Chapter 401 Entering the Ancient Realm!

Three days passed in a blink of an eye for a practitioner of Chen Feng's level.

And because of Yaochen's great reputation, some elders from the ancient tribes in this ancient holy city came to visit in person.

Of course, in this ancient holy city, there were no ancient clansmen with Dou Sheng strength, and those who came to visit Yao Chen were only some ancient clan elders with semi-saint cultivation.

One of the ancient clan elders named Gu Xun is the main manager of this ancient holy city.

When the morning light of the third day poured down from the sky, the ancient holy city became extremely lively.

Because today is the day when the gate of the ancient world opens to everyone. Most people here are full of curiosity about this mysterious place that is almost a space.

Not many people in this world can possess this kind of great supernatural power that opens up space.

When bursts of noise were heard in the city, Chen Feng and Yao Chen, led by some strong men from the ancient clan, also headed straight towards the center of the city quickly.

In the center of the ancient holy city, there is an extremely huge lake. The lake is extremely clear, but at a glance, you can't see the end. The depth makes ordinary people feel a little creepy.

At this moment, the area around the lake was occupied by many figures. There were even many figures on the surrounding buildings, and many eyes were focused on the clear lake.

And above the huge lake, figures in armor stood upright with guns, and a powerful aura filled the air, so that no one dared to set foot on the lake.

"Everyone, the ancient world will be opened soon. The ancient world is a vast area. If you wander around randomly, you will inevitably lose your way... Therefore, I hope you will not wander around after entering."

In the center of the lake, Elder Gu Xun of the ancient holy city suddenly shouted loudly.

"After entering the ancient world, someone will welcome you, and then send you to the center of the ancient world, the ancient holy mountain range... In addition, there are people of ancient ethnic groups in the ancient world, I hope you don't interfere with them, otherwise, you may be killed. My ancient clan is included in the blacklist... Did everyone know it?"

Hearing Gu Xun's words, there were also some polite echoes outside the lake.

Morrowind was very clear about the ancient people.

These descendants can be said to be the lowest level of the ancient tribe, but they are also the most important level.

After countless years of reproduction, I am afraid that the number of ancient ethnic people in the ancient world is quite large. They all have the Dou Emperor bloodline in their bodies, but it is almost negligible. Of course, there will be some accidents or The mutation caused the power of the bloodline to become stronger, and once these descendants were discovered, their worth would skyrocket, and they would become true members of the ancient tribe and enjoy incomparable respect.

This is also the reason why the ancient tribe is so powerful.

Think about it, it is not difficult for a genius to appear among 10 people, or even among a million people.

With such a large base, the ancient race, a powerful race, seemed to have an infinite supply of fresh blood, and naturally became increasingly powerful.


Not long after, ripples suddenly appeared in the calm lake.

Immediately, everyone felt an extremely terrifying space fluctuation coming from the space above the lake and spreading out.


When this terrifying spatial fluctuation reached its peak, an extremely bright beam of light suddenly shot out from the bottom of the lake.

Finally, the light pillar was connected to the city's huge energy shield.


The moment the two were connected, the space was slowly torn open by the shocking gazes.

After a while, a black space door leading to unknown depths appeared in front of many eyes.

"The door to the space leading to the ancient world has been opened, everyone, please enter!"

Looking at the huge space door, Elder Gu Xun smiled slightly, and then said loudly.Soon, a figure appeared in front of the door of space, and then the master of arts boldly walked in first.

The Ancient Clan is different from the Soul Clan. Most people in the world believe in the Ancient Clan and are not worried about what evil they will do to their guests.

"Let's go..."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, then stepped on the water and walked towards the door of space, while Yao Chen followed behind him. Such a strange posture made many strong men who paid attention to Yao Chen a little doubt in their hearts.

Of course, no matter how much they thought about it, they would never know that there would be a master-servant relationship between Morrowind and this medicine sage who spread across the continent.

Soon, Chen Feng and Yao Chen stepped directly into the door of space, and their figures quickly disappeared in the waves of space.



In the blue sky, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the space, and then a huge dark space door appeared strangely out of thin air.

And not long after the door of space appeared, figures slowly emerged, and finally stood in this strange world.

"Is this the ancient world?"

"The energy of heaven and earth here is at least several times stronger than that of the outside world!"

"As expected of the Dou Sheng warriors, this kind of magical power is truly incredible."

Accompanied by the appearance of those figures, exclamations gradually spread.

"The energy of heaven and earth is so strong. If you practice here, your progress will probably be twice as fast as in the outside world. This ancient tribe is not only unique in their cultivation talent, but also has such a blessed land. There is no reason why they are so strong."

Yaochen took a breath of the air here and said with a little emotion.

Morrowind didn't feel much about this. He also controlled this kind of opened space.

Moreover, because the area of ​​the wind realm is smaller than that of the ancient realm, the energy of heaven and earth is more concentrated and will not spread around.

Moreover, Chenfeng can mobilize the energy of the world in the wind world at will. He can make the energy of a certain area much higher than that of other places, creating a paradise of heaven and earth.


Soon, there was a sudden sound of thunder outside the distant sky.

In the dark clouds in the distance, there are ten flying warships. The dark clouds surround the warships. From a distance, it looks like the warships are riding the dark clouds and carrying thunder, majestic and spectacular.

This kind of huge warship is something that has been passed down from ancient times by the ancient tribe. It is called a shuttle boat. When it comes to speed, I am afraid that even the strongest warriors at the peak of Dou Zun cannot keep up.

But unfortunately, this kind of thing is too rare nowadays.

"It's actually Suo Kongzhou, the ancient clan's handiwork is really great!"

After some sharp-eyed people discovered it, there were screams of surprise.


"Hehe, all guests, please get on board."

Dark clouds came carrying thunder from the sky, and finally stopped slowly on the sky. An old voice also came down from the warship.

As this old voice fell, everyone jumped onto the warship one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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