Chapter 407 Morrowind’s plan!
"Divine Bloodline!"

At this moment, many people from the ancient clan in the field could not bear the strong pressure. With a pop, they knelt on the ground, their faces filled with fanaticism.

However, people with the strength of some elders and ancient demons did not kneel down, but slightly bent their bodies, not daring to look directly at the golden figure in the field.

"It's really amazing...the ancient clan is really blessed with divine bloodline!"

Among the crowd, an old man in silver robe sighed softly, with unconcealable envy in his voice.

He is a member of an ancient race and knows very well how important this so-called divine bloodline is to an ancient race.

Xun'er slowly opened her beautiful eyes, but she didn't feel the slightest surprise at the silence around her. Instead, her eyes calmly stared at the fanatical elder Tongxuan in front of her.

"It really is a divine blood!"

Under Xun'er's gaze, Elder Tongxuan muttered excitedly twice before gradually calming down.

The next moment, Elder Tongxuan stretched out his hands respectfully, and then gently grasped the void in front of him. With the grasp of his palm, a dragon pen shining with colorful luster appeared in his hand.

As soon as this colorful dragon pen appeared, all the people of the ancient clan had a look of respect on their faces.

"The Seven-Colored Heavenly Emperor's Pen... This thing that has not been used by the ancient tribe for thousands of years is finally coming out!"

There are people around who are amazed!

On the stage, Elder Tongxuan held the colorful dragon pen in his hand with a respectful expression on his face, his heart filled with excitement.

This colorful Heavenly Emperor's pen, which has not been used by the ancient tribe for thousands of years, is finally about to be opened.


Holding the colorful Heavenly Emperor pen tightly in his palm, Elder Tongxuan also looked at Xun'er.

Seeing this, Xun'er nodded slightly and then closed her beautiful eyes.

Seeing Xun'er nodding, Elder Tongxuan's expression became solemn, and then the palm of his hand holding the colorful Emperor's pen suddenly tightened, and his arms suddenly danced.

A series of mysterious trajectories quickly took shape under his palm, and with the dancing of the Seven-Colored Heavenly Emperor Brush, a series of family patterns in seven colors also appeared on Xun'er's smooth forehead stroke by stroke.

This kind of colorful is an extremely brilliant color.

Although the difference between the divine grade and the previous ninth grade is only one grade, the difference between the two is as vast as clouds and mud.

As the colorful clan patterns emerged stroke by stroke, Elder Tongxuan's face became more and more solemn, and the palm holding the Emperor's Pen couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"What a terrifying Emperor's Pen. No wonder no one has been qualified to touch it for a thousand years!"

Elder Tongxuan's face darkened, and he quickly concentrated on controlling the perfect trajectory of writing.


The seven-colored Heavenly Emperor brush danced about half an inch away from Xun'er's forehead, and traces of seven colors appeared on the latter's forehead continuously.


Under the watchful eyes of countless eyes in the audience, the work of painting the family pattern lasted for nearly 10 minutes before it ended.

"All right."

Hearing the voice next to her ear, Xun'er's slightly closed eyes slowly opened.

And the moment his eyes opened, the colorful clan patterns on his forehead suddenly burst out with intense colorful light!
"Plop!" Under this burst of colorful light, the Bugu tribe couldn't help but feel the pressure deep in their souls. With a pop, they knelt down towards Xun'er in the field with a face full of fanaticism.

"Haha, the seven-color clan pattern, my ancient clan finally appeared again after a thousand years!"

When the colorful rays of light erupted, an old laughter sounded vaguely in the distant sky.

"I didn't expect that even this being would be alarmed!"

When this unusually old voice sounded, Elder Tongxuan was also slightly startled.

The colorful rays of light only lasted for a moment, and then they all converged into the colorful clan patterns on Xun'er's smooth forehead.

This ethnic pattern will not be revealed on weekdays, and will only appear on the forehead when the owner intends to summon it.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see anymore. During the holidays, Xun'er will definitely surpass anyone else in the clan!"

When the colorful light dissipated, Gu Qingyang turned and left with the other two people on the towering tree in the distance.

"Elder, since the ceremony is over, I'll leave first!"

Xun'er didn't want to stay any longer at the moment, so she said something to Elder Tongxuan, and then ignored his reaction. With a flash of her delicate body, she walked towards Chenfeng under the gaze of many eyes.

"Alas, I wonder what the young emperor of the empire is capable of. Even Xun'er, a divine bloodline, is so obsessed with him!"

Seeing Xun'er leave after saying a word, Elder Tongxuan shook his head helplessly and sighed softly.

At this time, in a corner of the square, several figures shrouded in black robes looked at Xun'er's retreating back with flickering eyes, a faint cold light flashing in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that the ancient clan would actually give birth to a divine bloodline. In the future, he will be our soul clan's formidable enemy, and maybe it will interfere with our soul clan's plans. It seems we have to find an opportunity secretly. Get rid of this person..."

When the murderous intent flashed across these soul clan members, they were immediately noticed by the keen Morrowind.

"If you have such thoughts, there is no need for you to live!"

Morrowind glanced back and murmured in his heart.

At this moment, Chenfeng could feel that the existence of the ancient clan had been watching him, so he could not act rashly.

"Xun'er, you have activated the clan pattern this time, and with the addition of the Golden Emperor's Burning Heaven Flame, I'm afraid even a semi-saint strong man can deal with it!"

Chenfeng said to Xun'er with a calm expression.

"Yeah, if I can advance to Half Saint, I'm afraid I can deal with One Star Dou Saint in a short time!"

In fact, among the women of Chenfeng, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei also have the blood of the ancient imperial clan.

Moreover, in terms of power, the Xiao clan's clan patterns are much more powerful than those of the ancient clan.

However, the Xiao Clan's clan pattern is not given by the ancient clan, but must be cultivated by oneself.

The only way to practice the Xiao Clan's clan pattern is on Xiao Xuan, the ancestor of the Xiao Clan in the Sky Tomb.

This time, although Chenfeng did not bring Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei to the ancient world, he was able to let Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei successfully enter the heavenly tomb.

The specific plan is to wait until Xun'er enters the tomb and find a place to use the space jade slip. The space jade slip awarded by the system will not be restricted by the space of the tomb.

Therefore, this allows Chen Feng to smoothly enter the Sky Tomb space. When the time comes, he can use the space conversion flag to successfully bring Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei into the Sky Tomb space.

(End of this chapter)

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