body of Liu Tianzun suddenly fell down from the sky.

"It seems that the master has taken action!"

When Lord Jiu heard the familiar voice, his face showed a look of ecstasy, and he immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue him, hoping to kill the Sixth Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace directly.


At this moment, a space crack appeared in the sky, and a violent suction force erupted from it, acting directly on Shitian and the twenty-odd Dou Zun warriors.


Under this huge suction force, many strong men of the Lion Underworld Sect were all sucked into the space cracks, and screams of screams could be heard.

After these people were sucked away, the huge space crack also disappeared without a trace.


As the powerful Dou Zun of Shiming Sect disappeared, Jiahe immediately organized manpower to counterattack the people of Shiming Sect.

On the other side, Lord Jiu chased the defeated Liutian Lord and left the battlefield far away.

Under this fierce pursuit, Liu Tianzun's injuries became more and more serious, and he was finally tied up with several chains by Jiu Zun.

"who are you?"

Liu Tianzun asked again, his eyes full of unwillingness.

" will know soon!"

Lord Jiu laughed strangely, and his body exuded an extremely gloomy black aura. This gloomy aura was even worse than that of the people in the Soul Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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