Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

The last remaining picture of the demonic fire in Chapter 417, the ancient Bodhi tree!

"Monster Phoenix Wings, the wings of the Heavenly Demon and Phoenix Clan, everyone here should know how rare this is. If it is refined into a flying fighting skill, it will undoubtedly make it so that no one in the same level can compete with it." Overtaking you in speed is really a must for killing and escaping..."

The old man Baoshan said with a smile, he is not afraid of offending the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan when he speaks.

"The owner of this demon phoenix wing wants to exchange it for an eighth-grade elixir that has experienced four-color elixirs. After evaluation, the demon phoenix wing is worth this price, so if you are interested, please make an offer!"

After the old man Baoshan's voice fell, the hall fell into silence again.

The Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan has encountered many hidden attacks, but it is not surprising. The Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan members are full of treasures, so it is not surprising that some people try to take advantage of them.

In the main hall, there was silence and no words were spoken, but for this, the old man Baoshan was not in a hurry, and he still had a smile on his face.

"Brother Feng, please take off these wings. I don't want the remains of my clan to fall into the hands of others!"

Feng Qing'er whispered to Chenfeng.

"Well, don't worry, I will take a photo of this!"

After hearing Feng Qing'er's words, Chenfeng smiled and nodded.

"I want this!"

When everyone was quiet, Chenfeng threw a jade bottle containing eighth-grade elixir to the old man Baoshan and said loudly.

After receiving the jade bottle, the old man Baoshan opened the bottle cap and took a look, then smiled, then looked around and said: "Is there anyone else who bid higher than this one?"

The surroundings were silent, and there was no sound, and the old man Baoshan was not surprised. The original owner of the Monster Phoenix Wing was only around six-star Dou Zun in strength, and it was good to be able to exchange for an eighth-grade pill of four-color pill and thunder. If there are too many, no one will come to compete, after all, it is not worth it.

Seeing that no one spoke, Old Man Baoshan smiled, and with a flick of his finger, the demon phoenix wings in front of him flew directly towards Chenfeng.

Chen Feng grabbed it and handed it directly to Feng Qing'er.

This transaction is very simple, both parties deliver goods at the same time, but the things that are produced are all quite expensive.

This is different from ordinary auctions. Unless there are special reasons, most people will choose to give up when the items they bring out are far larger than what they want to trade.

Just like just now, anyone here who can produce more than one eighth-grade elixir of four-color elixir can probably pull out a dozen.

But after Morrowind made the bid, no one bid again. It was obvious that Yaohuang Yi was not attractive enough to them, which also explained the calmness of others.

"Next, let's auction the second item!"

Old Man Baoshan didn't write ink, and something flashed in front of him again, which was a pale golden scroll.

"The Vajra Glazed Body, a low-level fighting skill of the heavenly rank. This fighting skill was created by the glazed saint thousands of years ago. If it is cultivated to the peak, the body will be like a vajra, indestructible and indestructible. It can collapse the sky with fists and split the ground with its feet. A powerful fighting technique that combines attack and defense!"

Chenfeng was not surprised when he heard the introduction from the old man Baoshan. He had already acquired this type of fighting skill a long time ago, so he lost interest.

"The owner of this fighting skill wants to exchange for a volume of low-level water-based skills at the heaven level. Of course, if there is a good elixir, that is also possible..."

Old Baoshan said with a smile.

In the main hall, there are quite a few people who are quite interested in this volume of fighting skills.

Therefore, after Old Man Baoshan finished speaking, someone immediately threw out a light blue scroll, which finally fell into Old Man Baoshan's hands.

Old Man Baoshan took the scroll, looked at it, then raised his head and looked around. Soon, three more scrolls appeared in the hands of Old Man Baoshan. Apparently four people were interested in this Vajra Glazed Body at the same time.

Four volumes of heaven-level skills, which are extremely rare in the outside world, suddenly appeared. It has to be said that when you reach a certain level, everything you come into contact with is different.

Old Man Baoshan unfolded the four scrolls and looked at them carefully. After a moment, he slowly closed his eyes.

About a minute passed, and he opened it again, flicked his fingers, and ejected three of the scrolls back, and said with a smile: "After the selection of the fighting master, the transaction has been concluded!"

As he spoke, Old Man Baoshan waved his sleeves, and the dark golden fighting skill scroll in front of him flew towards the back of the hall.

Finally, it fell into the hands of a man in black robe, and he was accepted into the ring in a blink of an eye.


Seeing that the technique they took out was not selected, the other three snorted in displeasure, obviously feeling slightly unhappy.

Old Man Baoshan ignored it and continued with the next trade fair.

In the following auctions, the items that appeared became more and more dazzling.

From fighting skills to exercises, from elixirs to heavenly materials and earthly treasures, from weapons to medicine cauldrons, etc., each one is a good thing and cannot last long.

However, although these auction items were rare, Morrowind did not auction them again, except when a volume of poison sutra called "Tianyou Poison Code" appeared in the middle, and used two five-color elixirs to help the little girl. When the medical fairy bought it at auction, he never bought it again.

The so-called "Tianyou Poison Canon" was created thousands of years ago by a strong fighting saint named Tianyou Poison Saint, and it was of great help to poison cultivators.

And with the successful completion of the transactions of items that are extremely rare in the outside world, the atmosphere in the hall has also been seduced by these things and became much hotter.

Under many cloaks, there were blazing gazes shooting out, staring firmly at Old Man Baoshan in the center of the hall.

"Next, we will start auctioning the penultimate item of this fair!"

Just after completing the transaction of an item at a high price, the old Baoshan raised his head with a blushing face, looked at the hall, smiled, and shook his palm, and a piece of yellowed ancient leather paper appeared in his hand.

The moment this ancient leather paper appeared, Chen Feng also became somewhat interested.

Over the years, Morrowind has collected three such fragments of the map. As long as the last one is collected, the complete Demonic Fire Treasure Map can be condensed.

"Hehe, this is just a remnant picture, there is no special energy on it, but after our research, we have come to the final conclusion that this remnant picture is related to the legendary Jinglian demon fire!"

Old Man Baoshan held up the ancient leather paper in his hand, and with the sound of his last word, the eyes of almost everyone in the hall focused on the ancient fragmented picture.

The Pure Lotus Demon Fire ranks third on the list of strange fires. This kind of strange fire almost only exists in legends, and even some powerful fighting saints have never seen it.

Moreover, everyone here is also very clear about the power of this top three strange fire.

That is a truly devastating power, as if they are no longer under the control of human beings.

If anyone can obtain and control this kind of strange fire, I am afraid that there will be only a handful of people in the entire Dou Qi Continent who can match it, because it represents an ultimate destructive power.

At this moment, almost everyone in the hall was staring at the fragmented picture with fiery eyes.

The people here are not ordinary people, but to them, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is still like a legendary thing. They have only heard about it, but have not really seen it. Of course, this does not hinder it at all. Everyone covets it.

The more powerful something is, no matter how dangerous it is, it will always attract countless greedy eyes.

Although this residual picture is not the real Pure Lotus Demon Fire, if you can learn some information about the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and follow the clues and get it by luck, the benefits will be endless. "Haha, the owner of this broken picture wants to exchange it for some pills!"

Old Baoshan smiled slightly, then scanned the audience, and said, "Now the bidding begins, everyone please."

In the main hall, there were obviously quite a few people interested in this fragmentary picture, and an old and hoarse voice sounded at that moment: "Three eighth-grade pills of six-color pills and lightnings."

"Four eight-grade pills of six-color pills."


In the main hall, in less than 2 minutes, the atmosphere became heated with the sound of bidding.

And the price is also rising rapidly. Everyone knows that the value of a residual picture is far from reaching this amount.

But if anyone can really find the Pure Lotus Demon Fire based on this residual map, then these losses are not worth mentioning.

In less than 10 minutes, the price of the remaining picture was turned into nine six-color elixirs of the eighth grade.

"An eighth-grade elixir of the eight-color pill!"

At this moment, Morrowind directly gave a price that shocked most people.


However, it seemed that other people had the same idea and immediately increased the price.

"An eighth-grade elixir of the nine-color pill!"

Chenfeng directly offered a price that many people did not dare to think of. Nine-color elixir. Such an elixir was infinitely close to the ninth-grade elixir. It was really too scary.

Countless jealous glances came from the scene. Even the powerful semi-saints wanted to get the nine-color elixir, not to mention the fact that there were so many powerful Dou Zun people here.

"Okay, deal!"

Old Man Baoshan put away the elixir given by Chen Feng, and then flicked the broken ancient map with his fingers. The latter turned into a ray of light and flew toward Chen Feng over there like lightning.

"Haha, the last thing we have for this space trade fair is a piece of information..."

After completing the deal with Gutu, old man Baoshan smiled, looked at the audience, and said, "Don't worry, this information won't charge any compensation, but because it's a bit sensational, it's put at the end."

Hearing what Old Baoshan said, everyone present frowned.

Looking at the former with some confusion, what kind of information can actually make the old man of Debaoshan value it so much?

Sensing the many doubtful gazes, Old Baoshan also smiled slightly, and immediately rang softly in the hall.

"The ancient bodhi tree that is said to be able to make people become holy instantly, has reappeared after thousands of years!"

Old Man Baoshan said slowly.

His words immediately caused the entire hall to suddenly burst into an uproar.

Some strong men couldn't even bear the shock in their hearts and stood up suddenly.

The ancient Bodhi tree, if one were to rank the treasures of heaven and earth on the Dou Qi Continent, it would definitely be in the top three!

The ancient bodhi tree is also known as the reincarnation tree of wisdom in some ancient books.

This tree grows once a thousand years, and it will not mature until it has a hundred rounds.

Such a long time is enough for time to corrode anything, but the ancient Bodhi tree is outside of time. It is almost regarded as one of the most ancient species on the continent.

Legend has it that the ancient Bodhi tree appears once every thousand years, and every time it appears, it will cause a huge sensation on the mainland.

Ancient books record that there is only one ancient bodhi tree growing in the entire Dou Qi Continent. It has its own wisdom. Every time it appears, it will be hidden deep in the center of the earth, and no one can find it.

However, it will not appear in the world again until the next time is reached again.

Inside the ancient bodhi tree, there is a bodhi mind. Those who get it will turn their minds into bodhi and become holy, just by raising their hands.

This almost god-like effect is enough to drive everyone crazy. If anyone can obtain this bodhicitta, it directly means that he has a pass to become a fighting saint and reach the pinnacle level of this world.

Moreover, even if Bodhicitta is excluded, even a slightly inferior Bodhisattva can greatly increase the chance of success in being promoted to Dou Zun. Some strong men at the peak of Dou Zun may not be able to achieve it even if they work hard all their lives. At this time, a Bodhi seed is enough to drive them crazy.

Combining all these, the attraction of the ancient Bodhi tree to those top powerhouses has almost reached a point of madness.

It is conceivable that if this news comes out, how much commotion it will cause in Zhongzhou.

Although this news is shocking, it is not big news for Morrowind.

Now, he already has hundreds of Bodhi Pills. Even the ancient Bodhi tree will not produce so many at one time.

Moreover, the Bodhi Pill rewarded by the system has a chance of helping others become saints, not just [-]%, but a terrifying [-]%.

But even so, Chenfeng still wanted to give it a try. Even if he couldn't leave the ancient Bodhi tree behind, he still wanted to leave the Bodhicitta behind.

In the center of the hall, Old Man Baoshan smiled when he saw everyone who was shocked by his news.

Even he was extremely moved by this ancient Bodhi tree. If the place where it was born was not too dangerous, he almost couldn't help but want to take people there to hunt for treasures.

"Old Baoshan, do you know where the ancient bodhi tree was born?"

The shock in the hall lasted for a while, and finally someone asked first.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone, since I said it, I won't hide my stupidity!"

Old Man Baoshan also understood what these guys were thinking, and naturally he would not make a joke about it. He immediately smiled and said: "Everyone is familiar with the place where the ancient Bodhi tree was born, that is, it is located on the northeastern border of Zhongzhou. The ancient wilderness of the wilderness."

"Reckless Ancient Territory?"

Hearing these words, there were exclamations of surprise in the hall immediately.

The Wilderness Ancient Territory is almost the oldest place on the Dou Qi Continent, and at the same time, it is also a forbidden land for all humans.

There, the weather was bad, poisonous miasma filled the air, and there were even more ferocious beasts. Most of these ferocious beasts were handed down directly from ancient times and were very ferocious.

(End of this chapter)

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