Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 411 The ancestor of the Xiao clan, Xiao Xuan!

Chapter 411 The ancestor of the Xiao clan, Xiao Xuan!
"Is this the third floor of the Sky Tomb?"

Xun'er's eyes looked forward curiously.

The third floor of this tomb is indeed far from the first two floors.

With this kind of energy infusion, even if an ordinary strong person does not work hard to search for energy cores, he will definitely be able to obtain extremely good cultivation effects.


At this moment, a violent buzzing sound suddenly came from the huge light curtain behind, which seemed to be connected to the end of the sky.

This scene made Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei slightly startled, and they quickly turned around.


I saw that within the crystal wall passage that had been forcibly broken open before, waves of snow-white waves, with loud buzzing sounds, rushed toward the four people of Morrowind like lightning. .

"Ancient insect devourers, they chased them out!"

Seeing this scene, Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei were instinctively afraid.


The white wave surged out overwhelmingly. However, just when these ancient insect-eating insects had just charged up the energy crystal wall, the flying bodies stopped suddenly, and then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, they turned into a ball with a pop. White powder floats away.

"Puff puff!"

In the next minute, a steady stream of ancient eating insects rushed out of the passage without fear of death.

But when they rush out of the range of one foot of the light screen, they will quietly explode into white powder as if they are resisted by a strange force.

After arriving, the powder accumulated to a depth of nearly several meters in front of the energy light curtain.

"What are these ancient eating insects...doing?"

Xun'er and the other three looked at these ancient eating insects that knew there was a dead end outside but were still trying to rush out in astonishment. Their brows furrowed slightly for a moment.

"Because of this thing, their insect king fell into a deep sleep and was brought out by me!"

Morrowind took out what he had harvested before and explained with a smile.

"So it is!"

After hearing Chen Feng's explanation, Xun'er and others suddenly realized.


The suicidal attack of the ancient insect-eater lasted for nearly 10 minutes, and the white powder covered the crystal wall with a thick layer.

Fortunately, this kind of suicide did not last forever. After countless ancient eating insects were turned into powder, the speed of the impact finally became much slower.

Later, they disappeared completely. Obviously, this useless suicide finally made them choose to give up.

"Let's go!"

Next, Chenfeng didn't pay attention to this and continued to lead Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei forward.

On the vast gray-brown land, a faint energy mist floats slowly with the breeze. The hazy world gives people an extraordinarily mysterious feeling.

In this lonely world, it seems that even the concept of time has been lost.

On the third floor of this tomb, energy bodies of level eight and level nine can be seen almost everywhere.

Chenfeng always handed over energy bodies of this level to Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei to deal with.

Not long after, a huge boulder mountain with a height of one hundred feet appeared in the sight of Chenfeng and others.

At the top of the mountain, there is a huge stone pedestal. On the stone pedestal, a figure sits proudly, with a dark red ghost-headed sword placed in front of him.

The rich smell of blood spread out from the sword, like mist, lingering around the mountain peak.

"This should be an energy body that has surpassed the ninth level!"

Feeling the domineering aura permeating the body of that figure, Xun'er commented.

At this moment, the figure on the boulder mountain suddenly stood up, and the smell of blood suddenly became stronger.

"It seems that it has been discovered!"

"Who's coming this time?"

"Let me do it!"

Seeing this scene, Xun'er and the other three were not only unafraid, but also rejected each other. Fighting against the powerful semi-saint was a good exercise.

Xiao Mei took the initiative to stand up this time. Now that she has reached the peak of the first-turn Douzun, she will not be too stressed when dealing with a semi-saint energy body.

"Intruders, you should know the final consequences from the moment you set foot here!"

On the mountain peak, the figure looked down at Chen Feng and the others. His faint voice was like thunder, rumbling in the ears of several people.

The man was holding a ghost-headed sword and was dressed in dark red robes. He had a cold expression and several horizontal scars on his face, giving him a vaguely tyrannical and sinister aura.

These fierce auras permeate together, like a bloody roaring angry lion, which makes people feel shuddering.

However, this blood evil aura is nothing to Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei. They saw Chenfeng's horned dragon spear before, and it was the real murder weapon.

"Old guy, stop talking nonsense and hand over your energy core!"

Xiao Mei's body gradually floated into the air, and the aura of Dou Zun's peak was clearly revealed.



That figure stepped on the stone peak with the sole of its foot, and a terrifying energy burst out. Immediately, several people saw that a series of huge cracks spread from the top of the mountain like snakes. And then, in the blink of an eye, the rocky mountain became precarious.

Huge boulders fell from the rocky mountain one by one, and that figure appeared in the air not far in front of Xiao Mei like a ghost. He held the ghost-headed sword in his right hand, looking at the front with indifferent eyes, and the corners of his mouth were also slow. It stirs up a taste of bloodlust.

"I haven't tasted human blood in years, I almost forgot what it tasted like!"

The figure twisted his neck slightly, and then seemed to be talking to himself: "My name seems to have not been mentioned for a long time. Although I have felt some human breaths intruding here before, they are here." After sensing me, he ran away, so this is the first time I have met a human with the breath of fresh flesh and blood... My name seems to be Blood Knife Saint, right? Have you heard of it?"

Looking at the dark red figure who raised his head and cast suspicious eyes on his group, Xun'er's mouth couldn't help but tremble.

"You've been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, who knows what your name is!"

Xiao Mei said very seriously.


"You are so presumptuous, you are seeking death!"

Xiao Mei's serious words immediately angered the Blood Sword Saint.

He shook his head in disappointment, and then the soles of his feet trembled unnoticeably.

The next moment, he flashed and appeared directly ten feet away from Xiao Mei.

"go with!"

Xiao Mei quickly struck out an energy palm print to attack the bloody figure.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Seeing the energy light seal coming from him, the Blood Knife Saint smiled disdainfully, and slashed twice with the ghost-headed sword in his hand diagonally across the void. The huge sword light of the two swords tore the space, and the two energy lights were split with one sword. The seal tore open.The remaining sword energy flew directly towards Xiao Mei, but she hurriedly dodged it in the end.

"After all, you are just an energy body and cannot display the strength you had before you were born!"

Xiao Mei gave a soft drink, with no fear on her face.

Next, various fighting skills were displayed by Xiao Mei, all directed at the Blood Sword Saint.

"An ant-like existence dares to challenge the majesty of the saint!"

Facing Xiao Mei's bombardment, the Blood Sword Saint sneered, clenched his left hand tightly, and then suddenly blasted out. A streak of blood condensed into a bloody tiger like lightning, roaring and colliding with Xiao Mei.

"Tianhuo Three Mysterious Transformations! First Transformation! Second Transformation! Third Transformation!"

As the shouts rang out in her heart, the fighting energy in Xiao Mei's body suddenly became violent, and there was a soreness between her eyebrows.

This Heavenly Fire Three Mysterious Transformations was obtained from the Burning Flame Valley. It can temporarily increase a person's strength, but it will have sequelae.


The ghost-headed sword cut through the void, but at this moment, it suddenly stopped. The blood-sword saint's eyes were fixed on the latter's eyebrows. After a moment, a look of fear actually emerged in his eyes.

"The Xiao clan's pattern? Are you from the Xiao clan?"

The Blood Knife Saint stared at Xiao Yan's forehead in fear, and there was a hint of horror in his voice.

"How did you know?"

Xiao Mei asked in confusion, Xun'er and Xiao Yu were also filled with doubts.

The Blood Knife Saint's eyes were fixed on the center of Xiao Mei's eyebrows. The faintly visible clan pattern that had appeared there had completely disappeared at this moment.

But he knew in his heart that this clan mark was definitely not unfamiliar to him, because in his distant memories, this clan mark seemed to be as terrifying as a nightmare in his heart.

"Aren't all the people of the Xiao clan dead?"

The Blood Knife Saint muttered, while he was speaking, his gaze involuntarily scanned the depths of the celestial tomb, and a deep look of fear flashed across his eyes.

The next moment, he left directly, leaving a message when he left: "Go west from here. In this gap is the junction of many strong people. From now on, you should be able to avoid other people." Block it, and finally reach where you want to go!"

Such a scene made Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei more confused.

"Don't be curious!"

Chenfeng smiled and explained: "The Sky Tomb is extremely strange. Since people with semi-saint cultivation like the Blood Knife Saint can survive in another way and still possess the spiritual intelligence during life, then, those who have reached the level of Senior Xiao Xuan, who has reached the peak of Dou Sheng, can't he still be alive?"

"I see!"

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei reacted and guessed the purpose of Chen Feng bringing them here.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there would be people from the Xiao clan here. Let us destroy the last bloodline of the Xiao clan!"

At this moment, two old men wearing gray clothes and gloomy faces appeared quietly like ghosts.

"Dou Sheng?"

When the two old men in gray appeared, sisters Xun'er and Xiao Yu noticed each other's cultivation.

These two people are members of the Soul Clan. Although they have fallen, their spiritual intelligence during their lifetime has been preserved by them because of the Sky Tomb. It seems that these two guys came prepared.

"Kill them and leave quickly. This place is too close to that, and things will change if you wait too long."

One of the old men in gray frowned and said in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, another old man also had some fluctuations in his eyes. He nodded immediately and slowly stepped out with his feet. As he stepped out, the entire space shook violently at this moment. Circles of space ripples spread from beneath his feet.

"Let's do it together!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei looked at each other and attacked in two directions.


The old man in gray clothes who had not taken action sneered and clenched his hands fiercely. All the sounds within a hundred feet in radius were instantly solidified, and along with the solidification, it seemed that there was still time.

In this solid space, Xiao Yu and his two figures were imprisoned.

How powerful is the true Fighting Saint warrior? He can control a whole world at will.


At this moment, in the distance, the space fluctuated, and a figure suddenly appeared, splitting the confined space with a knife.

"The Saint of Blood Knife?"

This is the blood-sword saint who has gone and returned.

"Damn it, where did you two bastards come from? If you kill people from their Xiao clan here, if that guy finds out, you will definitely have to wash the tomb with blood again!"

When the Blood Knife Saint suddenly rushed out, his expression was gloomy as he cursed.

"Hmph, a mere half-saint dares to act wild in front of the two of us? You are seeking death!"

The sudden change did not make the two soul clan members change much. They laughed angrily and shouted in unison: "Lock!"

As the two men shouted angrily, the figure of the blood knife saint who came out suddenly froze, and a look of horror appeared on his face at this moment. The two fighting saints are indeed far beyond his comparability .

"With this little ability, I dare to meddle in my own business!"

A gray-robed man stepped into the void with his feet and appeared directly in front of the Blood Knife Saint. He slightly bent his palm and struck the latter's chest fiercely.

If this punch hits, it will definitely blast the Blood Sword Saint into nothingness.


However, when that fist was only half a foot away from the Blood Sword Saint, it suddenly solidified!

Their fists froze, the expressions of the two soul clan members changed, and they shouted angrily.

"It seems that there are still soul clan survivors in the tomb!"

When Hun Diao and his two men shouted angrily, a faint voice filled with ancient flavor suddenly sounded slowly in this space.

And when this voice sounded, the space that was solidified by the powerful soul clan fell apart instantly.

"Xiao Xuan?"

Hearing this extremely majestic voice, the expressions of the two powerful fighting saints from the Soul Clan instantly filled with horror.

At the same time, the blood flowing in the bodies of sisters Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei suddenly experienced a strange fluctuation.

This kind of fluctuation conveys an extremely familiar feeling.

Ripples gradually appeared in the void, and soon a figure in light blue clothes appeared quietly. The appearance of the figure did not cause any strange phenomena in the world.

But vaguely, it seemed that everyone owned this world and couldn't bear the illusion of this person's punches and kicks.

"Soul race... really disgusting smell of blood."

The figure emerged, raised his head, and revealed a face that was not extremely handsome, but always gave people a special flavor.

This man had black hair shawl, and a pair of eyes as black as ink, like black holes, deep and full of a strange wisdom, exuding an intoxicating charm.

(End of this chapter)

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