Chapter 404 The benefits of clan patterns!
In the field, a serious-looking elder from the ancient clan held his palm, and an astrolabe nearly ten feet in size appeared in front of him.

And Lingquan was also familiar with the process, so he quickly stepped forward, then touched his palm on the astrolabe and closed his eyes.

With the closing of Lingquan's eyes, a burst of strong light suddenly burst out on the astrolabe, and six stars gradually emerged.

Seeing these six stars, the elder of the ancient clan nodded his head, and then shouted loudly: "Lingquan, the seventh commander of the Black Annihilation Army, the strength of a one-star Dou Zun, and the level of a sixth-rank bloodline, after the resolution of the Council of Elders, I will give you a golden star." Clan pattern!"

"It turns out to be a golden clan emblem, worthy of being the Seventh Commander..."

Hearing the shouts coming from the mouth of the ancient clan elder, the people of the ancient clan in the square suddenly heard a series of envious sounds coming from their mouths.

Hearing this, Lingquan's eyes also flashed with joy, he knelt on one knee and raised his head.

An ancient tribe elder held a flickering golden pen, and his arms danced with afterimages. Immediately, a mysterious rune appeared on Lingquan's forehead.

Golden light bursts out, filled with a special kind of energy fluctuation.

In the ancient tribe, bloodline levels were divided into ten levels, with the first level being the lowest and the tenth level being the highest.

Generally speaking, only those with a bloodline level of level four or above are eligible to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony.

This Lingquan can reach the sixth level, which is quite good. As for the golden clan pattern, it is the final evaluation based on the above-mentioned conditions.

This racial pattern is inherited from ancient times. At critical moments, it can temporarily increase the blood power in the ancient people's bodies, enhance their strength, and thus avert danger.

This ethnic pattern is divided into four levels, silver, gold, purple gold, and seven-color gold, which are distinguished by color, and the ethnic pattern of Lingquan is the third golden ethnic pattern.

The people of the ancient tribe value the coming-of-age ceremony so much, not just because of this ritual. The main reason is because of the ethnic pattern.

According to the bloodline level of the ancient clan, as long as one can reach the ninth grade bloodline, it is said to have the potential to be promoted to the Fighting Saint.

As for the most powerful divine bloodline, perhaps its potential is enough for a person to reach the peak of Dou Sheng. Of course, this is quite difficult. Divine bloodline has not appeared among the ancient tribes for many, many years.

"Next, Lin Xi!"

As the plume fountain went down, a shout sounded again in the scene.

Immediately, another young man stood up and rushed down with excitement on his face.

According to the previous process of Lingquan, Lin Qiao walked through it again, but there were still only six stars that appeared on the astrolabe.

"Lin Xi, the third commander of the Black Annihilation Army, a five-star Dou Zun, a sixth-rank bloodline, and a golden family pattern!"

Although both of them have golden clan patterns, the golden color on Lin Xuan's forehead is obviously brighter than that of Ling Quan.

Perhaps this should be some of the differences between the strengths of each other.


After Lingquan and Lin Xi, there were some young strong men from the ancient race who were good enough to play one after another, but no one's bloodline level exceeded the sixth rank.

"Gu Zhen, the commander of the Black Annihilation Army, the seven-star Dou Zun, the power of the seventh-rank bloodline, I..."

When announcing a tribesman named Gu Zhen, the elders rarely stopped and discussed one by one.

Seeing the three elders who started talking, everyone in the square looked at each other, and then focused on Gu Zhen. It seems that this guy is a little different from the previous ones.

In the field, the three elders finally stopped after talking for a while.One of the elders held his hand, and a purple-gold pen appeared in his hand.

"It turned out to be the Purple Gold Dragon Brush!"

Seeing the Zijin pen in the elder's hand, there were exclamations in the field immediately.

"After deliberation and decision by the Elders' Court, Gu Zhen has extraordinary military exploits and a calm personality. Therefore, he is given the Zijin clan pattern!"

The elder shouted in a deep voice with a stern expression. Immediately, the energy in his palm surged, and he activated the purple-gold pen, quickly leaving a purple-gold clan pattern on Gu Zhen's forehead.

"According to the level of bloodline, Gu Zhen actually can't reach the level of Zijin family pattern, but he has a very high reputation in the black army, which is close to the four capitals, so this time the elder's house is an exception."

Xun'er introduced in a soft voice that in the ancient tribe, sometimes it was not just based on bloodline and cultivation, but those who had made military exploits or had other outstanding qualities would also be appreciated.


Chenfeng also knew Gu Zhen's character and nodded gently.

In the field, even though he unexpectedly obtained the Purple Gold Clan Pattern, there was still no strong fluctuation on Gu Zhen's face. He bowed respectfully to the three elders, then stood up and left.

The next moment, a chill came, making Chenfeng frown.

The Shura Capital, one of the four major capitals of the ancient tribe, stood up quietly in front of everyone's attention, but walked towards the field step by step.

That chill was released by this ancient demon, and it was obviously aimed at Chenfeng, but it had no effect on Chenfeng at all.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, the ancient demon looked indifferent, walked slowly into the arena, and then bowed to the three elders, but it was not like Lingquan, Guzhen and others before. He usually kneels on one knee, but straightens his body like a sharp spear overflowing with cold air.

As for his behavior, the three elders didn't have any displeasure on their faces.

Although the ancient demon is not as senior as them, his reputation among the ancient clan is extremely strong. Coupled with his extraordinary strength, it is normal not to kneel to them.

At that moment, the three of them looked at each other, waved their sleeves, and the astrolabe, which was about ten feet in size, flew lightly in front of the ancient demon, with little bits of fluorescence seeping out of it.

"It's your turn, ancient demon."

Hearing this, the ancient demon nodded calmly, and then, under the gaze of so many eyes, slowly stretched out his palm, and gently touched the astrolabe.

The ancient demon touched the astrolabe with his palm, there was a moment of silence at first, and after a long while, the astrolabe trembled violently, and bright and strong light shot out from it, one by one stars appeared one after another on the astrolabe.

"One, two, three, four, five...eight!"

Looking at the eight stars slowly appearing on the astrolabe, there was an uproar in the field, and even some elders nodded in amazement. Obviously, this test made them extremely satisfied.

"The ancient demon, one of the four major unifications of the Black Annihilation Army, an eight-star Dou Zun, the power of the eighth-rank bloodline, and the Zijin Clan pattern!"

After the sound of drinking fell, the purple gold dragon pen in the hands of an elder suddenly burst into an extremely bright and strong light, and the rich energy gathered at the tip of the pen, and then his arms danced, and a mysterious rune quickly appeared on the ancient monster's forehead. superior.


Painting this so-called purple gold pattern seems to consume extremely fighting energy.

Therefore, when the last stroke was written, the elder's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he took a long breath. His hand stopped writing, and the bright light of the pen tip gradually weakened.

(End of this chapter)

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