Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 418 The tide of heaven and earth, the demon fire comes to the world!

The monsters in the ancient wilderness are bloodthirsty and violent. Although their intelligence is not high, their power is extremely terrifying.

Even if a strong man at the peak of Dou Zun goes in, he may not be able to say that he can come out alive smoothly. This is a fact provided by countless years of bloody lessons.

Because there used to be quite a few strong people who wanted to enter it to hunt for treasures, but in the end, they all lost their news. Among them, there are many famous top powerhouses in Zhongzhou.

And as more and more strong men disappeared in the wild ancient land, this also led to the growing reputation of this place.

After arriving, almost no one dared to set foot in it anymore. Coupled with the remote location, this once dangerous place has faded into some people's memories.

However, no one expected that the place where the ancient bodhi tree was born this time would actually be in this ancient wilderness!
Judging from the power of Baoshan and the other two major sects, entering the Wilderness Ancient Territory is seeking death. The reason why they released the news is to attract more people to enter, and then they can fish in troubled waters.

"Hehe, every time the ancient Bodhi tree is born, it will trigger the visions of heaven and earth. Within this month, everyone should gradually feel it, and then they will know that what the old man said is true."

Old Baoshan said with a smile: "The information has been given to everyone, and this time the space fair has also ended successfully. Thank you for your support again."

In the hall, the atmosphere was quiet for a while, and people got up one after another, and then exited towards the hall.

"Let's go!"

Morrowind also left with a few girls around him. What he gained this time was pretty good. He collected the remains of the demon fire map and got the nine-color rough stone for Medusa.

With that thing, Medusa's future cultivation progress will be very rapid.

After coming out of the space fair, a very interesting thing happened.

Three old guys who were at the peak of Dou Zun's cultivation actually dared to block and rob Chenfeng.

Before they could finish their words, they were patted into pieces by Morrowind.


"It's time to put the ancient map together!"

Returning to the Wind Realm, Chenfeng touched the ring with his finger, and pieces of broken ancient pictures flew out, finally floating in front of him.

Looking at these fragmentary ancient pictures that looked extremely ancient, Chen Feng carefully pieced these broken ancient pictures together according to the traces of the lines.

As time passed, a complete ancient picture gradually appeared under the gazes of Chenfeng and others.

On the complete ancient map, a landscape pattern appears, but this so-called pattern is also quite ordinary, and there is no exact goal or route.

It looks like a random landscape painting.


Seeing this scene, Cao Ying, Zi Yan and others next to them all looked astonished.

"Is the Demon Fire Remnant Picture such a useless thing?" Cao Ying asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry, this ancient picture is extremely old. It cannot be deliberately playing tricks on people. There must be a secret in it. Ying'er, use your strange fire to burn it..."

Morrowind smiled and shook his head.

Hearing this, Cao Ying was also thoughtful. Since this is the remains of the demon fire, it is probably related to the flame.

"Let me try!"

As soon as the words fell, a ball of strange fire suddenly rose up in Cao Ying's palm, directly sweeping Gu Tu into it.

"It seems that this ancient picture cannot be burned!"

Cao Ying said in surprise.

Hearing this, the other people also looked into the flames, and they saw that no matter how Cao Ying's strange fire burned, the ancient map that seemed to be torn apart at first showed no sign of turning into ashes.

"Increase the firepower!"

Chenfeng smiled and said, Cao Ying's strange fire is a fusion of four different fires. It is powerful enough to burn mountains and boil seas, so it will definitely be useful. "Huhu..."

The flames were burning fiercely, and the scorching temperature distorted the space here.

As the flames became more and more intense, the lines on the ancient map slowly became brighter, as if they were about to burst out of the map.

At a certain moment, the ancient map suddenly trembled, and the lines jumped directly from the ancient map.

Finally, it turned into a series of ancient words, suspended in the air in front of everyone.


Nine stars in one.

Heaven and earth tides.

The demon fire came to the world.

"What does it mean?"

Cao Ying was confused and didn't quite understand the meaning.

"Double moons appear together, and nine stars form one. It is a special landscape of heaven and earth. This landscape only appears once in a thousand years. The tides of heaven and earth are a strange phenomenon caused by this landscape of heaven and earth... The last sentence means that in On the day when the tide of heaven and earth appears, the pure lotus demon fire will also come to the world!"

Morrowind explained with a smile.

"We only meet once in a thousand years? Then by then, everyone in the world will know that this picture seems to be meaningless!"

Cao Ying questioned.

"Since the Pure Lotus Demon Saint left this thing behind, it must be useful!"

Chenfeng shook his head again. There were some things that he couldn't explain clearly, otherwise he would be too evil.

"All right!"

Cao Ying nodded slightly, then glanced at the ancient picture that was still motionless in the flames, and put her palm into it, trying to take it out.

However, the moment her palm touched the ancient picture, the demon lotus pattern on the ancient picture suddenly squirmed and turned into a beam of electricity like a living thing, which shot directly into the center of Cao Ying's eyebrows. among.


The sudden change caused the expressions of Zi Yan, Nalan Yanran, Yun Yun and others on the side to change drastically.

This ancient picture was too weird, and they didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"do not worry!"

Seeing this, Chenfeng hurriedly spoke out to comfort Cao Ying and the others.

Cao Ying calmed down, used her soul power, and frantically scanned the center of her eyebrows. Under her scanning, she soon discovered that a ball of light the size of a fist was quietly floating in the center of her eyebrows. With.

Cao Ying can say with certainty that this light group does not belong to her, and she has never felt the existence of such a thing before. It is obvious that this thing just shot into the ancient map. The foreign object between his eyebrows.

Just when Cao Ying was about to use her soul power to wrap it up, a white light suddenly shot out from the light group, like lightning, directly hitting Cao Ying's soul!
The seemingly weak white light penetrated Cao Ying's soul defense without any hindrance.

"Brother Feng, is this thing really okay?" Cao Ying asked with some worry. After all, the soul is too important.

"It's okay, this thing won't cause danger!"

Chenfeng gave Cao Ying a reassuring smile.

(End of this chapter)

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