Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 410 Feng Qing'er gave birth to twins, the third floor of the tomb!

Chapter 410 Feng Qing'er gave birth to twins, the third floor of the tomb!

"Brother Feng told me to use the space jade tube after he leaves the range of the ancient clan. So, let's practice in the past few days!"

Thinking about what Chen Feng had told her before entering the Heavenly Tomb, Xun'er suddenly made a decision in her heart.

The next moment, she suddenly turned her head, looking at the mist on the right with her beautiful eyes, slowly raised her jade hand, and then shook it suddenly.

With the hold of Xun Eryu's hand, the energy in that area condensed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, all the fog there dissipated, and an illusory figure appeared.

Xun'er flicked his jade fingers, and the illusory figure suddenly twisted, and then exploded with a pop. A stream of light the size of a thumb quickly flew towards Xun'er, and was finally caught by him.

Spreading his jade hands, a diamond-shaped crystal, about the size of a thumb, appeared in his palm. A little fluorescence and a rich energy mist spread out from it.

This thing is an energy core. Generally speaking, the energy cores in the Sky Tomb are divided into nine levels. This one can only reach two levels at best, which is not very good. For Xun'er now, it is simply It doesn't have much effect unless there is an energy core of level nine or above.

In the following time, Xun'er did not continue to move forward, but found a larger stone slab, sat down to practice, and quietly waited for time to pass.


The Southern Territory is the territory ruled by the ancient clan.

After Morrowind traveled a certain distance, it tore apart the space and entered the world of nothingness.

At this moment, there was a strange movement in his bloodline crystal.

"Qing'er is about to give birth!"

Chenfeng was overjoyed when he felt the strange movement of the bloodline crystal.

The next moment, he directly used the space conversion flag and returned to the wind world.

And when his figure disappeared from the spot, somewhere in the void space, a figure quietly appeared, with deep doubts in his eyes.

"It's strange that this person can actually move instantly and leave my range of perception!"

The old man in black murmured to himself that his cultivation had already reached the level of the Seven-Star Fighting Saint, and in the area of ​​the ancient tribe, the only ones with such cultivation were the three immortals of the ancient tribe.

Morrowind's soul is now in the Great Perfection of Heaven. In fact, he has already discovered that this person was spying in secret, but he didn't care.

The secret of the space conversion flag is definitely not something that the three immortals of the ancient clan can pry into, not even Gu Yuan and his ilk can do it.


In the wind world, in the harem.

Chenfeng came here and found that Yun Yun, Ya Fei, Nalan Yanran, Cao Ying, Xiao Yu, Xiao Mei and others had gathered outside Feng Qing'er's palace.

"Ma'am, try harder!"

"It's coming out!"


Soon, the sound of a baby crying came from the room, which made Chenfeng feel happy.

"There's another one, the lady gave birth to twins!"

But then, Chenfeng once again received good news. This time, Feng Qing'er turned out to be twins, two little girls.

"Ding, it's been detected that the host has two more children, and the host will be rewarded with a big gift package!"

"Ding, because this time it's twins, all the rewards in the gift pack are doubled!"

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in Chenfeng's mind.

However, Chenfeng didn't pay attention at this time, but quickly entered the room to visit Feng Qing'er, mother and daughter.

Feng Qing'er was wearing a colorful dress, with an air of nobility that was difficult to conceal. Her cheeks were slightly thin, her perfect oval face, and her pair of purple-brown jewel eyes made her look like someone. Like a princess in the empire, beautiful and holy.

However, even such a beautiful woman has now become the woman of Chenfeng.


When Chen Feng came in, Feng Qing'er had two small dimples on her cheeks. She didn't look like a mother, but looked like a little sister-in-law.

"Qing'er, thank you for your hard work!"

Chenfeng stepped forward, hugged Feng Qing'er tightly, and smelled the faint fragrance on the beauty's body.

Next, after Chenfeng named the child, he couldn't wait to have an in-depth communication with Feng Qing'er.

"Copy crystal!"

In the early morning of the next day, after Chenfeng opened all the gift packages, two smooth crystal stones in the shape of dolls appeared in his hands.

Copying Crystal: It can copy another host. The copied image has all the strength of the host, but it can only last for three days. After three days, the image disappears.

"It's such a strange thing!"

Looking at the replica crystal, Chenfeng was overjoyed again.

With this thing, it is very useful. It can help you explore some dangerous places. Moreover, when a powerful enemy invades, it can also use the mirror image to confuse the enemy, lure the enemy away, or cause suspended animation. In short, it is extremely useful.

"Not bad!"

Putting these two things away, Chenfeng slowly pushed away the snow-white body leaning on him, and then went to Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei's room.

"Yu'er, Mei'er, this time, I want to take you to meet the ancestor of your Xiao clan, Xiao Xuan..."

After explaining some things to Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, Chenfeng quickly sent a message to Xun'er.


On the misty ground, fluorescent lights floated. Looking around, the whole world seemed to be shrouded in a kind of dead silence, without the slightest vitality.

A beautiful figure sat cross-legged on a boulder.

Next to this beautiful figure, there are a dozen figures with illusory bodies and empty eyes floating in the air.

However, although the eyes of these energy bodies are empty, their speed, strength, etc. are not weak at all. Under the charge, there are also majestic energy fluctuations, and some boulders on the ground are directly shattered.


When these illusory figures were about to approach the female figure sitting cross-legged, a cold shout rang out, and with just one word, majestic pressure swept over and shattered the dozens of illusory figures.

"Brother Feng finally contacted me!"

After casually killing a dozen energy bodies, Xun'er slowly stood up, her eyes filled with joy.

The next moment, she directly picked up a space jade slip, and then quickly crushed it.

After crushing the space jade slip, the foggy world in front of her suddenly opened a crack. Immediately, a young man walked out of it. It was Chenfeng.

"Brother Feng, you are here!"

Seeing Chenfeng, Xun'er quickly rushed forward and hugged Chenfeng.

"Xun'er, are you bored these days?"

The morning breeze caressed Xun'er's hair, her eyes were very soft.The next moment, Chen Feng suddenly glanced at the very distant sky.

There, there seemed to be a pair of big eyes staring at Morrowind.

"Were they discovered so soon? I wonder who it was?"

Chenfeng murmured to himself. Although he used the Hidden Spirit Stone to hide his aura, the spatial fluctuations were still easy to be discovered.


"Yu'er, Mei'er!"

After briefly embracing Xun'er, Chenfeng immediately used the space conversion flag to return to the wind world, and then brought Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei to the Heavenly Tomb.

This time, with the appearance of Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, Chenfeng felt that there was another aura that was monitoring him.

"It seems that in this heavenly tomb, the control of the soul of the heavenly tomb is much greater than that of Xiao Xuan. I am afraid that without the appearance of the Xiao clan bloodline, Xiao Xuan may not be able to sense it!"

Feeling the extra breath, Chenfeng understood instantly.

"Let's go to the second floor entrance first!"

Chenfeng smiled, turned around and smiled at Xun'er, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei.

The vast celestial tomb is filled with dense energy mist all year round, and under the pressure of this energy, any flying thing will feel as heavy as a mountain.

After a short flight in the sky, you will feel exhausted, and because of this, this sky tomb will seem more and more endless.

Of course, any restrictions, once a certain level of cultivation is reached, can greatly reduce the impact of the restrictions.

Chen Feng's current cultivation level has reached the peak of the Five-Star Fighting Saint, and he can step into the Six-Star Fighting Saint at any time. It is not difficult to fly with Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei.

For other people who enter the Sky Tomb, even if they have high-level Dou Zun cultivation, it will take more than half a year to walk through the first level.

During this period, Chenfeng also sensed two people from the Soul Clan entering the Tomb World, and easily killed them. These two people dared to have murderous intentions towards Xun'er, and they were simply looking for death.

Five days later, Chenfeng took Xun'er and the other three to the entrance to the second floor of the Sky Tomb space.

At this moment, what appeared in front of the four of them was a wall of energy light that seemed to be pouring down from the end of the sky.

As it gradually approached the huge energy light curtain, a powerful energy coercion also diffused from it.

Of course, this kind of strength is only compared to some ordinary strong men. Those whose cultivation level is lower than the five-star Dou Zun want to enter, and they are afraid that they will be crushed into powder by the huge energy pressure.

"Let's go!"

When they came here, Chenfeng and the other three didn't stop at all. Now even Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei had arrived at the Nine Star Dou Zun. After crossing this energy wall, there was no pressure at all.

With the morning breeze clearing the way, the defensive shield constructed blocked all energy pressure.


Just when the four people in Morrowind exited the energy wall and reached the second floor of the Sky Tomb, a dozen energy bodies with the strength of high-level Dou Zun rushed in crazily.

The energy bodies here are actually much stronger than those on the first level, but in Morrowind's eyes, they are just ants.

With a wave of his sleeves, the dozens of Dou Zun energy bodies dissipated and finally turned into a dozen energy cores.

The scope of the second level is much smaller than that of the first level, almost only one-tenth of the size of the first level.

Using their speed, Morrowind and the others approached the entrance to the third floor in less than a day.

At this moment, at the end of the horizon behind their group, a strong energy hurricane roared towards them. In the end, it actually formed an extremely terrifying chain reaction, causing a huge energy storm to quickly take shape in this piece of heaven and earth.

"Energy Storm!"

Looking at the energy storm behind him, the expression on Morrowind's face did not change. This thing could not threaten him yet.

On the vast dead land, it is now filled with rumbling loud noises, and the energy storm that pervades the world sweeps in from far away. Wherever it goes, even the space collapses, and the darkness is extremely terrifying. .

While being chased by the storm, Morrowind also sensed a familiar pressure of energy.

In that distant place, a huge energy light curtain poured down from the sky, and finally vertical to the ground, like a sky wall.

"Oh my god, the energy light curtain here has actually materialized!"

Xun'er exclaimed, if there was an energy light curtain at the entrance to the second floor before, she could still break in with her own strength.

Now, even if her cultivation reaches the semi-saint level, she may not be able to travel through time.

"Don't panic, let me come!"

Morrowind smiled, and with a movement of his palm, a blood-red ferocious spear appeared in his hand, exuding a terrifying blood evil aura.

Next, Morrowind waved the blood-colored spear and inserted it straight into the energy light curtain in front of him that turned into substance.


Under the release of the majestic energy of the bloody spear, the energy light curtain was directly blown open.


Seeing that Chenfeng's strength gun was so powerful, Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei also had smiles on their faces.

Next, the Morrowind Spear came out like a dragon, piercing the energy layer one after another. It was undoubtedly like a digging machine. As the majestic fighting energy overflowed, the hole opened became deeper and deeper. .

When a few people came to the middle area, there were faintly dense snow-white things that were constantly squirming on the wall of the hole created by the morning breeze. Some liquid-like things seeped out, then covered the surface of the crystal and solidified rapidly. During this time, another extremely thin layer of substantial energy was formed.

"These things are secreting energy to repair the crystal wall."

Xiao Yu exclaimed.

"This is a small magical beast that lived in ancient times. They are extremely small in size, but their numbers are endless. Ancient Devouring Insects, as the name suggests, can devour everything and then continuously secrete pure energy. Originally, this This kind of thing should have become extinct a long time ago, but I didn’t expect to see it here!”

Xun'er explained softly.

The crystal walls on both sides slowly began to squirm as if they were being shaken.

After arriving, I could even see with the naked eye that the crystal walls on both sides were slowly getting closer.

Seeing this, Xun'er also started to help Chenfeng and released his own Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame.

These things have the effect of swallowing up fighting spirit, and flames are their nemesis. With Xun'er's help, the healing speed of the crystal wall has dropped significantly.

Next, Chenfeng's eyes suddenly focused on the center point of the crystal wall. There, there was a prototype object the size of a fist, exuding a light red color. From a distance, it looked like a strange insect cocoon!

Chenfeng moved his hand, and something as warm and cool as jade fell into his hand.

This thing is the ancient insect mother, which is considered a good treasure.

Soon, Chenfeng rushed out of the passage with Xun'er and the three of them, and then, an endless gray land appeared in his field of vision.

This piece of land is extremely vast, and it can't even see the end at a glance. There is not too much energy mist lingering here.

But when they stepped on the soles of their feet, they could feel that streams of pure energy were continuously penetrating into their bodies along the soles of their feet.

(End of this chapter)

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