Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 402: This guy actually hooked up with an ancient lady!

Chapter 402: This guy actually hooked up with an ancient lady!

"Young Master, except for Mistress Xun'er, this coming-of-age ceremony for the younger generation of the ancient tribe is of little interest. The only attraction is the tomb of that day!"

On the huge warship, Yao Chen told Chenfeng some secrets of the continent.

As everyone knows, Morrowind knows more about these things than he does.

The celestial tombs have been left over from ancient times, and there are many tombs of powerful people in them.

The celestial tomb is extremely mysterious. It contains the energy marks of many ancient powerful people, and after the changes of the years, these marks have transformed into the appearance in front of them.

As long as these energy bodies are defeated, the energy mark can be obtained and absorbed, thereby increasing the strength.

These energy marks are extraordinary. They are equivalent to real high-level elixirs, and they are the kind that can be swallowed continuously without losing too much effectiveness.

Of course, the most important thing is that the time in the celestial tomb passes more slowly than the outside world. In sum, the five days in the celestial tomb are only equivalent to one day in the outside world.

That is to say, if you stay inside for a month, only six days have passed outside. If you stay there for a year, only two months have passed outside.

In this way, if anyone waits in there for a long time and practices for hundreds of years, he will probably become an extremely powerful person when he comes out.

After all, with this kind of extra time, no matter how stupid you are, you can achieve great things.

Of course, such a magical place naturally has great limitations. The Sky Tomb is opened once every 20 years, and the time inside each time is at most three years, which is equivalent to half a year in the outside world. After half a year, it will be Excluded by the rules of the Sky Tomb.

"The Sky Tomb is indeed a good thing. Now it is only controlled by these ancient imperial clans, and the rest have no chance to enter!"

On Chenfeng's side, he nodded slightly after listening to Yao Chen's words.

"It seems that the young master is very clear about these things, but I am too talkative!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yao Chen smiled slightly awkwardly and looked around.

Suddenly, his eyes froze.

Because, in his sight, several young people with familiar marks on their eyebrows appeared.

"Haha, Medicine Saint, those people are the people sent by the Medicine Clan this time!"

A young man in black walked over at this time. Yao Chen was from the Yao Clan. Some people from ancient races still knew these secrets.

"Are all the representatives of the Medicine Clan at this level now..."

Hearing this, Yao Chen replied without changing his expression. Although his words contained contempt, there was also a hint of sadness hidden in his voice.

"The person in the middle is called Yao Xingxing, and he is known as Ren Yaozi. Now he has reached the eighth-grade intermediate level. He may be quite outstanding in front of others, but when facing the Medicine Saint, he is not worth mentioning!"

The young man in black smiled and touted the medicine dust.

He has reached the eighth-grade intermediate level at this age. Compared with ordinary people, he is indeed a genius. Even among the Yao Clan, he is considered a genius. At Yao Chen's age, he had not yet reached this level.

However, Yao Chen didn't feel amazing at all. In the Yao Clan, those who are not at the peak of the eighth level will eventually be inferior, but now he is a real ninth level alchemist.

During this period, Morrowind did not speak. Soon, the warship suddenly trembled violently. Immediately, the surrounding space fluctuations slowly dissipated, and the speed of the ship also slowed down. In the distance, the lush mountains appeared in the distance. range of vision.

"Have you reached the Ancient Sacred Mountains..."

As the warship got closer and closer to the mist-shrouded mountain range, Chenfeng paused briefly and stared directly at a mountain peak shrouded in clouds and mist in the distance.There, a misty green shadow was looming, even though they were far apart, Chenfeng still felt a sense of familiarity and longing.

Above the sky, dark clouds rolled, and the huge warship slowly stopped above the endless mountains, attracting the gazes of countless people.

On the warship, everyone gathered at the bow, looking at the steep mountains below, and then feeling the powerful aura faintly seeping out from the mountains. Many people secretly smacked their lips. It was indeed the headquarters of the ancient tribe. The number of Dou Zun experts here has reached a quite terrifying number.

"Hehe, all the noble guests of the ancient clan, please!"

Hearing the old voice on the warship, many people replied politely, and then just displayed their figures, flashed down from the warship, and flew towards the building complex in the middle of the mountain range, where there was It is the reception place of the ancient people.

At this moment, the beautiful figure on the cloud peak also moved, stepping on the clouds, her skirt fluttering, like a fairy in the clouds, with a kind of ethereal, coming on the clouds under the gaze of many eyes, and finally suspended on the warship. outside.

Looking at the girl in Tsing Yi who appeared suddenly, all the eyes on the battleship were cast there, and there was a touch of surprise in their eyes.

The girl is wearing a light green dress, with three thousand blue silk threads tied up casually, spreading over her slender waist and ending vertically on her delicate buttocks.

The breeze blows, and the black hair flutters, out of the dust and refined... And that beautiful face makes even the world dim, a pair of moving bright eyes, revealing an ethereal meaning, like the deepest starry sky , it is difficult to divert people's eyes from looking at it.

Regardless of the city, consider the country.

She is so stunning, she really is the person who can overwhelm the country and the city, facing this girl who was born with Zhong Tiandi's aura, no matter how perfect a man is, it seems that he will feel ashamed in front of her, such a person, where in the world? have to find.

Looking at the familiar beautiful face, a soft smile slowly appeared on Chenfeng's face.

"Brother Feng."

Under the gaze of many eyes, the girl in green smiled, her delicate body flashed, and she appeared on the warship. Her soft voice sounded in Chenfeng's ears.

"Xun'er, I kept you waiting for so long!"

Chenfeng smiled and stretched out his hand, hugging Xun'er's slender waist under the stunned gazes of the Black Annihilation Army soldiers around him.

"What happened? Miss Xun'er didn't stop it?"

The young man following Yao Lao was greatly shocked.

He had never seen Xun'er's smile like this before. Xun'er, who usually seemed as elegant as a goddess, now actually showed such a real feminine charm.

"Who is this kid?"

The eyes of some ancient youths on other warships were full of envy.

Among the ancient races, most of them married within the tribe. Therefore, many people liked this young lady from the ancient race who had both strength and beauty.

"Who is this guy? He actually hooked up with an ancient lady?"

There were exclamations and doubts coming from the mouths of young people from other ancient races.

"This guy married Cao Ying, the champion of the Dan Society, and also hooked up with a young lady from the ancient tribe. What he said to me before was simply..."

The woman in red with a veil covering her cheeks paused for a moment on Xun'er and Chenfeng, and then sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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