Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 414 The teleportation talisman of all realms!

Chapter 414 The teleportation talisman of all realms!

In the Sky Tomb, time passed very slowly. Although Chenfeng and the others had entered for nearly a month, only five days had passed in the outside world.

"Xun'er, will you continue to stay here, or will you go out with me?"

Chen Feng stood up and said slowly.

"Get out!"

For Xun'er, she didn't particularly care what she was practicing for. Moreover, now that Chenfeng had mastered the method of entering the sky tomb at any time, she didn't need to hurry up.

"Well, in that case, let's go back!"

Chenfeng smiled, then took Xun'er and used the space conversion flag to leave the tomb where Xiao Xuan was.

"This young man has so many secrets... It seems that it is not that simple for the Soul Clan to unify the continent!"

Xiao Xuan looked at the place where Chenfeng and Xun'er disappeared, with a strange look in his eyes, and murmured in his heart.


This time, following his trip to the ancient world, Yao Chen revealed the powerful cultivation of the Four-Star Fighting Saint.

After those people left the ancient world, the news spread completely. After hearing the news, many forces in the mainland and strong casual cultivators were extremely shocked.

The four-star Dou Sheng strongman can be said to be a strong man standing at the top in today's Dou Qi Continent.

Originally, Xingyun Pavilion had already attracted many strong casual cultivators, but this time, its prestige was even greater.

A four-star Dou Sheng strongman is also a well-known alchemist in the mainland. With such a brand name, many strong men and young people come to Xingyun Pavilion every day, wanting to join Xingyun Pavilion.

In just half a month, the basic strength of Xingyun Pavilion has doubled. Among them, there are more than 100 strong Dou Zong people, and there are thousands of Dou Zong practitioners. Such a force has long been crushed. Apart from the Hua Sect and Tian Ming Sect, in the eyes of outsiders, even the Dan Pagoda cannot produce so many strong men.

Of course, the number of these powerful Dou Zun masters is still a little less than that of the Soul Palace, which has many outsourced personnel.

There are dozens of branch halls in the Soul Palace. Some small branch halls will be stationed by less than five powerful Dou Zun warriors. The number of large branch halls is even greater. In terms of basic strength, in addition to those ancient races and powerful Warcraft families on the mainland, , basically no force surpasses Soul Palace.

"That Medicine Saint actually has such strength. It seems that when the human palace was massacred before, the murderer was probably this Medicine Saint!"

"Damn it, this person is so brave, he actually dares to go against our Soul Palace!"

Among the three Tiangang halls of the Soul Palace and the Earth Palace, the deputy master of the Soul Palace immediately guessed the murderer behind the Human Palace after hearing the news from the mainland.

However, with his current strength, it is really difficult to go to Xingyun Pavilion for revenge. After all, Medicine Saint is a four-star Fighting Saint, and he is only a three-star Fighting Saint.

"If you want to take revenge, you have to take action personally from the Palace Master. However, the Palace Master is currently busy with the Pure Lotus Demon Fire... When our clan obtains the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, we will go to him to settle accounts. Then, there is no need to Don’t worry about the so-called clan appointment!”

With a cold snort in his heart, the deputy master of the Soul Palace had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart.


Time passed, and soon it was the past six months. In these six months, Morrowind's woman gave him many more children.

Among them, Danchen gave birth to a little boy to Chenfeng, and teacher Ruolin gave birth to a girl...

"Ding, congratulations to the host, three more children have been added, and a gift package will be given as a reward!"

"Ding, it's been detected that Mu Qingluan gave birth to triplets this time, the reward this time will be increased tenfold!"

"Ding, if the host's descendants reach thirty, they will be rewarded with a special gift pack!"

On this day, after Mu Qingluan gave birth to triplets for Chenfeng, a system notification sounded in Chenfeng's mind.

"Qingluan, thank you for your hard work this time!"

Chen Feng came to the room quickly and looked at Mu Qingluan with soft eyes.

There were three cyan monster eggs in the room, but Morrowind was not in a hurry to hatch them. The children had just been born and needed some time to warm up and recuperate.

"It's not hard!"

Mu Qingluan smiled and shook her head, reaching out to caress the three green eggs with a loving expression on her face.

Her cheeks were already otherworldly, and her watery eyes looked even more charming now.

"Qingluan, I haven't seen the pattern tattooed on your bellyband for a long time!"

The next moment, Chen Feng's hand suddenly stretched out...

"Ah, disgusting!"

Seeing Chenfeng making trouble, Mu Qingluan blushed and clapped her hands gently, but it didn't look like she was rejecting him.

Soon, the two became entangled together.

"System, open the big gift bag!"

After the battle, Mu Qingluan lay on Chenfeng with a happy face.

At this time, Chenfeng remembered to open the ten times reward.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for adding 1000 years of life!" [The current life span is 400 years! 】

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the Eternal Genealogy has increased their cultivation speed by ten percent!" [Current increase of 50.00% four]

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten Fighting Saint Ascension Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten miniature soul sources!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting one hundred Bodhi Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving ten cross-border pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving [-] Dou Huang Star Ascension Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten intermediate experience pills!"

"Ding! The above rewards have all been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to check the host!"


Hearing the series of prompts from the system, Chenfeng felt relieved.

The tenfold reward, even if it is something that has little effect on Morrowind, becomes considerable due to the accumulation of quantity.

Among them, the effect of cross-border elixir is even more powerful.

It can allow people with Dou Sheng cultivation to temporarily increase one star after taking it. People with Nine-Star Dou Sheng cultivation will be promoted to the peak of Dou Sheng if they take it. People below Dou Sheng will be improved no matter what their cultivation level is. to a high-level semi-saint.

With this thing, Morrowind's trump card becomes even greater.

"Next, there is a special gift package!"

Thinking of the special gift package, Chenfeng became excited again. Looking at the blushing beauty in his arms, he felt very grateful.If Mu Qingluan hadn't given birth to triplets this time, he wouldn't have received the third special gift package so quickly.

"Qingluan, thank you for your hard work!"

"System, open the special gift package!"

Chenfeng patted the snow-white patch on Mu Qingluan's body with his palm, and then prepared to open the special gift bag.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained twenty high-level experience pills!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained twenty copies of medium-sized soul origin!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a teleportation talisman to all realms!"

This time, the special gift package, like the previous two, still only had three rewards, but Morrowind was not too few at all.

When he simply heard about the twenty high-level experience pills, he already had a feeling of ecstasy.

Twenty high-level experience pills are equivalent to 2000 years of cultivation.

"System, use all advanced experience pills!"

Morrowind did not look at the Ten Thousand Realms Teleportation Talisman for the time being, but left the room, came to the retreat, and directly chose to use the twenty high-level experience pills.


As Chenfeng's heart whispered, his body was suddenly filled with an astonishing amount of energy.

This energy made even Chen Feng, a powerful Five-Star Fighting Saint, feel frightened.

Fortunately, although this energy was huge, it was extremely gentle. It automatically integrated into Morrowind's flesh and blood at a terrifying speed.

Soon, two golden dragons rose from the top of Chenfeng's head. Chenfeng's cultivation level climbed directly to the Seven Stars Fighting Saint, and at the last moment, he reached the late stage of the Seven Stars Fighting Saint.


"Seven Star Fighting Saint, I'm afraid there are only a few people in this world who can beat me!"

Feeling his soaring cultivation, Chenfeng took a long breath. At this moment, he naturally exuded the pressure of a strong man.

This is the self-confidence brought about by a sudden increase in strength, a self-confidence that can be arrogant.

In the later stage of the Seven-Star Fighting Saint, coupled with the cross-border elixir, he can reach the Eight-Star Fighting Saint in a short time. Coupled with his strong physique and some fighting skills that can be called trump cards, even the two Eight-Star Fighting Saints from the Thunder Clan and the Yan Clan can The clan leader who has cultivated in the late Saint stage cannot do anything to Chenfeng.

Next, Morrowind continued to use those intermediate experience pills. Although these things were of little use to him, they were better than nothing. In addition, they could not be used by others like the soul source, so Morrowind could only digest them himself. .

Finally, Morrowind's eyes finally looked at the Ten Thousand Realms Teleportation Talisman.

Teleportation Talisman of All Worlds: A portal that can open up another world. Which world you are teleported to is completely random. After reaching another world, you need to return to the initial position before you can teleport back to Dou Qi Continent...

"Teleported to another random world?"

Looking at the introduction of the Ten Thousand Realms Teleportation Talisman, Chenfeng's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. This thing shocked him even more than the twenty high-level experience pills just now.

Morrowind himself is also curious about the other world, but now, he still doesn't know which world he was teleported to. Therefore, Morrowind plans to wait until he is stronger before using this thing.


"The space fair is about to begin!"

A few days later, Chenfeng suddenly thought of something, so he called Medusa, the Little Medical Fairy, Xun'er, Nalan Yanran and others together.

Space trade fair is a rather unfamiliar word in Zhongzhou. Looking at the entire continent, only those top forces and powerful people can know some information about space trade fairs.

At the beginning of this so-called space fair, there was no specific organizer, but after all, no matter what happens, there are always checks and balances.

Therefore, as the space trade fair gradually expanded, a suitable organizer finally appeared.

The organizer is a team of three sects that are not very famous on weekdays to maintain order. These three sects are Dixing Sect, Kongxuanmen and Jianbaoshan.

In terms of reputation, these three sects are probably not as famous as Sifang Pavilion, but when it comes to their strength, even forces such as Fenyan Valley and even Tianming Sect do not dare to underestimate them in the slightest.

Above Zhongzhou, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The so-called one palace, one tower, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions cannot be the strongest force in Zhongzhou.

Some seemingly inconspicuous and low-key sects also have extremely powerful forces and strong strength.

However, because of the sect's style, it has not been exposed to the eyes of ordinary powerful people.

These three sects are quite credible in the eyes of the powerful people in Zhongzhou, and they are the organizers selected by many powerful people with vicious eyes.

In recent years, the space trade fair has become more and more powerful under the joint sponsorship of the three sects. Many hidden powerhouses are sometimes attracted by some peerless treasures that appear here.

Speaking of which, I am afraid that this place can be regarded as the most high-end trading place on Dou Qi Continent.

Because even heaven-level fighting skills are not extremely rare here. Of course, if you want to get it, you must come up with something that satisfies the other party.

Don't think about robbing in such a place, otherwise it will not only attract the three major sects as the organizers to join forces to encircle and suppress.

Everyone must swear an oath when participating in the space trade fair. Any troublemakers at the trade fair will be attacked in groups!
The real strong people, the vast majority of them, are still quite faithful to their oaths. Therefore, although such things have happened in the past few years, those who want to forcibly snatch them generally will not end up Good to go there.

And it is precisely because of all these things that the Space Trade Fair has grown stronger, attracting more and more top experts.

"It's about to start, Brother Feng, I want to take a look this time!"

Nalan Yanran smiled and said, before, Chenfeng protected them too well and never allowed them to go out for activities. Now, Nalan Yanran's cultivation level has reached the level of a one-star Dou Sage, such a young Dou Sage. A strong person can never be found even among ancient races.

A fighting saint is already the ancestor who can become the top force in Zhongzhou.

"I also need to go!"

Following Nalan Yanran, Zi Yan also raised her hands excitedly.

Finally, Chenfeng decided to take Nalan Yanran, Little Medical Fairy, Medusa, Zi Yan, Feng Qing'er, Cao Ying, and Tang Huo'er there.

Otherwise, if they all go, those jealous eyes will probably force Moro Feng to be unable to move even an inch.

These women of his are all stunning in the world. With so many stunning beauties gathered together, it would be difficult not to make other men envious and jealous.

The venue for the Space Fair is located in a barren desert in the north and south regions of Zhongzhou. On ordinary days, the wind and sand are raging, making this place completely uninhabited.

Moreover, the area here is barren, and there are no forces that want to scrape some oil and water here, which also leads to the desolation here. However, ordinary people probably would not think that even wild beasts do not want to step into this place. , is actually where the highest-level trade fair in Zhongzhou is held.

"call out!"

Outside the desert, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind in the clear sky, and immediately eight blurry figures flashed in the sky, and the next moment, they appeared directly on the edge of the desert.

These eight figures are naturally Chenfeng, Nalan Yanran and their group.

Within a hundred miles of their group, three experts at the peak of Dou Zun appeared. This shows the attraction of this space trade fair.

(End of this chapter)

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