Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 403 The coming of age ceremony of the ancient tribe!

Chapter 403 The coming of age ceremony of the ancient tribe!
"What is this boy's ability that can actually win the favor of Miss Xun'er!"

"Yeah, looking at his age, he doesn't have the blood of the ancient race, and I'm afraid he hasn't even reached the level of Dou Zun!"

"No, this person's aura is like a mystery. I can't see any signs at all!"

As time went by, more and more people from the ancient tribe saw Chen Feng hugging Xun'er, and they felt very jealous.

And some people still wanted to take action against Chenfeng, but considering the strong Fighting Saint Yao Chen next to them, they finally gave up the idea.

Even if Yaochen doesn't stop them, Xun'er's current strength alone can stop them all.

In the past, Xun'er might have been forced by the pressure from her clan, but now, no one can make decisions about her marriage. Even the Council of Elders abide by her decision.

"Brother Feng, let's go!"

Soon, Xun'er took Chen Feng's hand and flew deep into the mountains in front of everyone.

As Chenfeng's subordinate, Yao Chen naturally followed him.

At this moment, Chenfeng also had some strange thoughts in his mind. After all, his current cultivation level was not enough to compete with Gu Yuan. If Gu Yuan's attitude was wrong, he would immediately use the space teleportation flag to leave the ancient world.

The night was like water, filling the earth, and the cool moonlight poured down from the sky, covering the entire mountain range with a layer of light silver gauze.

In the center of the mountain range, groups of temples stand one after another, like an ancient beast under the moonlight, exuding a trace of ancient atmosphere.

Most of these palaces are brightly lit at the moment. These days are considered festive days for the ancient tribe, so many places are decorated with lights and colorful decorations, filled with a festive atmosphere.

However, on the mountain peaks far away from these magnificent ancient temples, it is extraordinarily quiet, without that kind of noise, making this place as peaceful and peaceful as a place where hermits live.

On the mountain peak, Chenfeng and Xun'er stood hand in hand. In this land of ancient tribes, the two of them did not have the same room, but only had some ordinary intimate contact.

"Brother Feng, your information should have been known to most of the tribe in the past two days... You won't blame me!"

Xun'er turned her head, looked at Chenfeng with her beautiful eyes, and said softly.

"How could it be possible? Sooner or later it will be made public, and now it's almost time!"

Morrowind smiled and shook his head.

The identity discovered by outsiders has no impact on him at all. It is all what he can let others know. It is estimated that everyone in the Gama Empire knows it.


The next day, when the first ray of morning light poured down from the sky, the ancient holy mountain range became lively almost instantly.

Figures flashed past in the sky, and the sound of various festive gongs and drums resounded over the mountains.


The closed door slowly opened, and Chenfeng, who had put on neat clothes, slowly walked out. His eyes swept across the open space in front of the room, but he saw Xun'er already waiting here.

"Brother Feng, have you rested?"

Xun'er came forward with a smile, her jade hands gently smoothed the wrinkles on her clothes for Chen Feng, she looked so gentle, like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

And if this scene were seen by other ancient tribesmen, their eyes would probably turn red again.

Xun'er had always presented an elegant and goddess-like image in front of them. How could they have imagined how heartbreaking a scene it would be for the goddess in their hearts to tidy up a man's clothes. "Well, let's go!"

Chenfeng looked at Xun'er with soft eyes and chuckled.

Soon, the two of them, together with Yao Chen, headed towards the depths of the Ancient Holy Mountains, towards the center of the huge square that was completely surrounded by the ancient atmosphere.

Around this ancient square, there were many Black Annihilation soldiers wearing black armor standing upright, their sharp eyes as sharp as eagles, constantly sweeping back and forth around, and when they saw the morning breeze, their sharp eyes were obviously There was a pause, but he didn't do anything else.

Around the square, there were many figures taking their seats at this moment, but Xun'er's pace did not stop there, but directly pulled Chenfeng towards the seats in the center of the square.

Somewhere in the square, there is a figure sitting cross-legged with a fierce and murderous intention. This person's hair is black and white, and the aura of his body is as cold as ten thousand years of ice. Just one look at it will make you feel cold all over. With a chill.

Chenfeng could feel that this man's murderous intention was clearly his.

"Brother Feng, this person's name is Gu Yao. He is considered the leader of the younger generation in the clan. Apart from Brother Gu Qingyang, he is the most powerful!"

Xun'er introduced gently. She was very aware of Chenfeng's strength and would not take a character like Gu Yao seriously at all.


"The time has come, the ceremony, let's begin"

After the chime of the bell resounded, a mighty plain voice suddenly came out from the empty space.

The terrifying pressure contained in that voice made many people in the square take a breath.

"The strong fighting saint is here!"

Feeling this kind of aura, Chenfeng felt very calm. With his current cultivation level, he could sense the auras of many ancient fighting saints, even Gu Yuan, Gu Lie and others were sensed by him.

When that majestic voice fell slowly, the three elders of the ancient clan with serious expressions stood up from the seats not far away, and then entered the center of the square.

At this moment, there are already many props there. The adult ceremony of the ancient tribe is quite complicated, because among the ancient tribe, only after experiencing the adult ceremony can it be regarded as complete growth.

After the ceremony, these younger generations can truly become the core of the clan, and even the so-called marriage can only be carried out after completing the coming-of-age ceremony.

"The real strong man of the ancient tribe still hasn't shown up yet..."

At this moment, Yao Chen's eyes swept over this special area. Except for a few elders of the ancient clan, he did not see anyone of the same level as the patriarch of the ancient clan.

Obviously, these big figures would not show up easily even at this time.

"The ceremony has begun, Lingquan!"

After a while, the three ancient clan elders in the square were also fully prepared, and then read out the first name according to the list.

Hearing the shouts of the three elders, Lingquan also got up quickly, with a movement of his body, he rushed into the arena with some high spirits, and bowed respectfully to the three elders.

There are naturally a lot of young people who have grown up in the ancient tribe, but there are only a very small number of people who can hold a coming-of-age ceremony on this occasion.

And these people are undoubtedly the best among the younger generation of the ancient clan, so it's no wonder that Lingquan has a faint complacency on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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