"It is indeed the most high-end trade fair in Zhongzhou!"

Feeling the powerful aura around him, Chen Feng sighed inwardly.

Farther away from here, there are still the auras of some powerful semi-saints appearing.

But, to be honest, he and the seven girls he brought should shock others.

"Let's go!"

After finishing his words, Chenfeng waved his hand, and his figure flashed through the void towards the depths of the desert.

The roaring yellow sand storm along the way will automatically disappear when it approaches a hundred meters away from his body, and behind him, Nalan Yanran and seven others are also following closely.

The sandstorm, which was extremely terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people, did not offer any resistance to them. Therefore, in less than 3 minutes, Morrowind and his group of eight entered the depths of the desert.

Finally, they climbed onto an extremely steep sand mountain. Several people climbed up the sand mountain and glanced at the other side. They saw that in the center of the desert, in the depression of the towering sand mountain, there was a black hole in space that was as large as a hundred feet. It is slowly rotating, and waves of suction are slowly spreading from it.

At this moment, on the surrounding sand hills, from time to time, a few figures with extremely strong aura flashed down, and finally rushed into the space wormhole and disappeared.

To build such a space, Chen Feng and his party were not very clever in their methods. Therefore, they were not surprised. Instead, they moved up the steep sand mountain and in a few flashes, they were there. Appeared in front of the black hole in space.

When the eight people arrived here, some figures came around from time to time, and their eyes paused on the group of people. However, the people who were able to come here were not idiots, and they also knew what kind of people could come here. , so there are very few blind people who deliberately go to provoke people.

Next, Morrowind took the seven of them into the black hole in space.

Entering the black hole, the eyes of Chenfeng and others were dark for a moment, and then there was bright light and noisy sounds.

Squinting his eyes slightly, the world in front of him had transformed into a small town.

The town is not big, but when you look at the sky over the town, you can see that it is a gray color, and there are faintly violent spatial fluctuations coming from it.

"This is Space Town, the venue for the Space Trade Fair... Although the space here is not as vast as those in the ancient world, it is quite sufficient as a trading location!"

Chen Feng looked at the crowded street and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran and the other girls nodded. Being able to open up a special space as a trading place is quite a feat. Although this space is not big, it is not something that can be opened by just waiting for someone to do it.

"Let's take a look around first. There are almost no defective goods here. They are all rare and good things."

Chenfeng smiled, then raised his legs and walked towards a street.

On both sides of the street, there are some bluestone platforms. On the stone platforms, there are some scrolls, jade bottles, and even weapons and magic cores. The faint light diffuses from these things, showing that this is not Ordinary things, behind the stone platform, there are some figures sitting cross-legged, each of these people has a strong and long breath, obviously they are not easy to provoke.

As the eyes kept beating, a dazzling array of items flashed into everyone's eyes.

"This is?"

Suddenly, Queen Medusa's eyes stopped on a stall, her eyes full of curiosity.

Chenfeng and others also looked towards it. It turned out that there was a stone in seven colors on the stall.

This pebble was about half the size of a fist, and there were seven very clear lines on its surface, faintly, a special energy diffused from it.

"Nine-colored rough stones?"

After recognizing this thing, Chenfeng was secretly happy. He didn't expect to find one of the purposes of this trip so quickly.

Of course, to ordinary people, this thing is just a seven-color rough stone or an eight-color rough stone.

This is a mutated special spirit stone that has a lot to do with the colorful sky-swallowing python. It is said that only in the place where the colorful sky-swallowing python fell, there is a chance that this kind of colorful rough stone will appear.

The seven-colored rough stone that absorbs the blood of the Sky-Swallowing Python will produce an extremely unique energy, and this energy is a real tonic for the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python. It is no wonder that Medusa became famous because of it. stop.

"Do you want this?"

Morrowind stopped and asked.


Queen Medusa nodded slightly, with some expectation in her eyes.

"How can I change this colorful rough stone?"

Chenfeng asked the stall owner.

"Two eighth-grade pills above the three-color pill!"

The stall owner glanced at Chenfeng and said with a smile.

"make a deal!"

Hearing this, Chenfeng quickly handed over the two elixirs. Now he not only had Yao Chen, a fake ninth-level alchemist, but also Cao Ying, an eighth-level high-level alchemist. He took out this low-level alchemist. The eighth-grade elixir is a piece of cake.

Seeing that Chen Feng was so willing and did not bargain, the stall owner was also stunned. He grabbed the jade bottle in front of him and examined it. He was also a little shocked. After a moment, he frowned slightly and looked at the retreating figures of Chen Feng and others. , I don’t know why, but something feels wrong in my heart.

"It's his grandma's fault. Could it be that I got the wrong product this time? But it's obviously a colorful rough stone. What about that kid?"

The stall owner murmured in confusion, but apparently no one came to answer his doubts.

"Sister Medusa, what is the use of these colorful rough stones?"

Nalan Yanran asked curiously.

"Ordinary people only know that the place where the seven-colored sky-swallowing python's body falls has a chance of birthing a colorful rough stone, but they don't know that if more than a hundred seven-color sky-swallowing python's body falls in one place at the same time, then there is a chance that the stone will be born. Eight-color, or even nine-color rough stones, but it is almost impossible for hundreds of seven-color sky-swallowing pythons to die in the same place. Therefore, ordinary people almost only know about seven-color rough stones, but they do not know about the seven-color rough stones. There are also eight colors and nine colors!"

"As for the seven-colored sky-swallowing python, the real peak is not called by this name, but the nine-colored sky-swallowing python. However, in the group of swallowing sky-swallowing pythons, it seems that only the ancestor with the strongest blood has reached the peak. Passing this kind of state is a memory flowing in the bloodline inheritance of the swallowing python, and ordinary people, even you, don't know it at all."

Medusa explained with a smile, and then her nails scratched her jade fingers, and a drop of blood fell on the original stone. After the seventh colorful pattern on the smooth surface of the stone, another colorful pattern slowly wriggled out. .

"Eight colors!"

Seeing this scene, the other women were also a little surprised and surprised. Apparently they had never heard of this secret.

"But now that you, Sister Medusa, have entered the realm of Dou Sheng, even if this thing is an eight-color rough stone, it won't have much effect!"

Feng Qing'er came from one of the three major families in the World of Warcraft and knew a little bit about this secret, so she couldn't help but raise questions.

"Haha, the eight colors really don't have much effect on the current Medusa, but what if it's the nine colors?" Chenfeng's palm gently brushed the original stone, and in an instant, after the eighth color pattern, there was actually Another extremely thin and small line appeared.

"Wow, Jiucai!"

“This is going to make a lot of money!”

Looking at the crack, Nalan Yanran, Cao Ying, Feng Qing'er and others were overjoyed.

Queen Medusa's face was also filled with surprise. She didn't expect that even she herself didn't see that it was a nine-color rough stone, but Morrowind did.

At this moment, Queen Medusa's eyes were filled with brilliance.

"Haha, I'll deal with you after visiting the space fair!"

Morrowind pinched Queen Medusa and said with a smile.

Next, they continued to walk slowly inside. Space Town was not big, only a few ancient streets intertwined.

However, there are quite a lot of people in this town, and all of them are people with strong auras. If they were placed outside, they would be among the first-class strong men, but here, they are as common as cabbage.

After passing through several ancient streets, Chenfeng and his party did not stop for the dazzling array of items on both sides. They went straight to their destination and finally stopped at the end of a street.

This place should obviously be the end of Space Town, and the surrounding area also seemed empty, and it was no longer as noisy as before.

And here, an ancient attic stands here, and a sense of vicissitudes of life permeates the attic.

Outside this ancient attic, there are two old men wearing gray robes with expressionless faces standing here. They are like statues, their bodies motionless, but they still have powerful fighting energy fluctuations, faintly coming from their bodies. spread.

These two people who are just guarding the gate have actually reached the level of Six-Star Dou Zun. A strong man of this level, even if placed in Tianming Sect and the current Xingyun Pavilion, is enough to become honored guests, or in other words, An elder sitting in a high position.

It can be seen from this that the space fair here is of such a high standard.

"Not everyone can enter this ancient treasure pavilion. Only those with invitations from the three major sects can enter..."

Chenfeng smiled slightly. With his current status on the mainland, it was not difficult to get an invitation.

The next moment, Chen Feng flicked his finger, and a ray of red light flew out from his sleeves and shot towards the two old men. Then, it was caught firmly by the latter and turned into a red jade post.


After receiving the red light, the faces of the two expressionless old men also fluctuated slightly. Their cloudy eyes looked at Chenfeng and the others, then they bent slightly, waved their sleeves and robes, and eight black lights swept towards the eight people of Chenfeng, and then floated. In front of them was a jet black cloak.

"Most of the people who entered inside concealed their identities. After all, the wealth is not revealed. This thing is specially made by the three major sects, and it can defend against detection by others!"

Moronfeng smiled and immediately put the cloak on himself, covering his entire body.

Seeing this, Nalan Yanran, Cao Ying and others also put it on to cover up their graceful figures.

"Let's go..."

Chenfeng smiled, and then took the lead into the attic that was filled with ancient atmosphere.

Stepping into this ancient pavilion, Chenfeng glanced around. The attic was quite dark and ordinary in appearance. There was nothing surprising about it, and there was also no feeling of treasure at all.

Finally, they finally stopped in front of a bronze door. The old man who led the way also paused here, cupped his hands in the morning wind, and quietly retreated without saying any more nonsense.

After entering the bronze gate, he narrowed his eyes slightly. After the initial strong light faded, an ancient palace about the size of half a square appeared in everyone's sight.

There are many stone chairs in the ancient palace. There are many figures sitting on these chairs at the moment. However, these people, like Morrowind and his group, have their faces covered by black cloaks. No one knows the identity of the other person. identity.

The entry of Morrowind and his group also attracted some glances, but they immediately moved away.

"Haha, are you so curious?"

To these gazes, Chenfeng didn't respond at all. He walked directly into a row of relatively remote places, and then sat down on the ground. At the same time, he waved his sleeves and the surrounding space was slightly distorted.


While Chen Feng and others were waiting, a melodious and clear bell suddenly rang in this quiet ancient palace.

Immediately, in the center of the hall, a man with white hair and beard, like a dying old man, slowly appeared in the twisted space.

This old man's cultivation level is already at the top level for ordinary strong men at the semi-saint level.

His identity is the owner of Baojian Mountain, the old man of Baoshan. He has regarded countless treasures in his life and has a very vicious vision.

"Hehe, it's another space fair, everyone, stay safe!"

The old man Baoshan glanced around the hall, and his old voice sounded in everyone's ears.

However, no one in the room responded to his voice of greeting, and there was still a quiet and strange atmosphere.

Old Man Baoshan didn't care about this. It was obviously not the first time he had experienced this kind of thing. With a wave of his sleeves, the space around him slowly distorted.

Immediately, it was like a spatial prison, surrounding Old Man Baoshan.

"It's the old rules, everyone, don't mind!"

After finishing this, the old man Baoshan smiled, then stood on the auction platform in front of him, coughed, and said: "The people are almost here, so there is no need to talk nonsense, this session of the Space Fair, we , let’s begin!”

At this moment, everyone in the venue was looking forward to it. Everyone knew that the things that could be traded here would not be ordinary things.

"Let's start auctioning the first item of this space fair."

In the distorted space wall, Old Baoshan's palm touched the void in front of him, and a pair of dark white bone wings appeared in everyone's sight. Within the ancient wings, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

"Monster Phoenix Wing?"

Looking at the pair of familiar bone wings, Feng Qing'er's expression suddenly became a little strange.

The Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan attaches great importance to the bloodline of the corpses of their clan members. If anyone dares to use it privately, once discovered, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan will surely be encircled and suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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