Chapter 412 The peak powerhouse!
"Xiao Xuan!"

The two energy beings from the soul clan stared intently at the face that was extremely familiar to them, with horror and fear flashing in their eyes.

Although they possess the strength of saints, the man in front of them once stood at the highest level in that continent.

Looking at the entire Dou Qi Continent, there are only a few people who can rival this person.

"Xiao Xuan is powerful, but he is also suppressed by the Heavenly Tomb. He cannot leave the tomb at any time, but he can only leave the tomb once every ten years. But now, the ten-year period has not come, so he cannot show up. !”

One of them took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and whispered.

"In other words, Xiao Xuan in front of me is not here in person?"

Another old man in gray eyes flashed and said.

"I'm afraid it's just an image!"

The person in front said coldly, and he became a lot more courageous unconsciously.

"You do have some good eyesight!"

The man in green shirt smiled slightly, looked at the two soul clansmen in front of him, and said softly: "But you two think too highly of yourself. Two one-star fighting saints, I can kill them with just a flip of my hand!"

After the words fell, the man in green shirt slowly raised his palm and shook it gently in front of him.


As the green-shirted man's words came out of his mouth, the entire space within a thousand feet collapsed at this moment.

A pitch-black invisible giant hand suddenly took shape, and then casually slapped the two soul clan members.

"Bang bang bang!"

The giant pitch-black hand that was as large as a thousand feet lightly took a picture, and the land suddenly trembled violently like an earthquake.

A series of huge cracks spread out from the ground, and finally extended to a distant place.

"Why did this evil star come out again!"

Such a large formation naturally attracted the attention of some powerful energy bodies in other places.

"how is this possible!"

The two soul clan members looked at the collapsed space with somewhat dull eyes.

Even they couldn't bear such a terrifying palm.


Facing the giant black hand that was flying towards the collapsing space, the two of them turned around and ran away.


However, their speed was not enough to allow them to escape smoothly. Under the giant black hand, even the space seemed to be shattered.

Therefore, when the two people's figures just flashed a hundred feet away, giant hands came with a bang!


The giant hand did not really bombard the bodies of the two people, but when the distance was nearly a hundred feet, the terrifying strong wind penetrated the space and fell on their bodies.

The next moment, the two men didn't even scream, but there was a bang and exploded into nothingness.


The giant hand blasted the two soul clan members to pieces, and finally landed on the ground. Suddenly, the earth trembled, and dust spread out. After a while, the dust dispersed, and a huge abyss of thousands of feet with no bottom appeared.

"As expected of Xiao Xuan, he has become an energy body. A single projection can instantly kill two one-star fighting saints!"

Seeing Xiao Xuan's attack, Chen Feng couldn't help but admire in his eyes that Xiao Xuan's energy body was able to draw a level with him without using some of his trump cards.

"This evil star is still so ruthless!"

The Blood Knife Saint looked at the two Fighting Saints who were directly blasted into nothingness by the palm of the man in green shirt, and couldn't help but swallowed.

In the sky, the man in green shirt casually dispatched the two Fighting Saints from the Soul Clan, then turned around and looked at Chen Feng, Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei.

Facing the gaze of the man in green shirt, the blood in Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei's bodies seemed to be flowing faster and faster at this moment.A smile finally appeared on the face of the man in green shirt.

This smile was not deep, but it gave Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei a sense of intimacy as if they were connected by blood.

"Xiao Clan, someone is finally here, and it's not in vain for me to wait for many years!"

The man in green shirt walked through the void, slowly came in front of Xiao Yu and the two of them, and said softly.

There was a hint of relief and relief in his voice.

"My descendant, Xiao Yu, has met my ancestor!"

"My descendant Xiao Mei has met my ancestor!"

Hearing what the man in green shirt said, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei quickly gave him the most solemn gift in the Xiao family.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Mei, very good..."

The smile on the face of the man in green shirt became even brighter.

The talents displayed by Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei were something that few people could achieve even if the Xiao clan had not declined a thousand years ago.

Moreover, what surprised Xiao Xuan the most was that Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei actually still had the blood power of the Xiao clan in their bodies.

"From the time you first entered the Heavenly Tomb, I sensed that the Xiao Clan is really lucky to have two of your descendants..."

"The ancestors praised me!"

Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei knew how influential the ancestor in front of them was back then, and it was probably not easy to get a good comment from him.

"Junior Gu Xun'er, I have met Senior Xiao Xuan!"

Xun'er on the side also bowed respectfully to Xiao Xuan at this moment and said respectfully.

"People from the ancient tribe!"

Xiao Xuan smiled, glanced at Xun'er, and said: "You, the ancient clan, did not fully abide by the agreement we made with me back then."

Hearing this, Xun'er quickly explained: "Senior Xiao Xuan, these are just a few people in the clan. The clan leader has always abided by some agreements until now."

"Your bloodline is very similar to Gu Yuan..."

Xiao Xuan asked suddenly without continuing to ask anything.

"Gu Yuan is my father!"

Xun'er said respectfully.

"It turns out she's that guy's daughter. No wonder she has a divine bloodline. She really is better than her best!"

Xiao Xuan nodded. Xun'er's talent was higher than that of Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei. After all, Xun'er was a few years younger than Xiao Yu, but her cultivation had reached the peak of rank five Douzun.

"You go back first. From now on, you can always exist in the sky tomb!"

Xiao Xuan looked at the Blood Sword Saint and said calmly.

"Thank you Senior Xiao Xuan."

Hearing this, the Blood Sword Saint was immediately overjoyed and quickly handed over his hand.

There are too many energy bodies in this tomb, and many of them are stronger than him.

However, now that Xiao Xuan has said this, those more powerful beings in this tomb will not dare to try against him in the future.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Blood Knife Saint was wise enough not to stay too long. He clasped his fists at Chenfeng and others, and then turned into a stream of light and flew away into the distance.

"Young man, you don't have ancient blood in your body. I'm curious, how can you cultivate to this point?"

After dismissing the Blood Knife Saint, Xiao Xuan asked Chen Feng in surprise.

Although even he couldn't see through Moro Feng's cultivation level, he was sure that Moro Feng's cultivation level was much higher than that of Xun'er and the other three. Even the two Soul Clan Fighting Saints might not be from Moro Feng. opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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