Chapter 409 Entering the Sky Tomb!

The sky tomb is divided into three levels. Most of the energy bodies on the first level are Dou Zun below three stars. They are in a state of unconscious wandering, so it is not difficult to deal with them.

The energy body at the second level is the one that has reached Dou Zun's three-star level or above and below eight-star level.

As for the third level, it is the true peak of Dou Zun, and there are even super strong people who have reached the Dou Saint level during their lifetime.

Even their energy bodies possess some wisdom that belongs to them. They can even be regarded as a kind of strange creature.

His strength during his lifetime, coupled with the magic of the Sky Tomb, led to this strange thing happening.

This is also the reason why Xiao Xuan, the ancestor of the Xiao family, chose to be buried in the sky tomb.

Soon, Chenfeng and Xun'er arrived at the top of a mountain.

Some representatives of the ancient races who were able to enter the Sky Tomb have already arrived. However, what is interesting is that this time, the Spirit Tribe among the ancient races did not send anyone over.

As the weakest clan among the eight clans, the Spirit Clan did not send a representative and no one paid attention to it. The two places of the Spirit Clan naturally fell into the hands of the Ancient Clan.

"The soul clan's grand plan is finally about to be launched!"

Among the people here, only Morrowind knew the reason why the Eldar didn't come. It wasn't that they didn't want to come, but that they couldn't come.

I am afraid that at this moment, the people of the Spirit Clan are already being massacred by the Soul Clan. The entire spirit world has been swallowed by the Void Swallowing Flame, and even a top powerhouse like Gu Yuan cannot notice the movement.

At this moment, east of Morrowind are people from the Thunder Clan. Mang Tianzhi, the dean of Canaan College, is the leader of their trip.

However, Mang Tianchi will not enter the Heavenly Tomb. Generally, those who enter it are mostly the younger generation of the clan. After all, the Heavenly Tomb is a very good place for training.

To the west are the people of the Stone Clan. Due to their bloodline, their bodies are extremely terrifying, comparable to some of the top Warcraft in the World of Warcraft.

Shortly after Chenfeng and Xun'er arrived, the world suddenly trembled violently. A vast, ancient breath slowly filled the air from the empty space. Under this ancient breath, everyone present Everyone, deep in their souls, felt a sense of awe.

"The Sky Tomb is about to open!"

Looking at the sky that suddenly darkened, Xun'er said softly.


As soon as Xun'er finished speaking, the empty space suddenly erupted with a loud noise, and immediately, a huge space crack measuring thousands of feet spread directly from the sky.

And in the center of the crack in the space, a mass of silver light gradually emerged, and finally turned into a huge space door of hundreds of feet, and that kind of reckless, ancient aura emanated from it. .

"Is this the gate to the Heavenly Tomb?"

Looking at the ancient gate standing between heaven and earth, Chenfeng murmured to himself.

This kind of space looks much more majestic than the wind world he owns, and it is also full of ancient atmosphere.

However, his wind world is easier to control than this sky tomb. The energy inside and the shape of heaven and earth can be controlled by him in a single thought.

At this moment, this ancient space gate stands between heaven and earth, and the ancient atmosphere spreads out, making everyone's souls tremble.

"Everyone, you should also know the rules for entering the Heavenly Tomb. Each clan has two quotas, and there must be no too many entries."

Elder Tongxuan's old figure appeared in the sky, looking around at the figures around him, he said indifferently.

Hearing his words, everyone nodded slightly. The rules for entering the Sky Tomb have always been this way, and the two quotas for each clan have continued to this day.

However, only the Ancient Clan, the race that guards the Heavenly Tomb, received a greater discount.

For example, this time, there are only six places they can enter the Sky Tomb. This kind of treatment has to make other tribes jealous. "Brother Feng, remember to use the communication stone to contact me!"

Xun'er tilted her head and smiled at Chenfeng.


Morrowind nodded. Although he had never been to the Sky Tomb, he was very familiar with it.


At this moment, the ancient gate in the sky, which was in the crack of space, suddenly erupted with a loud rumbling sound. Immediately, the gate slowly opened a gap, and dazzling brilliance burst out from it. Come out and shine in this world.

"If the quota has been allocated, then prepare to enter the Sky Tomb... Remember, you can only stay in the Sky Tomb for three years. Once the time is up, the Sky Tomb will automatically exclude you! "

Looking at the ancient gate that was slowly cracking open, Elder Tongxuan said in a deep voice again.

People from other ancient races have already understood the rules for entering the Sky Tomb, so there is no doubt about it.


Above the sky, the crack in the ancient gate became wider and wider, until it was already ten feet huge.

The rich ancient aura billowed out from it like mist.


As the ancient gate opened, several sounds of breaking wind suddenly sounded in the mountain forest. Several figures flew across the sky as fast as lightning, and then, under the gaze of many eyes, they flew straight into the opened gate.

"Brother Feng, I'm going too!"

Xun'er said with a smile, then quickly moved towards the ancient gate, and then disappeared into the strong light inside the giant gate.

When the last figure entered the giant gate, the ancient gate also fluctuated violently. Immediately, under the gaze of everyone, it gradually became illusory until finally it completely disappeared.

"Okay, now that Xun'er has entered the ancient world, I have to act quickly!"

After seeing Xun'er enter the Tomb Space, Chenfeng took Yao Chen and left the Ancient Clan space directly.


In the misty and strange place, there are occasional strange fires flickering in the distance, and then they are fleeting, and the death-like silence shrouds this strange land.


In the silent land, the space suddenly became distorted, and then a beautiful figure walked out.

The fighting energy in Xun'er's body began to circulate almost at the same time, and she looked around cautiously.

"Is this the celestial tomb?"

After discovering nothing unexpected, Xun'er breathed a sigh of relief and looked around curiously.

Because they did not enter at the same time, the other people must have been transported to other places. This tomb is extremely vast, and no one can say whether they will encounter it.

"Very rich energy, stronger than the ancient world"

Xun'er grabbed a handful of the misty gas in front of her, and was surprised to find that these gases contained extremely rich energy from heaven and earth, and the purity was far beyond her expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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