Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 406: Star Bloodline, All Ancient Clan Are Shocked!

Chapter 406 The ten-star bloodline shocked all the ancient clans!

"This matter is of great importance. When we return, we must report it to the strong men in the clan immediately... Yao Chen, the strong man of Tiangang Human Palace who dared to kill my Soul Palace, simply doesn't take our clan seriously..."

The old soul clan man standing behind the young soul clan man said in a deep voice. Although he spoke forcefully, he absolutely did not dare to do anything at this moment, because he was only a Nine-Star Dou Zun cultivator. Yao Chen wanted to Killing him is easy.

After this time, Yao Chen's fame will be several times greater than before, and he will become the truly top powerhouse in Zhongzhou.

Due to the clan covenants made by the ancient imperial clans back then, strong men with cultivation levels above the Four-Star Fighting Saint could not take action at will.

This also leads to the fact that the strong people active above Zhongzhou, even if there are strong Fighting Saints, are just low-level Fighting Saints.

Now that Yao Chen has revealed his cultivation as a four-star fighting saint, most of the forces will feel uneasy.

Even the master of the Soul Palace only shows the cultivation level of a four-star fighting saint.

In other words, after this time, the world will know that Medicine Saint's cultivation level is already comparable to that of the Master of Soul Palace, and there may be countless strong people who will choose to seek refuge in Xingyun Pavilion.

At this moment, after the strong man from the ancient clan came forward, Yao Chen was still very angry. However, after Chen Feng's eyes signaled, Yao Chen did not continue to pursue the matter of the ancient demon.

"Brother Feng!"

Xun'er gently held Chen Feng's hand. She knew that a person of Gu Yao's level could not elicit Chen Feng's emotions at all. If Chen Feng took action, the consequences would be very serious, including death or disability.

Moreover, this is the realm of the ancient clan. If Chenfeng really kills the ancient demon, he may get into some trouble.

"Let me preside over the rest of the ceremony."

Soon, a strong warrior from the ancient clan arrived here.

"It's Elder Tongxuan!"

Hearing these words, several elders on the stage were startled, and then they seemed to understand something. There was a look of shock in their eyes, and they immediately bowed and backed away.

After several elders exited the scene one after another, the fighting saint warrior from the ancient tribe slowly fell from the sky, then turned his smiling eyes to the moving figure in that special area, and said softly: "Xun'er, it's your turn... "

As this person's voice fell, the eyes of the whole audience focused on that moving figure almost instantly. She was the real pearl among this ancient clan.


Xun Eryu shook her hand slightly, and then nodded in the smiling eyes of Chen Feng. Her figure fluttered, like a butterfly flying, and gently fell into the field.

"Xun'er, come on!"

Elder Tongxuan held the astrolabe in his hand and greeted with a smile.

Xun'er stepped forward slowly, gently touched the astrolabe with her jade hand, and immediately closed her beautiful eyes.

With the closing of Xun'er's pupils, some light slowly bloomed from his jade hand, and under the illumination of these light, on the astrolabe, one by one stars quietly emerged.

The eyes of the audience are all condensed on the astrolabe at this moment, and the appearance of every star will make the hearts of many people beat fiercely.




Five, seven, eight...

Looking at the more and more stars on the astrolabe, the breathing sounds of many in the square became heavy because of this.

The space in this sky is slightly fluctuating, and there are faint and powerful auras coming out.

Obviously, these are the unseen powerhouses of the ancient clan, but at this moment, they couldn't sit still and began to pay attention to the square.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, shortly after the eighth star appeared on the astrolabe, there was another burst of strong light.

"Nine stars, ninth grade bloodline!" Looking at the nine bright and dazzling stars on the astrolabe, almost all the ancient clan members took a deep breath.

Ninth-rank bloodline, that is to say, the ancient clan will have a potential clansman who has the potential to advance to the rank of fighting saint.

Although this is just potential, with this kind of potential, as long as there is enough time, these potentials will truly create a new Fighting Saint.

Fighting Saints, such existences, even superpowers like the Ancient Clan, attach great importance to, because when it comes to forces like them, the competition is actually based on the number of Fighting Saints each tribe has.

Whoever has more fighting saints is the real peak power!

"It is indeed a ninth-grade bloodline. The power of Xun'er's bloodline is really unparalleled!"

"But it's not over yet... If it's just the ninth grade, those old guys won't all gather here."

"Could it be?"

While several young people from the ancient tribe were having a conversation, the light emitted by the ninth star on the astrolabe in the square became more and more dazzling under the ecstatic eyes of Elder Tongxuan...

"Peak of Ninth Rank!"

The voices of the fighting saints on the field became very excited. His eyes were fixed on the extremely bright and dazzling stars, and his heart could not help but beat violently.

Under the gathering of countless gazes, Xun'er's jade hands suddenly trembled, and her jade arms seemed to become transparent at this moment.

In the arm, in the blood vessels, the blood flows rapidly, and a little golden light spot, along with the blood vessels, quickly converges towards the jade hand touching the astrolabe.


As the golden spots became thicker and thicker, in the end, Xun'er's entire arm became like it was made of gold.

The astrolabe suddenly trembled violently, and small cracks appeared quietly, and finally spread rapidly.

"It's such a terrifying bloodline power, it can't even bear the astrolabe!"

Seeing this scene, not only the ordinary members of the ancient tribe, but also the elders showed horror on their faces.

Relying on the power of blood to shatter the astrolabe was something that even they had never heard of, but now Xun'er had done it.


When the crack spread, in the pitch-black area behind the ninth star, a little golden fluorescent light suddenly emerged faintly.

As soon as the golden fluorescent light appeared, it spread rapidly. In just a few blinks, the fluorescent light became about the size of a thumb.

After a while, a golden and slightly dim star appeared completely under the gaze of countless eyes.


The moment the tenth golden star appeared, the astrolabe exploded with a bang.

A golden beam of light shot into the sky from Kaoru Kodama's hand.

Most of the people present were shocked to find that the fighting spirit in their bodies had stopped running, and even a kind of awe spread deep in their souls.

This is a kind of awe of the inferior to the superior!

"Ten Stars... God Grade Bloodline!!"

The expressions on the faces of all the ancient people could almost be described as stunned.

They have the same bloodline as Xun'er, and that kind of coercion is even stronger for them.

(End of this chapter)

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