Chapter 408 Gu Yuan’s approval!
"Young man, can you come here to meet me alone?"

Just as Chenfeng and Xun'er were walking toward the mountain peak where Xun'er was, an old voice sounded in Chenfeng's ears.

It was obvious that someone was transmitting a message to him.

"Xun'er, you go back first, your father wants to see me alone!"

Hearing those words, Chenfeng was very calm and told Xun'er directly.


Hearing Chenfeng's words, Xun'er became nervous.

She knew very well that her father was truly a strong man who had reached the pinnacle of the continent. It would be terrible if there was any disagreement between him and Morrowind.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Chenfeng pinched Xun'er's fair face and showed a confident smile.

"All right!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xun'er nodded subconsciously.

Next, Chen Feng walked towards the depths of the mountains in the direction he sensed. Suddenly, his face looked solemnly towards the end of the mountain road ahead, where a figure stood with his hands behind his back.

In his perception, this person had no breath at all.

It was as if this person and even the space he was in did not exist.

But looking at it with the naked eye, it can be confirmed that this is indeed a human figure. This kind of contradictory senses is extraordinarily weird.

The next moment, the morning breeze spread out without covering anything, and in an instant, it reached the top of the mountain.

"You should have guessed who I am!"

The figure slowly turned around. He was about forty years old and looked like an ordinary middle-aged man. He was dressed in simple linen clothes and had a smile on his face.

"Yes! I know that senior is the patriarch of the ancient clan."

Moronfeng didn't pretend to be anything and nodded directly in response.

"Young man, I don't know what Xun'er and you have gone through in the past few years to be so enamored with you. However, you should know that with the talent Xun'er is showing now, maybe within a few years, she will be able to become the best person in history. There are very few people who enter the Dou Sheng cultivation realm before the age of 30..."

Gu Yuan spoke slowly.

"Then senior is against me and Xun'er?"

Morrowind asked.

"That's not true... As long as Xun'er is willing, I, as a father, can't force her. Moreover, with her current divine bloodline and peak Dou Zun cultivation, even I, the leader of the ancient clan, can't do it. Force her to do something!" Gu Yuan laughed.

"Senior, do you think I have met your requirements?"

Chen Feng responded softly, and then controlled the Hidden Spirit Stone to release the cultivation aura of a One-Star Fighting Saint.

"One Star Fighting Saint... No wonder Xun'er has a very good vision!" Looking at Chenfeng's cultivation aura, Gu Yuan was a little surprised, but he seemed to have expected it.

The next moment, Gu Yuan shook his head and said: "Although I won't stop you, some elders and older beings of the ancient tribe still have some grudges about this. After all, Xun'er is someone who has not appeared in our ancient tribe for nearly a thousand years. Divine bloodline, they are naturally not happy that this bloodline becomes imperfect because of other things, so some of the obstacles you will face are not easy. These things, as the leader of the ancient clan, I cannot give You are a great help, after all, the clan leader must put the clan first!"

"Of course, excluding the identity of the clan leader, I am Xun'er's father. As long as she likes it, I will definitely like it too!"

Gu Yuan smiled slightly and said: "I don't have much dissatisfaction with you. You were born in the Northwest Continent and don't have any imperial blood in your body, but you have used your own efforts to achieve a level that is not inferior to those with blood." This achievement has to be admired.”

"Thank you senior for your appreciation!"

After hearing Gu Yuan's words, Chenfeng actually had a very good impression of him. Of course, Chenfeng also knew very well that if he didn't have the strength he has now, Gu Yuan wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

"Oh, it's true that a female college student doesn't want to stay in the right place. Looking at this girl's irritable appearance, I'm afraid she's worried about what I'll do to you..."

"Okay, that's all I have to tell you for today. I hope your achievements will be higher in the future. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to match my daughter..."

Sensing a figure approaching quickly from the bottom of the mountain, Gu Yuan waved his sleeves and then disappeared.

Looking at Gu Yuan's disappearing figure, Chenfeng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and looked at the alluring girl who was flying towards her quickly, her cheeks were tight and her beautiful eyes were full of worry, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, your father didn't say anything to stop us. He just said, let me work harder and stop the mouths of some old guys from your ancient tribe..." Chenfeng said with a smile.

"That's good!"

Xun'er felt relieved after hearing Chen Feng's words.

Her father had a very high status among the ancient clan. If even he was against it, then she would really be in a dilemma. That kind of situation was the last thing she wanted to see.

The next moment, Xun'er's soft and slender waist twisted slightly, her cheeks with a hint of crimson leaning against Chenfeng's shoulder, her beautiful eyes slightly closed, greedily breathing in the warm breath that made her feel at ease.

Looking at the jade-like person in his arms, Chenfeng felt a warmth in his heart. He gently wrapped his arms around the soft and boneless waist, buried his head in the former's soft blue hair, and smelled the faint scent. of fragrance.

In a certain space in the sky, Gu Yuan's figure slowly emerged. Looking at the young man and woman hugging each other on the top of the mountain, he couldn't help but sigh, and then disappeared again with a movement of his body.


As time goes by, the time for the opening of the Sky Tomb has also come.

When the morning glow of the third day poured down from the sky, a strange atmosphere diffused from this mountain range.

"Brother Feng, the location where the Sky Tomb is opened is deep in the Ancient Sacred Mountains. It is generally regarded as a forbidden area for the ancient tribes. People are not allowed to enter during normal times. It will only be opened when the Sky Tomb is opened."

In the early morning, Xun'er came to Chenfeng's door first and said with a smile.

"Well, let's go there now!"

The morning breeze hugged Xun'er's slender waist and rushed towards the depths of the Ancient Saint Mountain Range.

"There are also dangers in the Sky Tomb. Countless ancient powerful men are buried there. Although their souls have long since disappeared, due to the magic of the Sky Tomb, their energy during their lifetime has transformed into their previous appearance. These energy bodies have extremely strong attack power, and they also know the fighting skills in life, which are quite difficult to deal with. Xun'er, after you go to the first floor, don't be too eager to go to the other two floors. Wait until I come out. If you enter the ancient clan domain, you can use the space jade tube..."

While on the way, Chenfeng explained his plan to Xun'er. Of course, even Gu Yuan could not spy on this exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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