Chapter 413 The strongest clan pattern!
"Senior Xiao Xuan, this world is so big, not everyone needs to have a strong bloodline to be successful in cultivation!"

Chenfeng replied with a smile, his voice was very calm, and he was not nervous at all because Xiao Xuan was the top powerhouse in the world.

"There is some truth to it. The world is so big and full of wonders!"

Seeing Chenfeng's reaction, Xiao Xuan did not continue to ask.

He knew that Chenfeng must have many secrets, but Chenfeng brought the descendants of the Xiao clan here, which was considered a kindness to the Xiao clan.

"Follow me to the tomb. Because of the sky tomb, I cannot leave the tomb. What you see now is just an image projected by me!"

Xiao Xuan continued.

Next, Chenfeng and the others followed Xiao Xuan and flew towards the depths of the Sky Tomb again for some time, and finally gradually stopped.

At this moment, the surrounding area is full of ink-like blackness, and the surrounding light is extremely dim. Standing here is like standing in an empty space, which makes people feel confused and panicked.

"This is the deepest part of the Heavenly Tomb!"

Xiao Xuan smiled lightly and immediately pointed to an ancient stone tablet in front of him.

This stele stands alone in this dark area, lonely and lonely, as if it will last forever.

"This is my tomb!" Xiao Xuan said, pointing to the stone tablet.

That ancient stone monument, even after countless years, still permeates with an indescribable aura.

"You all, come with me!"

Xiao Xuan put his hands behind his back, and then slowly walked towards the stone monument. Finally, when his body touched the stone monument, it quickly faded until it finally disappeared.

Chenfeng, Xun'er, Xiao Yu, and Xiao Mei quickly followed. After a while, they couldn't help but feel a little lost when they looked at the ancient palace that appeared in front of them.

Unexpectedly, there is such a strange place hidden in the simple and plain stone tablet, which is worthy of the handwriting of the Dou Sheng powerhouse.

In the center of the hall ahead, Xiao Xuan stood with his hands behind his back. In front of him, there was a pool of crystal clear water, with blossoming green lotuses floating on it, permeating with a faint fragrance.

"Can you tell me about the current situation of the Xiao Clan?"

Hearing the subtle footsteps behind him, Xiao Xuan also sighed softly and said.

"Ancestor Xiao Xuan, the Xiao clan no longer exists, what is left is just a declining Xiao family!"

Xiao Yu was the first to stand up and speak.

After Xiao Yu said the last word, Xiao Xuan nodded slowly, without many other emotions on his face.

"I had expected that the Xiao clan would end up like this, but at least there is still some incense left, so it has not reached the most desperate stage!"

Xiao Xuan is very open-minded, and the current situation is indeed much better than he imagined before.

"Back then, the Xiao Clan's Dou Emperor bloodline was about to dry up. If the power of the bloodline dried up, the Xiao Clan would probably be destroyed immediately by some eager opponents!"

Xiao Xuan raised his head, with memories in his eyes: "The only way to replenish Dou Emperor's bloodline is to have Dou Emperor appear again, but this is too difficult. But back then, I was arrogant and arrogant. We didn’t think we would be blocked before Emperor Dou, and then, after discussing with many elders in the clan, we decided to burn the boat!”

"We used the secret method to transfer most of the blood power of the whole family into my body. I understand...that is the last hope of all the people..."

"But in the end I failed... I was attacked by the Soul Clan in the end, severely injured and killed..." Xiao Xuan took a deep breath, and finally there was a look of pain on his face. He had failed all the Xiao Clan members.

"Ancestor Xiao Xuan, that is the last resort. If the power of the bloodline is allowed to dry up, the Xiao Clan will also be doomed... The Xiao Clan will not blame you for this."

After listening to Xiao Xuan's words, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei sighed softly.

"The Xiao clan's clan pattern was not given by others, but was cultivated by oneself."

Xiao Xuan smiled and said: "I remember giving it to Fenyan Valley. The word fate is really unpredictable."

"This place is indeed the Burning Flame Valley!"

Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei nodded at the same time. They learned this secret technique from Tang Huo'er.

"Of course, the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire that you are practicing are still missing the last step. It is precisely because of the lack of that last step that you have never been able to cultivate the clan pattern!"

Xiao Xuan smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei suddenly felt excited and looked at Xiao Xuan expectantly.

"Haha, don't worry. I have been waiting alone for so many years, and all I have left is to give you everything I have. Naturally, I will also give you the last step of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire."

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Xiao Xuan shook his head and smiled.

The next moment, he held his hand, and a scroll painted with various flame patterns appeared in his hand.

"This is the complete version of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, and it also has the last step. If you practice it successfully, you will be able to successfully cultivate the clan pattern. Coupled with the power of blood, you will be able to use the power of the clan pattern. Take it to the extreme.”

"Complete Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire!"

Looking at the scroll, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei's eyes were blazing. This secret technique greatly increased their strength.

Next, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei practiced the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire here.

Because the flow of time here is slower than in other places, more than ten days here is almost equivalent to one day in the outside world.

Therefore, the two of them can stay here for ten years, while the outside world only lasts a few months.

"Tianhuo Three Mysterious Transformations! First Transformation! Second Transformation! Third Transformation!"

After reading the contents of the scroll, Xiao Yu suddenly formed hand seals with lightning speed, and the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire were fully activated in just a few seconds.

At the same time, the aura in her body suddenly surged.

The scorching and violent fighting spirit was running rapidly in her body. The hot temperature slowly penetrated out and finally invaded the blood vessels. With the penetration of these high temperatures, the blood flowing in the blood vessels suddenly accelerated. .

Xiao Yu could sense at this moment that there seemed to be a strange power that was rapidly traveling through his blood vessels. Looking at its destination, it was evident that it was between his eyebrows.

Between the eyebrows, a little brilliance gradually shimmered, and faintly, a natural line slowly emerged, and immediately after this line, there seemed to be other lines following closely.

Watching Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei start to practice their clan patterns, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little envious.

The Xiao Clan's Clan Pattern is not as simple and easy to obtain as other tribes because it relies on cultivation. Therefore, the Xiao Clan's Clan Pattern is also the most powerful. When it is turned on, it will increase the strength greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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