Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 405 The terrifying power of the Medicine Saint!

Chapter 405 The terrifying power of the Medicine Saint!
Soon, a lifelike purple-gold clan pattern appeared on the ancient demon's forehead. The color of this purple-gold clan pattern was obviously several times darker than the previous purple-gold clan pattern of Gu Zhen.

This clan mark was obtained by the ancient demon solely by virtue of its own strength.

It's not comparable to the purple gold clan pattern that Gu Zhen had to make an exception to get just now.

"The clan emblem has been completed, ancient demon, go down..."

After completing the family pattern, the elder also smiled, then waved his hand and said.

"and many more."

However, before the elder could finish his words, the indifferent ancient demon suddenly spoke out.


Seeing this, the three elders were startled, then frowned slightly, and said, "What?"

"Do I have the qualifications to challenge others at will during the coming-of-age ceremony?"

Under the gaze of many eyes, the ancient demon said in a calm voice.

At this moment, many people seemed to have guessed something, and many people looked towards Chenfeng.

Obviously, they had already expected this.

The three elders hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said: "According to the rules, at your coming-of-age ceremony, you can challenge anyone from your own clan, but if the other party is not from your own clan, you need the other party's consent , to be able to fight against people."

The ancient demon nodded slowly, but his eyes were directly locked on Chenfeng not far away, and he said calmly: "You should know that I am here for you. If you want to chat and laugh with the ancient clan, then take Show your true strength, otherwise, others will always look at you with ridicule and pity..."

"Now I can give you this opportunity, and you can challenge me. Of course, as for whether you have the courage, that is your business. However, I hope that if you refuse, you can leave by yourself within today. The ancient world..."

The rules of the coming-of-age ceremony allow the ancient demon to challenge anyone, but what he said was for Morrowind to challenge him!
Challenges usually start from the bottom up. Obviously, in the ancient demon's understanding, the person who should issue the challenge is not him, but Morrowind.

As soon as the ancient demon finished speaking, the eyes of everyone in the audience stopped on Chenfeng with almost a swipe. Many people's eyes were filled with a kind of schadenfreude.

"It is said that this boy is the emperor of an empire, and he has unified all the corners of the northwest continent!"

"Haha, does such a person deserve to be with a young lady from the ancient tribe?"

"I have to say, this boy is very clever. He is just an emperor, but he can hold so many beauties in his arms..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"As far as I know, Cao Ying, the champion of this Dan Association, is his wife. At the same time, he also married Tang Zhen's precious daughter in Fenyan Valley. Moreover, Mu Qingluan, Feng Zunzhe's only disciple, also left with him. Very close..."

People from these ancient races are very quick to source information. Therefore, many things about Morrowind are actually not secrets here.

"Married to the Dan Club champion... The so-called Dan Club champion is just a kid's game, not worth showing off at all!"

In a high place in the square, several figures were lazily leaning on the railings. One of them, a man with a medicinal gourd pattern on his forehead, looked at the thin figure in the distance and smiled.

"Yes, how can the alchemists outside compare to us?"

On the side, a voluptuous woman with revealing clothes and an extremely fiery figure curled her lips and said.

Judging from the special pattern between his eyebrows, he must be from the so-called Medicine Clan.

"Haha, but this seems to be quite difficult. There are very few people who can survive in the hands of that guy, the ancient demon."

"Hey, this guy even dares to grab my target. I hope that guy can survive for a while, otherwise, it will be too boring." In another corner, a man wrapped in black robes The figure raised his head slightly, revealing a particularly pale young face. This person was the representative of the Soul Clan.

"These people may have underestimated this person!"

In the special area, the woman from the Yan clan whose face was covered by a veil looked at the figure not far ahead and sighed softly.

"This guy looks like he has no cultivation. Can anyone tell me the specific situation?"

There are still a group of people in the field who are optimistic about Chenfeng, because of his unique temperament and the calmness he shows at this moment.

"You alone are worthy of being challenged by Master Morrowind, you simply don't know how to live or die!"

After Yao Chen's words fell, a huge coercion enveloped Gu Yao, causing Gu Yao's expression to change greatly.

But soon, a Dou Sheng aura came from the distance, helping the ancient demon resist the pressure released by the medicine dust.

"Oh, even a mere two-star Dou Sage dares to show his embarrassment in front of me!"

Seeing this, Yao Chen sneered and released all his pressure.

At this time, Yao Chen had advanced to the late stage of Semi-Saint and Four-Star Dou Saint, and the huge pressure shocked the hearts of everyone present.

The ancient demon was immediately suppressed and fell to his knees.

"Medicine Saint, please be patient and don't be impatient. It's the younger generation of my ancient clan who don't understand the rules!"

At this moment, the real strong man of the ancient clan finally took action, and with one word, he resolved the pressure of Yao Chen.

"Ancient demon, why don't you get out!"

At the same time, a scolding voice fell in the mind of the ancient demon.


Hearing this, the pale Gu Yao quickly walked off the field, not daring to look directly at Yao Chen.

"The strength of the Medicine Saint just now is definitely not that of a one-star Fighting Saint. Among our clan, I am afraid that only a three-star Fighting Saint or even a four-star Fighting Saint can be so powerful!"

Everyone's eyes glanced at Yaochen in surprise.

"I can't believe he has reached such a high level!"

"For such a genius, the clan actually said that he was not talented enough and drove him out. It is really ridiculous..."

In the crowd, the eyes of the young people from the Yao Clan were a little dodgeful. They all knew that Yao Chen was the abandoned son of the Yao Clan, but now, this former abandoned son had reached a height that they could never reach in their lifetime.

"This old guy Yao Chen is actually a four-star fighting saint. Even the top experts from the ancient clan are very generous. It's really unbelievable!"

"Yao Chen is a four-star fighting saint. He is so well hidden... No, in this way, it will not be difficult to deduce the real culprit of the destruction of the human palace..."

At this moment, noticing Yao Chen's cultivation, several youths from the Soul Clan suddenly realized something, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

When the Human Palace was destroyed, the Soul Palace had almost no suspicion of Yao Chen. That was because Yao Chen only had one-star Dou Sheng strength and did not have the power to destroy the Human Palace.

But now, they discovered that Yao Chen was a Four-Star Fighting Saint who had been hiding something before. Therefore, the answer was obvious as to who was the real culprit who destroyed the Human Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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