Chapter 394 Zi Yan gives birth to twins!
"Jie Jie..."

In that ferocious laughter that made people's eardrums sting, the figure of Lord Eagle was completely exposed. Under the black robe, it was just a disembodied soul.

He opened his mouth wide and bit directly at Liu Tianzun.


Just with this bite, Liu Tianzun actually felt that a piece of his soul was missing.

"who are you……"

Seeing Lord Jiu's attitude of trying to swallow a living soul, Lord Liu Tian was extremely frightened.

If he was allowed to be swallowed by Lord Eagle, he would be equivalent to being eaten alive.

"Jie Jie, I am the little protector who was originally sent to seize the ancient jade of the Xiao clan. How can a big shot like you, Liutian Zun, have any impression of me?"

Now that it was a foregone conclusion, Lord Jiu did not continue to hide his identity, but directly told him about his previous Soul Palace protector and the tasks he had performed.

"how can that be……"

Liu Tianzun obviously didn't believe the words of Lord Jiu. How could a small protector grow to the terrifying level in three or four years?

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you will soon become part of my power!"

The eagle protector continued to eat the soul of Liu Tianzun.

A few minutes later, Liu Tianzun's entire soul was swallowed by it, and Lord Jiu had no intention of letting go of Liu Tianzun's body. Dou Zun's peak body might be used for his resurrection.


In the battle on the Qihai Plain, the Shiming Sect completely disappeared from the stage of the northwest continent.

From now on, there will no longer be a sect called Shiming Sect in the northwest continent.

The power of the Jiama Empire will surely sweep across the entire northwest continent, making many forces frightened.

The Soul Palace's plan to provoke a war was completely unsuccessful.


"Lao Liu actually failed, and the Nagama Empire actually has such combat power?"

At the border between the Northwest Continent and Zhongzhou, a man in black robes looked very gloomy.

This person's cultivation level is also at the peak level of Dou Zun, and he is the fifth Heavenly Lord in the Soul Palace.

Seven or eight months ago, the Soul Palace and the Human Palace were destroyed and suffered heavy losses. They and the Heavenly Lords planned to start a war to make up for the losses, but now, it was all in vain.

Not only did they not harvest souls, but they also lost the Six Heavenly Lords and nearly ten other sages.

"Lao Wu, the matter is over. Let's go to the underground palace to report. The deputy palace master is already waiting for us!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared. This person was the Tianzun of the Soul Palace. He was stronger than the Blood River Tianzun who had appeared before, reaching the level of a junior semi-saint.

"Vice Palace Master?"

After hearing the words of the Three Heavenly Lords, a look of awe appeared instinctively on the face of the Fifth Heavenly Lords.

Although they, the Nine Heavenly Lords, hold high positions in the Soul Palace, the real powerful person in the Soul Palace is still the deputy palace master.

Because the palace master is basically not in the palace and has more important matters, which only happens once in a few decades. The deputy palace master is their direct leader.

"What was the reason for the deputy palace master's summons this time?"

Wu Tianzun asked with a speculative tone.

"In my opinion, this time it is likely that the new Nine Heavenly Lords will be arranged!"

The Three Heavenly Lord thought for a moment and gave an answer.

"Rearrange the order of the Heavenly Lords... It seems that this time, Third Brother, you are going to become famous!"

Hearing this, Fifth Heavenly Lord's face instantly became flattering.

The Human Palace was destroyed before, and the Great Heavenly Lord and the Second Heavenly Lord Guyou died at the same time. In addition, the Xingyun Pavilion killed all the Four Heavenly Lords Blood River and the Eighty-nine Heavenly Lords in revenge. Now only the Nine Heavenly Lords are left in the Soul Palace. Four people.If there is a rearrangement, then the current Three Heavenly Lords will most likely inherit the original position of the Great Heavenly Lords, and he, the Fifth Heavenly Lord, will be able to take the previous position of Guyou.

"It's too early to talk about this now, let's go there first!"

The Three Heavenly Lord waved his hands, his expression remained unchanged, but he was very excited in his heart. If he could really take the position of the Great Heavenly Lord, the resources he would be able to obtain would definitely increase.

Soon, the space around the two people was distorted, and then disappeared.


Wind world.

Some time ago, the huge space crack that appeared on the Qihai Plain was actually the morning wind that opened the entrance to the Wind Realm and sucked in all the twenty-odd Dou Zun experts from the Lion Underworld Sect and the Soul Palace.

Today, these 23 Dou Zun are all imprisoned in the Wind Realm.

According to Chenfeng's plan, all the Dou Zun from the Soul Palace were given to the two soul slaves, Lord Jiu and Yao Chen, as supplies.

As for those strong men from the Shiming Sect and the Dou Zun who were forced to join the Shiming Sect, they were all fed intermediate puppet pills to control them.

After all, if the empire wants to develop, it cannot always rely on a bunch of Douzong. The addition of these powerful Douzong can play a very big role.

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

After the Puppet Pill took effect, the eight Dou Zun all bent down and saluted Chen Feng.

"Okay, you all go to the front line to serve!"

Morrowind waved his hand and sent these people away from the wind world.

After they return, they can not only let the world understand that the Garma Empire is not cruel and will give people opportunities, but at the same time, with their original relationship in the northwest continent, they can also better manage the northwest continent for Morrowind.

The Northwest Continent, after this war, has basically become the back garden of the Garma Empire, and no force dares to resist the Garma Empire anymore.

"Is this...Zi Yan giving birth?"

After dealing with the prisoners, there was a sudden movement in Morrowind's bloodline crystal.

The next moment, he appeared outside Zi Yan's palace.

Zi Yan's pregnancy lasted for more than two years, and her belly also seemed a bit big.



"Give birth, Mrs. Zi Yan has given birth to twins, a boy and a girl!"

On Chenfeng's side, not long after he arrived, two high-pitched dragon roars came from the room.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has two more children, and the host will be rewarded with a gift package!"

"Since Zi Yan is pregnant with twins, the reward for this gift pack will be doubled!"

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

However, at this moment, Chenfeng didn't pay attention to those prompts. He wanted to see Zi Yan, mother and son first, and then entered the room very excitedly.

In the room, Zi Yan had already gotten off the bed, and she was surrounded by two purple-gold little dragons. The little dragons had the ability to control the air as soon as they were born, and it seemed that they had reached the seventh level.

"It seems that both little guys have inherited your bloodline!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's eyes became very soft. He approached Zi Yan and said with a smile.

"Yes, the two little guys not only have the blood of the royal family, but also the blood of the ancient dragon and phoenix!"

Zi Yan nodded happily. From now on, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan will usher in a period of prosperity for tens of thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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